Wera Hobhouse’s conference speech!

Wera started by talked about everything we’ve achieved in just the time since the last conference.

“Number of councillors UP

Number of MEPs UP

Number of MPs UP

Membership UP

Polling UP.

Is there anything that can stop us now?”

She then talked about the scale of the climate crisis

The Climate Crisis is the biggest challenge of the future and we have a moral duty to solve it

“The Climate Crisis is the biggest challenge of the future and we have a moral duty to solve it

Being a Liberal Democrat and being an environmentalist go hand in hand. She addressed the fraught political climate we find ourselves in.

“The rise of populist and nationalist leaders across the world directly threatens our democratic values.”

And spoke about how populism is thriving on environmental chaos and social instability.

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A fairer share for all

I’m delighted that Motion F10: A Fairer Share for All has been passed by Conference. It commits the party to a radical shake-up of how we look after the least well-off in our society – and I can’t wait to get started.

I’m appalled by the levels of poverty we have seen across the UK in recent years. Years of cruel Conservative cuts have left vital services strapped for cash, and people destitute on our streets. For too many people, there is just not enough support to get them back on their feet when hard times come around.

For too many people, there is just not enough support to get them back on their feet when hard times come around.

Liberal Democrats demand better. Our new policy:

Commits us to spending £5 billion every year to make the benefits system work for everyone. With this money, we can reduce the average wait for that first benefits payment from 5 weeks to 5 days.

Provides universal access to basic services for shelter, a good diet and access to much-needed digital and transport infrastructures. This makes applying for jobs less financially challenging for millions of people.

Would address the historic difference between regions and nations of the United Kingdom, ensuring prosperity for the whole country, not just South East England.

With these actions, we can end rough sleeping within five years.

With these actions, we can end rough sleeping within five years. We’ll enshrine a legal right to food in law so nobody goes hungry. And we’ll end inhumane benefit sanctions that make it harder to get back into work.

I’m a Liberal Democrat because I believe in a free, fair and open society. These reforms are exactly what our country needs. Everyone deserves the same opportunities to excel – and we’re fighting to make that happen. 

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Continuing the fight for Gender Equality

The suffragettes were fighting for women’s rights over 100 years ago.

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7 reasons the government didn’t want you to see its no-deal Brexit prep docs

To summarise:

Last night, the Government posted its assessment papers of the impact a no-deal Brexit will have on our country. And it makes for pretty grim reading. 

A no-deal Brexit could bring civil unrest, traffic chaos that stretches for miles and fuel and medicine shortages. And that might not even be the worst of it. But for now, here’s 7 things on the Yellowhammer document the Government is hoping you’ll miss: 

1. We’ll struggle to enforce our fishing waters. 

Nearly 300 vessels could illegally fish in our waters – and thanks to competing pressures on our border police such as smugglers trying to get past customs with illegal goods, we won’t have the capacity to stop them.

Fish will get more expensive, and fishermen will struggle to make a decent living as stock in British waters is depleted.

It’s no wonder Boris is so keen to import American chlorinated chicken.

2. Food shortages.

It’ll be harder to get fresh food into the country before it goes off – reducing choice and putting up prices. It’s no wonder Boris is so keen to import American chlorinated chicken.

Less fresh food means it’ll be more expensive to eat healthily – fuelling our country’s already serious obesity crisis.

3. Fuel shortages.

The Dartford crossing could become blocked up by traffic struggling to get through customs, disrupting fuel supplies into London and the South East.

It’ll be more expensive to run a car and take far longer to get anywhere – and that’s when you can find petrol in the first place.

4. Medicine shortages.

75% of all medicines in the UK come into the country through the EU over the Channel crossing. 

Read that again. Seventy. Five. Percent. 

The report says not enough stockpiling has been done to prevent shortages. So a no-deal Brexit will put lives at risk.

5. It’ll be harder to catch criminals.

The UK shares crime data with other EU countries. That agreement ends with no deal.

We’ll have no information on criminals trying to escape justice in the EU by coming into the UK.

6. Whatever this is.


This is a document describing how the Government is braced for chaos come no deal – so what’s so bad that it has to be redacted?

7. All of this will hit the worst off in society hardest.

The report openly admits that disadvantaged people will be worst affected by the mess of no deal. From food and fuel to vital medication, people’s livelihoods are at stake. Boris Johnson is throwing all that away to hold the Tory party together. 

How do the ministers of this Government sleep at night? They know exactly what they’re doing.

It’s an utter disgrace. How do the ministers of this Government sleep at night? They know exactly what they’re doing.

They’re neglecting their duty of care to this country to dance to Nigel Farage’s tune. They’re opening our markets, social services and NHS to the lowest bidder – Donald Trump and American corporations. 

And this is exactly why Brexit must be stopped. 

People have had enough of it. From building houses, funding our NHS and schools, to fighting the climate emergency, there is so much more that our country should be focusing on.

Nobody voted for this. They deserve better, and the Liberal Democrats are the strongest party to stop Brexit and fix our broken politics. 

Help us build a stronger society that protects our people and planet. Become a Liberal Democrat member today.

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Get ready for our three-yearly internal elections

Our three-yearly round of internal party elections gets underway when nominations open this Thursday (12 September), ahead of the party conference at Bournemouth – which is traditionally the opportunity to gather signatures on nominations. (A new online nomination process is also being trialled, alongside the old-fashioned paper method).

Our three-yearly round of internal party elections gets underway when nominations open this Thursday (12 September)

Every member of the party gets the opportunity to vote in these elections, which are largely online.

Top of the bill is Federal President, to take over from Sal Brinton on 1 January and serve for 2020, 2021 and 2022. This is a major role, chairing the party’s Federal Board, protecting and representing members, and acting as guardian of the party’s interests. Hustings will be held throughout the country during the two-month campaign, and candidates may raise and spend £20,000 campaigning for the job.

The party’s senior Federal Committees for the next three years are also up for re-election: Federal Board members (15); Federal Policy Committee members (15); Federal Conference Committee members (12); and Federal International Relations Committee members (6).

These elections will run concurrently with the Presidential election. There are no hustings or campaign budgets for committee places, but candidates are entitled to submit a short manifesto which will be posted on the election pages of the party website and on a ‘click-through’ when members cast their votes.

Members in each of England, Scotland and Wales will also elect one State Representative to the Federal Board.

Every member of the party gets the opportunity to vote in these elections

We are also electing our delegation to our European party’s ALDE Council (6 representatives – including one from each state and one under age 26).

Members in Scotland will also be electing the Scottish Liberal Democrats’ party committees for 2020 on a broadly concurrent timetable and using the same online voting platform.

Members in Wales will be electing the Welsh Liberal Democrats’ party committees this autumn, but their own rules may a slightly different timetable.

To all those considering running for these elections, there will be a briefing on Sunday 15th September at 6.15pm in the Branksome Suite in the Bournemouth International Convention Centre to guide you through the process so do please come along.

I wish all candidates the very best of luck.

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