Sarah Wollaston joins the Liberal Democrats

After very careful thought, I have come to the conclusion that I can best serve the interests of my constituents by joining the Liberal Democrats.

Brexit has not only sucked all the political oxygen from government over the past three years, but it has also consumed the funding and energy that should have been invested in local communities, tackling climate change and supporting the workforce and infrastructure of our NHS, schools and transport.

Just as we could and should have been benefiting from economic recovery after years of austerity, that has been put into reverse because of the march to No Deal.

There is still no agreement either in Parliament, or across the country, about what Brexit should look like.

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Welcome Sarah!

Our party is going from strength to strength.

We now have more than 116,000 members, as well as almost 15,000 registered supporters.

Our team in the House of Commons is growing too. A little over a week ago, we welcomed Jane Dodds as our newest MP.

Today, we welcome another addition to our team. Dr Sarah Wollaston.

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Boris Johnson is breaking promises to EU citizens. Already.

I can think of about 350 million reasons why a promise from Boris Johnson isn’t worth the paper (or bus) it’s written on.

The Government promised that the rights of EU citizens wouldn’t change after Brexit. So did Vote Leave – many of whose senior figures are now Government officials.

But now we’re hearing that if Brexit happens, the Government plans to make EU citizens pay to use the NHS.

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My first week as an MP

As I spent my first week in Westminster on my induction programme, in the forefront of my mind is that there are less than 80 days until Boris Johnson tries to take us out of the EU without a deal. So, of course, my first priority was to learn my way around so I am able to find Boris Johnson like I said in my victory speech:

Entering parliament as a new MP, the sheer size and sense of history of the place is overwhelming. Corridors that seem to go on for miles, walking underneath Big Ben, and working out which lift goes where is something I still need to come to terms with.

Boris Johnson needs to hear about the real effects his Brexit plan will have and he needs to stop playing with the lives of people across the country.

Part of my induction was a tour, learning which line I go in to vote yes or no and how to find the department to help me with tabling an amendment and a motion. But what hit home was being escorted into the chamber from behind the Speaker’s Chair, walking past the green benches and a real sense of duty struck me. I’m here to represent the people of Brecon and Radnorshire and give them a voice in our country’s highest body.

I wasn’t able to find Mr Johnson this week, so the hunt continues. But when I do find him, I’ll tell him in no uncertain terms that he needs to meet with Welsh lamb farmers. He needs to hear about the real effects his Brexit plan will have, and he needs to stop playing with the lives of people across the country.

It’s simple. Take no-deal Brexit off the table.

So there’s much to do, and now I know my way around, I’m going to find Mr Johnson wherever he is hiding. And then I’m going to do what I am there to do; be a voice for people in Brecon and Radnorshire.

I look forward to the work ahead!

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Celebrating Eid

For those who have taken part in Hajj, this is a season of new beginnings and Muslims across the globe will be taking time out to reflect on the significance of their faith in their own individual lives.

Sadly, we are witnessing a horrifying rise in Islamophobia which is often accompanied by exclusionary, right-wing nationalism. Islamophobic tropes are becoming commonplace and attacks on Muslims have been espoused by the man who has just become our Prime Minister. This is unacceptable. We must confront this poisonous rhetoric which, if left unchecked, will permeate our communities in the most extreme and hateful ways.

As Leader of the Liberal Democrats, I will continue to defend our country’s liberal values and will redouble our Party’s efforts to defeat discrimination in all its forms.

As we celebrate Eid, let us let us recognise the enduring and valuable contributions of Muslim communities across the country and let us refuse all attempts to divide our nation.

My warmest wishes to all those celebrating. Eid Mubarak!

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