You put pressure on Boris Johnson and Jeremy Corbyn to #DebateHer – and it’s working

Boris Johnson and Jeremy Corbyn are running scared.

That was the message coming across when ITV announced an election debate at the end of last week – but only between the two tired old parties.

This is a stitch-up by Labour and the Conservatives. Two men having a cosy pro-Brexit debate and shutting out the woman leader of the strongest party of Remain. It’s unacceptable, and we want to see it changed.

You agreed with us – over 35,000 people signed the #DebateHer petition over this weekend alone. Thank you!

In fact, earlier today, Sky announced they’d be including Jo in their own debate on the 28th November. That’s in part thanks to pressure from people like you signing our petition!

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Help get Jo in the ITV debate

I am livid.

It is unbelievable that the two Brexiteer leaders of the two old stale parties will be debating the politics of the past, meanwhile Jo Swinson the one leader who unequivocally represents remainers and wants to debate how we build a brighter future is left out of the conversation.

The leader of the strongest party of Remain demanding a People’s Vote deserves to be heard. You’ve already taken the first step towards making sure they #DebateHer.

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Read Sal Brinton’s letter to the Chief Executive of ITV

Dear Dame Carolyn

I am extremely disappointed that ITV are planning to exclude the Liberal Democrats from your General Election debate on 19th November.

Corbyn and Johnson both are pursuing Brexit and represent the two tired establishment parties. A debate between just them offers no real alternative and stifles the conversation.

The voters of this country deserve to hear from a Remainer on the debate stage, not just from the two men who want to deliver Brexit

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Antoinette Sandbach joins the Liberal Democrats

Brexit has fundamentally rewritten the structure and shape of our politics.

As the chief architect of Brexit, it has warped the values and principles of the Conservative Party most of all. It is therefore inevitable that politicians and the public take stock and look at the parties they support and assess whether they are fit for purpose.

I came into politics to fight for a one-nation, pragmatic and centrist Government.

When I was elected, I wanted to push for action to tackle climate change, protect our NHS and improve education.

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Stop Brexit. Build a brighter future.

This election is a once in a generation opportunity to reshape our politics, and give hope to the millions of people who want a fairer, brighter future.

That’s why, today, we have launched our campaign slogan: Stop Brexit. Build a brighter future.

This slogan reflects a positive forward-looking vision for the country, and to get the word out, a poster van with this message will be touring the constituencies of Boris Johnson (Uxbridge) and Jeremy Corbyn (Islington North) this morning.

Boris Johnson & Jeremy Corbyn are stuck in the past and the Liberal Democrats represent a brighter future.

Both the Conservatives and Labour are stuck in the past, failing time and again to build a better future. We have an ambitious plan for the future of our country, where every person, every community and our planet can thrive.

This General Election is about the direction of our country for the next generation.

The Liberal Democrats are the strongest party of Remain and we are ready to fight to stop Brexit and ensure that we can build a brighter future for our United Kingdom.

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