Game on.

The Early Parliamentary Election Bill has just passed the Commons. It’s full steam ahead for an election on the 12th December.

It’s likely to be the most important General Election in our lifetimes. And the Liberal Democrats are going into it as the only party that will stop Brexit on day 1.

We’re ready for this. We have an ambitious plan for the future of our country, where every single person and community can thrive. But we need your help if we’re going to win – and here’s how you can make that happen.

1. Register to vote.

I’ll register to vote

We have an ambitious plan for the future of our country, where every single person and community can thrive.

The sooner the better – it only takes 10 minutes and all you need is your address and National Insurance number. If you’re not yet 18 but will be by the 12th December – you can still register!

2. Get a postal vote.

Having a postal vote means that if you’re likely to be busy or away on polling day you can still have your say in our country’s future. It’s really easy to get one – you’ll get the option to sign up for one when you register to vote, or you can get in touch with your council to request one.

3. Join us.

I’ll join the party

50,000 people have joined the Liberal Democrats since the start of the year. It’s a great way to show your support – and you’ll get one of our lovely new membership cards, too!

4. Volunteer.

I’ll volunteer

Boots on the ground win elections. We’ll be championing our message in hustings, in the media and online – but there’s no substitute for speaking directly to voters. Just a couple of hours a week could make a huge difference!

5. Join the Liberal Democrat Online Champions

I’ll sign up 

Social media will be a key battleground in this election and we need to get our message across on it. Help us do this by joining Online Champions.

6. Donate!

Unlike the Conservatives and Labour, we don’t get huge donations from big business or trade unions. We’re supported by the generosity of people just like you – and anything you can give will make a difference. Just £25 could help us reach 5000 voters on social media:


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The truth about Labour’s voting record on a People’s Vote

Over the weekend, the Liberal Democrats introduced a Bill to amend the Fixed Term Parliament Act and hold a General Election on Monday, December 9th.

Our plan would take No Deal off the table, end the parliamentary deadlock, and give the British people the opportunity to vote for a brighter future where we can move forward as a country. Learn more about this decision from Jo here

The Liberal Democrats are clear: we want to stop Brexit. That’s why we have led the fight for a People’s Vote for over three years. Sadly, during that time Jeremy Corbyn’s Labour Party did not support giving the people the final say on Brexit.

While the Lib Dems voted in favour voted in favour of a People’s Vote 8 times and put down 18 amendments arguing for a People’s Vote, Labour have abstained on or voted against votes on a People’s Vote 6 out of 8 times.

The truth is that Labour is a Leave party. Thanks to Corbyn’s weakness on the issue, 19 Labour MPs bailed out Boris Johnson’s disastrous Brexit deal and has pushed us closer to crashing out of the EU. 

Even now, official Labour policy is to negotiate a Labour Brexit if they were in power. But Liberal Democrats know no form of Brexit is good for our country.

Corbyn has let down Remainers. He barely campaigned in the 2016 referendum, he has helped the Tories get this far through weak opposition, and even now wants his own Labour Brexit. The Liberal Democrats fight for Remainers and to stop Brexit.

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To stop Brexit, we need a General Election

After the chaos of the last two weeks, I am more determined than ever that we stop Brexit.

That’s why, over the last few days, our team in Westminster have been working on a plan to ensure we can do that. I’m delighted to be able to share it with you today.

There are currently two barriers to stopping Brexit.

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Think you can persuade two people to vote Lib Dem? Then you could be an election winner.

Could you persuade two people to vote Liberal Democrat? Could a group of you persuade 45 people? If so, then it could be you making the difference between adding another Remain voice to parliament – or letting in another voice for division.

In 2017, there were seats as close as two votes in North East Fife, and as close as 45 votes in Richmond Park.

Spurred on by the tightness of some of these races, a group of volunteers is organising events designed to show members how they will make the difference between winning and losing seats at the next General Election.

These events are aimed at new and old members like me – who are fed up with just sharing Facebook posts or shouting at the TV. Instead, we’re learning how to take real action and share our message on issues like Brexit and the climate emergency.

Using techniques from the Obama and Bernie Sanders campaigns, we’re giving attendees practical training on how they can help win minds, vote and seats by reaching voters on the doorstep. Research shows that of all the things we can do as members, by far the most effective is talking to voters face to face.  

Our briefing events will take place around the country and we want you to attend one. Our last session, hosted by Chuka Umunna, was attended by 80 people and created a real can-do enthusiasm.

Find your nearest event: 

Your nearest event

and discover how you can literally make the difference, and help us win more MPs in the next general election. 

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Jo’s Diwali Message

Today, we join Hindu, Sikh, Buddhist and Jain communities to celebrate Diwali.

Across the country, streets will come alive with dazzling light displays and homes will be adorned with extravagant decorations, all to mark the festival of lights.

As families and loved ones gather to celebrate the triumph of good over evil and light over darkness, let us all hold on to Diwali’s central message of joy, community and new beginnings. Our country’s strength lies in the rich diversity of its people and it is our duty to create an environment where people of all faiths, beliefs and worldviews are welcomed and embraced.

As we mark the Hindu New Year, let us take full advantage of the opportunity to embrace new beginnings and let us reflect on how we can make a positive impact in whatever environment, space and community we find ourselves in.

So, on this Diwali, I wish everyone in the UK and around the world a joyous celebration.

Shubh Diwali and Saal Mubarak.

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