Luciana Berger joins the Liberal Democrats

This is a moment of national crisis.

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Read Jane Dodds’ maiden speech to Parliament now

Thank you, Mr Speaker.

May I start by paying tribute to my predecessor, Mr. Chris Davies.

He worked hard for our local communities, raising awareness on the difficult issue of mental health and suicide in our farmers.

I thank him for his service.

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What’s going on in Parliament

Last night we defeated the Government on Brexit for the 23rd time in the Commons.

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Stopping the Shutdown

Parliament returns from recess tomorrow, and the next three days are crucial.

We know that Boris Johnson will attempt to shut down Parliament by any means he can.

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Read Laura’s speech at the Sheffield Stop the Coup rally

These are dark and frightening times for anyone who believes in democracy and internationalism. 

An unelected Prime Minister is suspending democracy to ram through a catastrophic crash-out Brexit

We have a Prime Minister who was elected by less than 100,000 extreme members of the Conservative party, who’s faced one day of scrutiny in his time as Prime Minister and who lays claim to be Prime Minister on the basis of a parliamentary majority which may no longer exist. 

And that unelected Prime Minister is now suspending democracy to ram through a catastrophic crash-out Brexit that nobody voted for.  A Brexit that will leave us all poorer, that will take away our right to live and to work and to love in 27 countries, that will put our friends and colleagues who rely on essential medicines at risk and that is making 3 million EU citizens who have made their home in this country unwelcome in their own homes.  I want to say that you are not unwelcome.  We value your contribution and we are so grateful that you are here. 

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