Best. EU results. Ever.

There can be no doubt. This weekend’s results – our best ever in an EU election – prove that the Liberal Democrats are back in business.

16 brilliant MEPs.

20.3% of the national voteshare.

Beating Labour and the Tories for the first time since 1906.

Seeing so many of our hard-working candidates get the amazing results they deserved this weekend was an extraordinarily special feeling. My thanks go out to them and everyone who played a part in getting them elected.

My sympathies, too, go to those who just missed out. In Wales, for example, we were a single percentage point off beating Welsh Labour – who’ve dominated Welsh politics for a century. I am intensely proud of every single Liberal Democrat today. Savour this result; it’s been hard earnt.

Jeremy Corbyn must now listen to his MPs, members and supporters. He must now join our campaign to stop Brexit.

The results mark a sea change in British politics. We are the biggest, strongest Remain party. We are the real opposition to the damaging Brexit pushed by Nigel Farage and his sycophants in the Conservative Party.

But the Tories aren’t the only ones with lessons to learn from the weekend. The people have overwhelmingly rejected Labour’s pro-Brexit stance. Jeremy Corbyn must now listen to his MPs, members and supporters. He must now join our campaign to stop Brexit.

Our attention must now turn to Brecon and Radnorshire. Liberal Democrats are already fighting to give the people the chance to elect a new pro-EU MP – Jane Dodds, our Welsh leader. I hope you’ll help us get Jane to Parliament – whether that’s by volunteering on the ground, making some calls or donating to the campaign:

I’ll volunteer

Over 10,000 people have joined the Liberal Democrats since the start of May. More and more people are standing up to demand better from politics and an exit from Brexit.

We are the biggest, strongest Remain party.

What’s more, if you join as a member by 7th June, you get a say in choosing my successor as party leader. There’s never been a better time to become a Lib Dem – so why not join us today?

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World Menstrual Hygiene Day

Today is World Menstrual Hygiene Day. The date serves as a reminder that no one should be disadvantaged because of their period. Eradicating period poverty has been a priority for Liberal Democrats for over two years. We were the first party to lay a motion on the issue in Parliament back in 2017 and in Wales our Education Minister, Kirsty Williams rolled out a £2.3 million scheme to provide sanitary products to girls across primary and secondary school. The fight to eradicate period poverty wherever it exists is far from over.

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How do I vote in the Lib Dem leadership election?

So as you may have heard – Vince is stepping down. That means a leadership contest has been triggered. Here’s how to have your say on the future of our party! 

But who can vote for the next Lib Dem leader?

The answer is simple – to vote, you need to join the Lib Dems as a member.

Who’s standing to be leader?

Anyone who’s a member by the 7th June will get a vote in the election. 

You’ll find out soon! Nominations close on the 7th June. Any member of the Parliamentary Party can stand to be leader – Alistair Carmichael, Norman Lamb, Tim Farron, Jo Swinson, Ed Davey, Layla Moran, Wera Hobhouse, Jamie Stone, Christine Jardine, Tom Brake or Vince Cable.

How much does it cost to become a member?

The answer is however much you want! Membership starts at just £1 a month.

When do I need to join by to vote in the leadership election?

Anyone who’s a member by the 7th June will get a vote in the election. 

When will the new leader be announced?

Our new leader will take office on the 23rd of July.

Membership starts at just £1 a month.

We’re excited about what the future holds – our new leader is going to hit the ground running. We’re indisputably the biggest party that wants to stop Brexit, and we’re polling better than we have in a decade.

It’s a great time to be a Lib Dem. We had some amazing results in the local elections and ran a huge campaign for the European elections. Join us today, and have your say on where we go next.

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Your chance to decide the future of the Lib Dems

As you know, Vince has now formally announced his resignation, and, as your President, I am triggering the process for the election of his successor as Leader of the Liberal Democrats.

I’d like to take a moment to thank Vince for all he’s done since he was elected leader in 2017. He’s been a steadying influence when it was most needed – and that’s led to us gaining new MEPs (exact number to be announce tomorrow evening!) and almost 800 councillors. Thank you, Vince.

The time to join the Lib Dems is now.

The time to join the Lib Dems is now. Not only are we riding high after our amazing local and European election results, but you also get a say on the future of our party.

Anyone who joins by 7th June gets a vote and it couldn’t be easier to get involved – it takes just 5 minutes to sign up. Membership starts at as little as £1 per month and you get a huge variety of benefits such as:

It couldn’t be easier to get involved – it takes just 5 minutes to sign up.

  • Come to conference and decide party policy
  • Exclusive party training events
  • Discounts and deals only available to members
  • Stand for the party at local, Welsh Assembly/Scottish Parliament, Westminster or European level
  • And more – you can read more here:

Why join the Lib Dems?

Get involved today. Join the biggest, strongest Remain party – become a Liberal Democrat member now.

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Together, we have rebuilt the Liberal Democrats.

Last night, the British people finished voting in the European elections. The fallout is there for all to see, with the Prime Minister finally conceding this morning that she has reached the end of the road.

Our campaigning over the last three years has kept the cause of remaining in the European Union alive, and I now believe we have a strong chance of stopping Brexit.  When the votes are counted on Sunday, I expect us to do well.

I want to thank the volunteers who have made that possible. I was very touched while campaigning around the country by the enthusiasm and optimism of our members and supporters.

I will be proud to hand over a bigger, stronger party on July 23rd.

Many who kept going through difficult years for the party are now enjoying our resurgence as a major national force.

Our long and proud tradition of success in local government was revived this month by the best local election results in our party’s history. In the last two years, we’ve gained 780 more council seats and 15 new councils.

And membership is at record levels with a strengthening base of supporters amongst students and young people.

Together, we have rebuilt the Liberal Democrats. I couldn’t be more grateful.

I said earlier this year that the time would soon come to hand over the leadership of the party to a new generation. That process begins today: I will be proud to hand over a bigger, stronger party on July 23rd.

If you want a say in choosing my successor, join the Liberal Democrats by the 7th June. Membership starts at as little as £1:

Join now

Or, if you’re already a member, take a minute to ask your friends and family to join us:

Ask people to join

There are major challenges ahead. One is to win, finally, the battle to stop Brexit. Our campaigning has given hope; now we need to secure a referendum in Parliament, and then win it.

Another is the opportunity created by the conflict and decay within the two main parties to build a powerful, liberal, green, and social democratic force in the centre ground of British politics. We are now in an excellent position to lead such a movement.

As we do so, I am confident that we will regain ground at Westminster, with a big group of MPs and more influence on the national stage.

Thank you, as ever, for your support over the last two years.

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