48 hours to save the country – what you missed at our final election rally

Tim Farron, Layla Moran and Vince Cable spoke at our last rally of the EU elections in London this evening. And they were joined by a special guest – Andrew MacKinlay, former Labour MP for Thurrock. 

Read their barnstorming speeches and catch up on the action here:


What you do in the last few hours matters massively.

It is about Britain being part of the biggest peace process in the world.

If we do well in these elections, it changes everything.

The narrative, the story changes. It is no longer the story of how we deliver Brexit, it is the story of how we stop Brexit.

In the last four years, we have saved this party. We have 48 hours to save this country.

I am here so I can say to my children that I did everything I could to save this country.

Be a patriot. Vote Liberal Democrat.

I did my best for you – and we won.

That is in touching distance in the next 48 hours

If you vote Liberal Democrat you can change the story. If you change the story you can change the future of this country.

It is easy to mistake the patriot and the nationalist. A patriot loves their country. A nationalist hates their neighbour.

Be a patriot. Vote Liberal Democrat.

Across the country, we are coming across people who have never voted Lib Dem before, because of the passion of our message and the credibility of our cause.

Every time someone tweets that they are voting Labour or Tory, think how much it would take for you to not vote for the party you love.

But there are things that change.

Here is a parliamentary colleague, Andrew MacKinlay, who did just this.


After Christmas last year, I let my membership of the Labour Party lapse after 52 years, 18 of which was as an MP.

I made a similar decision when I resigned from Parliament 9 years ago, I decided to resign from frontline politics.

Until that result in June 2016.

I was not prepared to acquiesce in silence in a show of national self-destruction.

Against the backdrop of that vote being orchestrated, funded by people of whom we know very little.

Month after month, I waited with bated breath for the official opposition to demand a People’ Vote.

But we waited in vain.

What is Jeremy Corbyn’s problem with a People’s Vote?

It seems to me common sense.

We make decisions all the time and then change our minds.

We’ve instructed surveyors and architects only to find rotting in the attic, or Ofsted says the school we’re looking at isn’t great.

Sensible people have the opinion to back out.

The British people are entitled to think again.

I’m tired of waking up and listening to Barry Gardiner and Emily Thornberry with the words ‘let me be clear’ and then never be clear.

What is Jeremy Corbyn’s problem with a People’s Vote?

It’s hardly surprising; they are led and appointed by Jeremy Corbyn, who just a few hours after the ref was demanding that the Article 50 letter was sent, showing ignorance of what was at stake.

Even up to Sunday morning, I was hoping for the Labour party to back a People’s Vote.

Proud Europeans, it is now make your mind up time.

The position of the Labour Party is incoherent, inconsistent.

The only vehicle to support this Thursday are the Lib Dems.

I invite those Labour voters to reflect with me – there is now an opportunity to strike out and to get that realignment of the centre-left.

To say, I believe in Europe. I don’t want to apologise for Europe. But I want to proclaim it as a force for good, for the arts, for employment rights, for conflict minimisation and conflict reconciliation, including in our own neighbourhood across the Irish Sea.


This time two years ago, when the snap election was called, I was utterly convinced I was not going to be elected.

I’d decided I was going to step back from politics.

I’d gotten a job offer as a deputy head, and I told my to-be boss that “if you want to make some money, bet against me – there is no way in hell I am going to overturn a ten thousand Conservative majority in one go.”

But I did.

People now think that my constituency, Oxford West and Abingdon is a haven of pro-European voters. It’s really not though. We have dyed-in-the-wool leavers – like much of the country.

It was where Tim Farron met a Leaver on the campaign trail and they discussed their differences. They ended up hugging it out.
Because we’re all exhausted by Brexit. We all want to just make it stop.

I’m full of nostalgia today. I’m wearing the same dress I wore to launch the People’s Vote campaign.

Because us Liberal Democrats – we’ve been there from the beginning.

We were a lone voice in June 2016, in the aftermath of the referendum result, when we called for a People’s Vote. We didn’t do it because it was popular. We did it to stay true to our pro-European values.

And we’ve never wavered.

Theresa May says we’ve already had a referendum. She forgets that the referendum had less than 2% between the result. She forgets that a year later we had a general election – one that delivered so indecisive a result that we had a hung parliament.

We were a lone voice in June 2016, in the aftermath of the referendum result, when we called for a People’s Vote. We didn’t do it because it was popular. We did it to stay true to our pro-European values.

And under her stewardship, the country has become more and more divided.

Today the Prime Minister said in a press conference, ‘look across the world at the health of Liberal Democrat politics’

Indeed, Prime Minister.

If you look, you will see the best local election results we’ve ever had – in Leave and Remain areas, in the North and South of the country, among men and women, young and old – every type of voter is saying to the two main parties, you are a disgrace.
The Liberal Democrats are flying high.

In Oxford West and Abingdon, we had LOADS of paper candidates that were accidentally elected a few weeks ago.

And if I had that conversation with the head teacher a few weeks ago, I wouldn’t have been able to say don’t bet against me.

I would bank on the Lib Dems to come through right now.

To the people waving EU flags tonight – I love that flag. I grew up the daughter of an EU Commission official. My parents live in Brussels, my grandmother is in Greece.

I am actively seeking my Greek passport because of Brexit. I don’t want to have to.

Because I am European.

We are all European. We deserve our place in the EU.

We have 48 more hours. Go out and campaign, in the European elections – not just for your future but for our children’s future and our country’s future.


Thank you to everyone that has been part of our European election campaign and our campaign to secure a People’s Vote. 

I want to take tonight to first thank Tim Farron. He was the person who made the brave choice three years ago, in the aftermath of the referendum result, to commit our party to a People’s Vote.

Since then, we’ve been the party of remain, the party fighting to stop Brexit.

Our European election campaign has been a journey, aptly described by the big campaign rallies we’ve had. 

The first, when we launched our election campaign and before the local elections results had come in, the press asked me how our party would be anything other than completely humiliated by Change UK.

At our manifesto launch, the press were slightly nicer, after our spectacular local election results. 

Although they struggled with our slogan – Bollocks to Brexit.

But I’ve checked and it has a long and distinguished history. It means nonsense.

I’ve been travelling around the country, hearing from voters. I’ve been mobbed by a hen party in Malaga, nurses in Liverpool, commuters in Birmingham.

Around the country, people are with us.

The stop Brexit message has resonated with millions.

And it’s clear why. 

Today, the heart of the British steel industry, British Steel is being put into administration, because they have lost their market in Europe.

In Birmingham, they are very worried about Jaguar Land Rover.

On Monday, the report on the health service came out. It is being hollowed out – there is a desperate shortage and the nurses we brought in from Europe are going home – because they feel they are not wanted any more.

Brexit is doing huge damage to our health service – that people thought they were saving.

It is extraordinarily sad.

There are also many positive reasons we want to get our wonderful MEP candidates elected to Brussels.

Around the country, people are with us.

There is an international climate emergency. If you try and tackle climate change at a national level it won’t work. You have to do it from a position of strength to challenge China and the other large polluters.

We stand together as a liberal movement against the appalling trend of populism.

We also want to work with our colleagues in the European Parliament and make Europe safe and secure in a dangerous world of Trump and Putin, Facebook and Google. Now, the EU can exercise serious discipline, we need to stand up to bullying. The EU can do this when we can’t.

I am then debating Trump’s little helper – Nigel Farage.

There are some important things you can do.

Tomorrow we are campaigning in Islington – we are looking for the last few Labour voters in London.

After that, I am then debating Donald’s little helper – Nigel Farage.

Then we are campaigning. Flat out. Non-stop. For 48 more hours. Liberal Democrats are good at campaigning to the last minute. And you can be part of it – and help stop Brexit.

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Gibraltar’s voice must not be ignored in the Brexit debate

On Friday 17th May, I visited Gibraltar with our lead South West England candidate, Caroline Voaden.

Gibraltar’s part of the South West of England constituency in the European elections. We’ve always had strong support there, receiving over 67% of the vote there last time around in 2014.

We’re set for a strong result – sending both Caroline Voaden and Anthony Hook, our first and second South West candidates, to the European Parliament

Voters in Gibraltar are worried. Leaving the EU leaves them with no voice at the table – especially concerning at a time when Spain is making more and more outrageous demands.

The 33,000 people who live here could not be clearer that they want to remain British. Brexit puts their future at risk. 13,000 people cross the border with Spain every day – and can only do so because of free movement.

But the people of Gibraltar are an afterthought to Theresa May. She’s still trying to push through her hard Brexit deal, despite Parliament rejecting it 3 times.

Liberal Democrats demand better for Gibraltar. We know how essential our membership of the EU is for people living on the Rock. It’s one of the many reasons we’re fighting to stop this national embarrassment.

The 33,000 people who live in Gibraltar could not be clearer that they want to remain British. Brexit puts their future at risk.

The Conservatives are tearing themselves apart trying to push Brexit through. They’ve been aided every step of the way by Jeremy Corbyn’s pro-Brexit Labour party. The Lib Dems are the biggest, strongest party of Remain. We’ve been fighting for a People’s Vote since the day after the referendum – leading the opposition both inside Parliament and out of it.

Every vote for us on Thursday 23rd May is a vote to stop Brexit. We’re set for a strong result – sending both Caroline and Anthony Hook, our second candidate, to the European Parliament. We have an opportunity to send a message to Labour and the Tories – Britain demands better than Brexit. Say you’re with us – be a Lib Dem voter on Thursday:

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Labour are bragging about bailing out the Tories on Brexit.

Corbyn’s catastrophic Brexit strategy is plodding on. Rather than acting in the interest of the country, he’s working to stitch up a Brexit behind closed doors with the Tories.

He’s ducking his commitment to a People’s Vote. When asked today, he wouldn’t even rule out abstaining on Theresa May’s Brexit deal when it goes through the Commons in June. That’s voting with the Tories without having to say he did.

In fact, we did some research a few days ago. We found 29 different occasions that Labour has voted with the Government on Brexit.

We’ve had enough of Labour’s “constructive ambiguity”. Liberal Democrats demand better for the millions of Labour supporters who want to stop Brexit.

We’re talking to hundreds of thousands of people across the UK. We’re telling them the truth – Labour is a pro-Brexit party. We’ve put together a dossier of Corbyn’s voting record on Brexit – have a look here:

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We’ve got more momentum than Labour 👀

There’s been a clear pattern emerging in recent opinion polls. Labour is sinking lower and lower – and the Lib Dems are on the up:

The response our campaign is getting makes it clear why this is happening. Labour is a pro-Brexit party, and Remainers have had enough.

They’ve started attacking us more and more recently. It’s pretty obvious that we’ve got them rattled as we go up and they go down:

But as you can see, it’s not exactly working out for them:

To the point that the most recent polls have us in second place above them:

The message is clear – Remainers can’t trust Labour. They want Brexit. More and more people who want to stay in the EU are switching to the Liberal Democrats as the biggest, strongest Remain party.

We believe that there’s no deal better than our membership of the EU. We’ve been fighting to stop Brexit since the day after the referendum result. And our line is totally clear – every vote for the Lib Dems is a vote to stop Brexit.

We’ve come a long way since the day after that awful result in 2016. Now, a majority of the public backs our stance of a People’s Vote. Politicians from all parties and none have joined our campaign. And on Thursday, we have the chance to send Labour and the Conservatives a message they can’t ignore – we want an end to this national embarrassment.

Say you’re with us. Pledge your vote to the Lib Dems on Thursday 23rd May and help us stop Brexit.

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New Resources for local parties

We’ve release a whole range of new resources for local parties, covering everything from template emails, digital campaigning resources, template press releases and recruitment materials.

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