Candidates standing for Scottish Representative for the Federal Policy Committee

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Voting is now underway in the 2019 Internal Elections

Moments ago, voting opened in the elections for Party President, and Federal Committees (including English, Scottish and Councillor Representatives).

Yesterday, I visited the (very secure) printer in Scunthorpe where the 13,000 postal ballots are being printed and I’m happy to confirm everything is very much on track and I’ve spent the morning triple checking the online ballot and emails.

Fingers crossed, everything should go off without a hitch.

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We’re recruiting for Online Champions!

The Liberal Democrats need YOU!

A general election is coming, and the Liberal Democrats are ready – but as the news cycle moves faster and the debates around issues like Brexit and the NHS become more heated, we need digital activists who can help fight the battle online.

That’s where you come in. We want you to become part of the Lib Dem online champions community, where we’ll be sharing the latest news out of HQ in the hopes of spreading our bold, ambitious campaign online on social media.   

Whether you have minutes or hours to spare, your help can make a real difference.

If you want to get involved during this vital time and be a part of the campaign battle, join here.

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We need your help!

Here at LDHQ, we’ve gone into election mode.

With a general election and a people’s vote on the horizon, we’re working day and night to stop Brexit.

That’s why we need you to help us now.

Come and volunteer with the Liberal Democrat national team!

You can volunteer at in London or remotely and you can contribute as many or as few hours as you like.

Every minute of your time is a sledgehammer against the division and intolerance of Brexit.

We’ve got roles in every area for you to get involved with – from campaigns to compliance, press to policy, we’ve got something for you.

Volunteers are a core part of the team here – and they love to work with us.

Don’t believe us? Hear what some of our volunteers have to say:

“I can proudly say that HQ is fast becoming something of a second home”

“Everyone here is friendly, approachable and super supportive!”

“Volunteering at the LDHQ has been an eye-opening experience”

Our volunteers get to dive in from day one and make an impact on the things that matter.

This will be a once-in-a-lifetime election – and you can make a difference.

Volunteer with us

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Boris Johnson has named the date he wants for a general election. Bring it on.

The Tories have just called for a General Election on the 12th December – and we need to be ready.

This is our chance to kick Boris Johnson out of office, stop Brexit, and build a brighter future.

One of two things will happen now. Either MPs will vote for an election on Monday, or Corbyn and Johnson will do a dodgy deal to ram Brexit through and MPs will vote for a General Election in 2 weeks.

Either way, this is our chance to kick Boris Johnson out of office, stop Brexit, and build the brighter future that Britain is crying out for.

We have more members and supporters than at any time in our party’s history. We’re soaring in the polls. We beat both Labour and the Conservatives in the local and European elections this year.

And we can do it again.

This is the opportunity our party has always dreamed of

We have in front of us the kind of opportunity that our party has always dreamed of – and we have to grasp it with both hands. 

Every pound that you give now helps us plan our campaigns up until polling day. It means we know right now what resources we have at our fingertips to make the difference in key seats across the country.

Can you help us make sure we are ready to win big?

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