Unite to Remain agreement

As you will know, our Party has long been recognised as the UK’s lead Party of Remain.

Recently we have been working with the independent “Unite to Remain” campaign to maximise the number of Remain MPs elected in this snap General Election.

Unite to Remain is made up of the 3 parties committed unequivocally to the cause of Remain: The Liberal Democrats, Plaid Cymru and the Greens. It’s really disappointing that Labour would not step up too, but they are simply not a Party of Remain.

We have collectively reached a set of agreements to further the Remain cause and are announcing the details today.

In short, 60 constituencies in England and Wales are involved. Plaid and/or Greens will stand down in our favour in 43 seats, and we will stand down for them in 17. 

The full details were announced this morning in a Unite to Remain press conference and can be found here:

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Part Three of our Plan for the Future

The UK should be leading the world on tackling the environment crisis. Our planet is on the brink of being irreparably damaged and we are responsible for that damage.

The climate emergency is real and our planet is heating to unsustainable levels. Young people have taken to the streets because they’re so worried that the Conservatives are failing to act.

This climate catastrophe will create huge global inequalities and we have a moral duty to protect the future; that’s why, as part of our Plan for the Future, the Liberal Democrats have set out ambitious plans to tackle the climate emergency by generating 80% of electricity from renewables by 2030 and insulating all low-income homes by 2025.

“Every vote for the Liberal Democrats is a vote for a Prime Minister that will deliver a bold green plan and a brighter future.”

As one of the party’s key priorities, a Liberal Democrat government will raise the energy efficiency standards for new homes, as well as investing £15 billion over the next Parliament to retrofit 26 million homes. This would save the average household £550 a year on energy bills.

We are the only party dedicated to building a brighter future by tackling the environmental crises with urgent actions. We are the only party with a bold, credible and detailed plan to tackle the climate emergency as soon as possible, to put climate action at the heart of our government, and to reverse the damage we’re doing to our planet.

The Liberal Democrats will take bold action to tackle the climate emergency and build a brighter future. 

Learn more about our Plan for the Future here.

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Part Two of our Plan for the Future

The NHS is the envy of the world, but our mental health service is not. Waiting times are being missed, people are not being referred for the treatment they need, and often action is taken only when at ‘crisis’ point, or too late.

That’s why the Liberal Democrats are dedicated to transforming mental health services by treating them with the same urgency as physical health. 

“We want to break down the barriers of stigma and shame, which leave those suffering, alienated and isolated, and we want to make the UK a world leader in keeping our nation well with our push for greater emphasis on wellbeing.”

As part of our Plan for the Future, a Liberal Democrat government will invest £11 billion into mental health services such as:

  • child and adolescent mental health,
  • matching waiting time standards to those in physical health,
  • and expanding our mental health workforce

Approximately one in four people in the UK will experience a mental health problem each year. For too many, treatment is a postcode lottery; with waiting times for psychological therapy varying from 16 days in Waltham Forest, to 176 days in Leicester.

Making mental health services accessible to all is fundamental, and no one should be forced to travel unreasonable distances away from home. By prioritising young people coming out of care, and supporting students from school through to colleges and universities, it is possible to ensure that no one will have to travel out of area for all but the most specialist mental health services.

By putting a penny in the pound on income tax and ringfencing £11 billion in funding for mental health, the Liberal Democrats will provide real parity between mental and physical health care. We want to make prescriptions for people with chronic mental health conditions available for free on the NHS, as is the case for conditions such as cancer and diabetes. 

Brexit, either carried out by the Conservative or Labour Party, will put the NHS at risk. Our commitment will ensure it is kept safe and out of the hands of Donald Trump. 

The Liberal Democrats’ Plan for the Future aims to build a brighter future for our country. Learn more here.

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Why Jo Swinson must be our next Prime Minister

The Liberal Democrats are surging across the UK. We’ve won hundreds of council seats and 15 brilliant new MEPs – our best election results ever.

People are tired of the same dreary offers from the Conservative and Labour parties. Whether it’s the days of the empire or 1970s socialism, Boris Johnson and Jeremy Corbyn want to take our country backwards.

But it doesn’t have to be this way. With Jo Swinson as PM, we can build the country we want to be.. Where every single person and community is valued, empowered and cared for, and where we protect our planet for future generations. Here are some of the ways we’ll do that:

Boris Johnson and Jeremy Corbyn want to take our country backwards.

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Part One of our Plan for the Future

Today, we’re kicking off the Liberal Democrats’ Plan for the Future. 

At our general election campaign launch, leader Jo Swinson has declared that a Liberal Democrat government will Stop Brexit and use the £50 billion Remain Bonus to invest in public services and tackle inequality. 

This £50 billion injection to the areas that need it most can only be delivered by a Lib Dem government – we are the only party standing up to stop Brexit.

“Every vote for the Liberal Democrats is a vote to stop Brexit, build a brighter future and invest the £50bn Remain bonus in our vital public services.”

With Jo Swinson as Prime Minister, we will reverse the drastic cuts to public services that the Conservative government have made and continue to lead from within the EU.

Boris Johnson and the Conservative party have caused a national crisis with Brexit; he has lied to the Queen, he’s lied to Parliament and he’s lied to the country to push his bad Brexit deal. Together, we can stop him, stop Brexit and build a brighter future.

We will be announcing more of the Liberal Democrats’ Plan for the Future soon. Sign up now to be the first to hear. 

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