Another 5,000 new Liberal Democrats! 🎉

Since Jo became our party’s new leader on Monday night, we’ve had another membership surge. There are now another 5,000 Liberal Democrat members and supporters – from one newbie to another, welcome!

When I joined I was absolutely clear – there’s only room in UK politics for one strong, centre-ground, pro-EU movement. That movement is the Liberal Democrats. And I’ve been blown away by how warm a welcome I’ve received – I hope you’ll feel just as much at home as I do!

There is only room in UK politics for one progressive, centre-ground, pro-EU movement. That movement is the Liberal Democrats.

Boris Johnson is pushing for a destructive no-deal Brexit. Jeremy Corbyn, a lifelong Brexiter, continues to prevaricate on supporting a People’s Vote and has prioritised facilitating Brexit through an alternative deal. Thousands of people are joining the Liberal Democrats as the alternative.

So then, if you’re a new member – where do you start?

Do join the Lib Dem Newbies Facebook group! It’s dedicated to giving new members a warm welcome and helping them get more involved.

Join now

Your local party will also be in contact shortly – do take the chance to discuss how you want to get involved. From standing for office to campaigning for those who do, there’s plenty to do and every member makes a difference.

I’m proud to be a Liberal Democrat and I’m so grateful for the welcome I’ve received. Our support is growing by the day – I’m more confident than ever that we can stop Brexit. More and more people are realising we can do it – will you join us?

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First look! Spring conference 2020

We’ve just confirmed – Spring conference is back in York next year! 

Registration will later this year, but for now save the date in your diary: 13-15th March 2020!

In the meantime, make sure you are registered for Autumn conference 2019 – where we will celebrate our big victories in the local and European elections this year – and welcome our newly elected leader Jo Swinson! 

Register for your place here: 

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The 7 “burning injustices” Theresa May failed to tackle

“If you’re born poor, you will die on average 9 years earlier”

Inequality in life expectancy increased between 2012-14 to 2015-17 (the latest data available). In England, life expectancy at birth in the most deprived areas is 9.4 years less for men and 7.4 years less for women than in the least deprived areas.

Life expectancy

Life expectancy hasn’t risen at all in the most disadvantaged places (Source: ONS)

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Online ads and algorithms

This spring we ran a huge European election campaign – in which we ran our most sophisticated digital operation yet.

And yesterday, we elected Jo Swinson as our new leader of the Liberal Democrats.

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I am ready to play my part in the future of the Liberal Democrats

Well, that was close then!

Can I start by thanking you, the members. I enjoyed meeting you across the country, hearing how your campaigns are going and what matters to you.

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