The Candidates standing for Federal Board

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Heidi Allen: Why I joined the Liberal Democrats

When I became an MP in 2015, I could never have imagined we would find ourselves in this position. Through the prudent and practical decisions taken during the coalition years, the economy was recovering and our country was on the up.

Coming from business, joining the Conservative Party seemed the logical thing to do. But two general elections and an EU referendum later, the landscape has shifted beyond all recognition.

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Heidi Allen joins the Liberal Democrats

I am delighted to announce that Heidi Allen has joined the Liberal Democrats.

I’m delighted to welcome Heidi to the party. She has been a tireless campaigner for a people’s vote and has time and time again put the country’s interests ahead of her own.

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Here are the people standing in the party’s internal elections

We havea fantastic slate of candidates who have received enough nominations to stand for one of our party committees. Find out who is standing here, and our commisserations to everyone who didn’t make it.


  • Christine Jardine
  • Mark Pack

Federal Board

  • Alistair Bigos
  • Anita Lower
  • April Preston
  • Belinda Brooks-Gordon
  • Ben Nutland
  • Candy Piercy
  • Caron Lindsay
  • Christine Cheng
  • David Buxton
  • David Craddock
  • David Simpson
  • Elaine Bagshaw
  • Garth Shephard
  • Gerald Vernon-Jackson
  • Graham Neale
  • Humaira Sanders
  • James Gurling
  • Johnny Corbett
  • Josephine Hayes
  • Joyce Onstad
  • Kishan Devani
  • Lisa-Maria Bornemann
  • Luke Cawley-Harrison
  • Neil Fawcett
  • Prue Bray 
  • Rachelle Shepherd Dubey
  • Rebecca Forest
  • Roisin Miller
  • Ross Pepper
  • Ross Stalker
  • Ruby Chow
  • Simon Clarke
  • Simon McGrath
  • Theo Butt Philip

Federal Conference Committee

  • Adam Bernard
  • Adrian Hyyrylainen-Trett
  • Bex Scott
  • Chris Adams
  • Chris Maines
  • Elizabeth Jewkes
  • Elizabeth Lynne
  • Joe Otten
  • John Bridges
  • Jon Ball
  • Joseph Toovey
  • Keith Melton
  • Nick da Costa
  • Rachelle Shepherd Dubey
  • Toby Keynes

Federal Policy Committee

  • Adam Corlett
  • Adam Pilarski
  • Alisdair Calder McGregor
  • Alistair Bigos
  • Alyssa Gilbert
  • Andrew Haldane
  • Aria Babu
  • Belinda Brooks-Gordon
  • Catherine Royce
  • Christa Wiggin
  • Christine Cheng
  • Dennis Pain
  • Duncan Brack
  • Gareth Shelton
  • Garth Shephard
  • Gerry Jerome
  • Helen Cross
  • Henrietta Bewley
  • Humaira Sanders
  • Jeremy Hargreaves
  • Johnny Corbett
  • Keith Melton
  • Mark Platt
  • Martha Okigbo
  • Michael Berwick-Gooding
  • Michael Kilpatrick
  • Mohsin Khan
  • Nigel Quinton
  • Oliver Craven
  • Paul Noblett
  • Peter Handford-Styring
  • Rachelle Shepherd Dubey
  • Richard Cole
  • Robert Harrison
  • Ryan Mercer
  • Sally Burnell
  • Tara Copeland

Federal International Relations Committee

  • David Chalmers
  • David Hall
  • Doreen Huddart
  • Farshid Sadr-Hashemi
  • Garth Shephard
  • Gary McLelland
  • George Cunningham
  • Hannah Bettsworth
  • Humaira Sanders
  • Iain Smith
  • Jonathan Fryer
  • Mark Valladares
  • Merlene Emerson
  • Paul Reynolds
  • Phillip Bennion
  • Robert Woodthorpe Browne
  • Ruth Coleman-Taylor

Alliance of Liberal Democrats in Europe Council

  • Andrew Mackinlay
  • David Chalmers
  • Florence Mele
  • George Cunningham
  • Hannah Bettsworth
  • John Elsom
  • Jonathan Fryer
  • Joyce Onstad
  • Luigi Bille
  • Peter Price
  • Phillip Bennion
  • Robert Woodthorpe Browne
  • Ruth Coleman-Taylor

Want to know more? Our internal election hub has everything you need to know: 

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