Brexit has ended another Prime Minister’s career

This morning, Theresa May conceded defeat and announced her resignation as Prime Minister.

This will undoubtedly be spun by hardline Tories as a failure on her behalf. They’ll tell us that a true Brexit believer would have been able to do it.

But a new Prime Minister won’t solve Brexit. Neither will a General Election. Leaving the EU without a deal will cause our country untold harm and widen the gap between the richest and poorest in society.

That leaves only one way forward – stop Brexit.

The Liberal Democrats have been fighting for you – not politicians – to have the final say on Brexit for almost 3 years. We’re gathering steam every day.

We stormed the local elections, cementing our place as the biggest, strongest Remain party. And now we’re on course for a solid result in the European elections when they are announced on Monday.

A new Prime Minister won’t solve Brexit. Neither will a General Election.

Brexit was the end of this Prime Minister. It will likely be the end of the next unless they put the Brexit deal back to the people.

The Liberal Democrats are committed to securing a People’s Vote – whoever gets the keys to Number 10. Join our campaign today.

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Just 6 hours left to vote!

We’ve had an amazing campaign – and now it’s nearly over. You’ve got until 10 tonight to get out and cast your vote for the Liberal Democrats to stop Brexit!

We’re the biggest, strongest Remain party – and we’re on course for an amazing result. These European elections are your chance to send a message to the pro-Brexit Labour and Conservative parties – we just want it to stop.

The Tories are in a mess. They’re too busy fighting amongst themselves to do anything about Brexit. Theresa May’s “new” Brexit deal went down like a cup of cold sick across Parliament – the only sensible way out of Brexit now is a People’s Vote.

But the Labour party is fighting tooth and nail to stop that happening. Jeremy Corbyn has aided the Tories on Brexit every step of the way. He’s ignoring Labour supporters up and down the country who want an exit from Brexit – and they’re joining our campaign instead.

The Labour party is fighting tooth and nail to stop a People’s Vote happening

Our message has been clear: bollocks to Brexit. (Sorry to Nigel Farage for offending his delicate sensibilities.) Brexit is a national embarrassment – and we’ve been fighting hard to stop it for almost 3 years. I’m proud that we’ve taken a stand for the future of our country.

But now it’s down to you. Only your vote has the power to make a difference and send pro-Remain Lib Dem MEPs to Parliament. Stop Brexit – be a Lib Dem voter today.

Help us get the Remain vote out – let us know you’ve voted:

I’ve voted!

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I’ll be casting my first ever national vote tomorrow – for the Liberal Democrats

Tomorrow, my first ever vote is going to be a vote for the Liberal Democrats to stop Brexit.

Just in case the ‘Bollocks to Brexit’ campaign slogan didn’t make it clear enough; every vote for the Lib Dems is a vote to Stop Brexit and remain in the European Union. They’re the biggest remain party and were the first to call for a People’s Vote back in 2016.

I wasn’t old enough to vote in the referendum. I didn’t get the chance to make my voice heard. So tomorrow is my first chance to vote against Brexit. That’s why my first ever vote will be for the Liberal Democrats.

I’ll be voting to protect opportunities for young people like myself; to make sure EU funding can continue to reduce regional inequality like we feel in my home of Shropshire; and to safeguard our public services, jobs, and economy.

My first ever vote will be for the Liberal Democrats.

Any Brexit, whether it’s Labour red or Tory blue, will devastate our country.

Jeremy Corbyn and the Labour party can no longer claim to be the party of young people, or of those left behind by Westminster politics, or of working people. By backing and “bailing out” a Tory Brexit, they’ve abandoned us.

And the Tories? For the sake of settling internal disputes over Europe, they’ve risked the future of our country and enabled the rise of nationalistic, divisive politics from the likes of Nigel Farage and Tommy Robinson. It’s a disgrace.

The Lib Dems are at 19% in the polls – the biggest, strongest remain party. If all Green Party voters lent their vote to the Lib Dems in this election we could elect more remain MEPs who are committed to fighting the climate emergency, including one in every single region. The Liberal Democrats lead on green issues. Laws introduced by Lib Dems have helped to tackle plastic waste, air pollution and much more.

Any Brexit, whether it’s Labour red or Tory blue, will devastate our country.

Tomorrow, you and I have the chance to reunite our country and build a Britain that’s truly internationalist, open and liberal. Join me in voting for the Liberal Democrats, to help our country heal and prosper at the heart of a dynamic European Union.

It’s simple: you can find your polling station on your poll card or online below. You don’t need your polling card to vote:

Find my polling station 

The Government’s website has more info if you need it:

Find out more

On the ballot paper there’ll be a long list of parties, but you only get one vote. Make sure you put your cross in the box next to the Liberal Democrats. It only takes five minutes to vote.

It’s your chance to truly shape the future of our country, to stop Brexit and to vote for real action to combat the climate crisis.

I’m excited to cast my first ever vote in a European election tomorrow. I’m voting Liberal Democrat – will you join me?

Help us get out the Remain vote – let us know you’ve voted:

I’ve voted!

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Do you want to stop Brexit? Vote for the Liberal Democrats.

I’m proud to have been the anti-Brexit Spokesperson for a party that has been unequivocal about Brexit for three years.

Meanwhile, like many people, my colleagues and I have attempted to decipher Corbyn’s riddles and work out exactly what the Labour position is on Brexit.

Labour, Conservatives, UKIP, or the Brexit Party: they all want Brexit.

We’ve urged him to back us on key votes.

We’ve tabled amendments to give the people the final say on May’s shambolic deal, inviting him to join us in the voting lobbies.

We’ve marched on the streets. But all the time, we’ve been left wondering. Where’s Jeremy Corbyn?

And it’s not just Labour. Labour, Conservatives, UKIP, or the Brexit Party: they all want Brexit.

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We have GoD on our side in the European Elections!

1. Lord Heseltine, Tory peer

The former Deputy PM endorsed us in the Sunday Times. He immediately had the whip suspended, which as Twitter pointed out was a bit suspect:

2. Andrew MacKinlay, former Labour MP

Andrew was MP for Thurrock for 18 years and a Labour member for 52. But he endorsed us on Monday, slamming Labour’s refusal to oppose this Brexit shambles. He even came and spoke at our final rally last night – catch up here!

Catch up on our rally

3. Gus O’Donnell, former civil servant

Gus, former top civil servant and cross-bench peer, wrote for the Times to endorse us. He was very clear – we’re the biggest, strongest party of Remain and if you want to stop Brexit you need to vote Lib Dem.

4. Julie Girling, independent MEP

Writing for her blog, Julie said that we’re the only party with the infrastructure to send MEPs to Brussels who’ll make a difference. She agrees – a vote for the Lib Dems is the most effective way to win a People’s Vote.

5. Matthew Parris, former MP and columnist

Speaking on Newsnight, he condemned the Tories’ unceremoniously chucking Michael Heseltine. Then, he endorsed us and urged Remainers to do the same:

6. Michael Cashman, Labour peer

Lord Cashman’s endorsement was succinct, so we’ll let him do the talking for us:

7. Guy Verhofstadt, EU chief Brexit negotiator

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