Johnson’s immigration plan is completely meaningless

The likes of Boris Johnson and Nigel Farage like to talk about an ‘Australian-style’ immigration system because it sounds tough.

But as with most things Johnson says, it’s actually completely meaningless.

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Thank you

I have been hugely touched by the many messages I have received since the result of the Leadership election was declared on Monday afternoon. 

Thank you to everyone that supported me, and thank you so much to my incredible campaign team. 

I am incredibly proud of our campaign we fought – and know we made a huge difference to the party.

Congratulations to Jo, our new leader. I cannot wait to play a pivotal role for the Liberal Democrats under Jo’s leadership – and with us only 2% behind the Tories in the most recent poll, we have an amazing opportunity to change the future of our county.

The new Cabinet announced yesterday makes two things clear: compassionate conservatism is dead and we are heading for an early General Election. But before then, we have another election to win – in Brecon and Radnorshire.

With the Parliamentary numbers as tight as they are, electing Jane Dodds could make all the difference between a No Deal Brexit and getting the People’s Vote we need.

Jane will be an excellent MP for Brecon and Radnorshire. She is a true Liberal committed to the constituency and committed to stopping Brexit.

Will you be a part of our Brecon and Radnorshire campaign?

Come to the by-election HQ – we’re open every day from 9am-7pm
Volunteer to help our campaign
Make calls from anywhere in the world
Donate to the campaign

We need help now, as polling day is on 1st August. The Tories are throwing everything at the campaign: they don’t want to see Boris Johnson embarrassed so early in his Premiership. Whether it’s making calls or visiting Wales yourself, please make sure you help us win Brecon and Radnorshire.

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Hear from the woman who is standing to take Johnson’s seat in Uxbridge

In Uxbridge and South Ruislip Boris Johnson is big on words, little on action, and completely lost when it comes to listening. When I talk with constituents, three key issues come up time and again: Brexit, Heathrow, and Police presence in the constituency.

On Heathrow, his words were just sound and bluster, leading to disappointment for local residents

These key issues are invariably raised alongside frustrations that Boris Johnson’s words are meaningless because he cannot be trusted. Take policing, for example: in November 2017, Mr Johnson claimed he was ‘disappointed and mystified’ at the police station being closed in his constituency. Yet it was Boris Johnson who introduced the closures of 65 police stations across London, including that in his constituency, during his time as Mayor of London.

Heathrow is another case in point where his words were just sound and bluster, leading to disappointment (and that’s putting it mildly) for local residents. Johnson famously claimed on LBC that he would lay prostrate ‘in front of the bulldozers’ to ensure that Heathrow’s third runway would not go ahead. Yet when the vote came in 2018, he scarpered to Afghanistan rather than remain in the UK and support his constituency.

I have consistently argued that we must Stop Brexit

And speaking of Remaining, YouGov polls have consistently shown since mid-2018 that Uxbridge and South Ruislip is a Remain constituency. Once again, he refuses to listen. That said, it’s also hard to get the Labour candidate, Ali Milani, to listen. He refuses to talk about Brexit, and was a no-show at the recent People’s Vote event in Uxbridge (14 July 2019). Nor has he attended any of the marches (including Pride, for that matter). The silence is stark and revealing.

I have consistently argued that we must Stop Brexit and I stand with our new leader, Jo Swinson, in her unswerving commitment to do so. I’m also helping empower constituents to ensure their voices are heard at the forthcoming Heathrow consultation day (20 August). And I am collating concerns and evidence on the impact of Johnson’s closure of our Police station, advocating for residents.

I am the one, clear and loudest voice championing the Remain cause for residents

The wonderful people of Uxbridge and South Ruislip have been let down for too long. I am the one, clear voice championing the Remain cause for residents, and I will not let ego or petty political sparring get in the way of supporting people who deserve our assistance and who need a role model against soundbites, hate speech, and the cult of personality. Together, we can achieve so much and we will – along with that much-needed Exit from Brexit.

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Jo Swinson tables motion of no confidence in Boris Johnson

Boris Johnson holds no mandate from the public or Parliament.

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Boris Johnson CAN be stopped.

As I watched Boris Johnson being crowned Tory leader yesterday, I felt the same sinking feeling that I did on the morning of that awful referendum result.

But that despair quickly turned to anger as he rambled through his opening speech.

As our new Leader Jo Swinson said the other night – Britain deserves better than Boris Johnson. Britain deserves better than a divisive and damaging no-deal Brexit rammed through by a man who couldn’t even be bothered to write an acceptance speech.

All the pomp and bluster in the world can’t change parliamentary arithmetic.

His victory has felt inevitable throughout the contest. Few will be surprised by yesterday’s result. But he can and will be stopped – here’s how.

Boris Johnson begins his premiership with a majority of just 4 votes. All the pomp and bluster in the world can’t change parliamentary arithmetic.

With Parliament this finely balanced, every single vote counts. We’ve seen votes lost by 1 or even tied in recent months. Just 1 MP could be the tipping point.

Jane Dodds, our candidate in the Brecon and Radnorshire by-election, could be that tipping point. And that is where the fightback against Boris begins.

I’ve been to Brecon and Radnorshire regularly in recent weeks to campaign for Jane. She’s well aware of the national significance of this by-election. But she’s also completely determined to be a strong voice for the communities of the constituency.

Jane Dodds, our candidate in the Brecon and Radnorshire by-election, could be the tipping point.

This isn’t just about stopping Boris Johnson. It’s about electing another brilliant Liberal Democrat representative to Parliament. Polling day is just 9 days away – please come and help!

I’ll help!

Past Brecon and Radnorshire, we must fight for the green, safe and prosperous Europe we believe in. And we must ensure that the UK is at its heart.

Boris Johnson, Jacob Rees-Mogg, Nigel Farage – they all want you to give up. But this isn’t even close to the end.

Brexit can be stopped.

Boris Johnson can be stopped.

Let’s get out there and make it happen.

If you’re a member – now is the time to ask your friends and family to join. 




But if you aren’t – there’s never been a better time to join. We’ve had over 5,500 new members and supporters join in the last 48 hours – but we need you too. Join us today, starting from just £1 a month.

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