Phone Banking

Come and join the phone canvassing team!

We’re hitting the phones hard this election, and we need you to lend your voice to the cause.

Come and join our evening group at the new Volunteer Hub!

RSVP here

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Spotting false news stories on social media

Dodgy Tory video clipping has set off a wave of disinformation around this General Election. Both old parties are desperate to cling onto power – to the point that some of their supporters are resorting to creating and sharing fake stories to discredit their opponents. 

The Liberal Democrats are the future – and they see us as a threat to their cozy stitch-up on power. They want to drag us out the EU and take our country backwards – we’re standing in the way, and they’re willing to play dirty to stop us. Fake news does real damage to our democracy and we all need to play our part in cracking down on it. Here’s how to recognise and deal with it:

Telltale signs

It’s too good (or bad!) to be true – it’s highly unlikely that a party leader has just been caught shoplifting at their local supermarket, for example.

Suspicious Will Ferrell GIF

No credible source listed – generally speaking, party/candidate press releases about their own party can be trusted. So can articles from major national newspapers. If the source is a small blog you’ve never heard of before – it’s probably worth further research.

Vested interests – people are less likely to do due diligence on a story if it lines up with their beliefs. Be a little more sceptical if the article someone’s sharing lines up a bit too nicely with their political agenda.

New account – this can be a sign that someone has set up a lot of accounts to automatically retweet a story and give it more credibility than it actually has.

Not the bot you’re looking for.


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The Liberal Democrats’ £6bn pledge to strengthen the welfare system

Conservative austerity has left a fifth of UK citizens in poverty, unable to afford even the most basic essentials.

Since 2015, the Tories have bungled the roll-out of Universal Credit, made brutal cuts to benefits and introduced their senseless two-child limit that is fuelling child poverty. 

By fixing our broken welfare system, we can ensure that everyone has the same opportunities regardless of where they come from.

Millions of people’s lives have worsened as a result of this government – and so today, the Liberal Democrats are announcing our bold proposals to invest £6 billion per year to strengthen the welfare system over the next Parliament. 

We will prioritise tackling the crisis of child poverty by abolishing the cruel two-child limit for Universal Credit and ending the unfair benefits cap. 

A Liberal Democrat government will tackle in-work poverty by using part of the Remain bonus – the £50 billion of extra funding that would be generated by stopping Brexit – to restore Work Allowances and introduce a second-earner Work Allowance. We will also invest in boosting the Local Housing Allowance by linking it to average rents in each area.

Our plans to strengthen the UK’s welfare system will protect the most vulnerable and help to build a brighter future. 

By fixing our broken welfare system, we can ensure that everyone has the same opportunities regardless of where they come from. 

Learn more about our Plan for the Future here

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The Tories’ Health Record Is Shameful

This week NHS England released statistics on the NHS’s key performance measures – and they are abysmal.

Almost 1 in 5 patients attending A&E in England were not treated or admitted within four hours. This is the worst performance ever recorded since the target was introduced in 2004.

Meanwhile, just 76.9% of cancer patients are starting their treatment within target waiting times. And only 85% of patients referred for non-urgent treatment were seen within 18 weeks.

And this is not a one-off. By all measures, the NHS has done much, much worse under Tory rule.

These are not just statistics. They represent millions of patients who are not getting the quality of care that they need.

Patients waiting for hours in A&E for treatment. Patients being left alone on trolleys in corridors. Some patients even spending months waiting to begin treatment for cancer.

The Conservatives have failed patients and have failed the NHS.

They have refused to invest properly in our health service. Local hospitals are underfunded, overstretched and understaffed.

Instead of working hard to address these issues, they are spending countless hours and millions of pounds on their extreme Brexit.

And they are planning to make the situation worse. The Tories want to impose the cruel nurse tax, which will drive away the European nurses the NHS desperately needs to staff services.

We have to fix this.

And the Liberal Democrats have a plan for how to do just that.

We will stop Brexit, and allow the NHS to continue to recruit the highly skilled staff it needs from EU countries.

And we will put a penny on income tax for the NHS. This will raise an extra £35 billion, to invest in the staff and equipment that are so badly needed.

Everybody deserves access to excellent healthcare, free at the point of use. For over 70 years, people in the UK have had just that.

And under a Liberal Democrat government, we will continue to have a world-class NHS for decades to come.

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Are you registered to vote?

The election campaign has started in earnest, and we’re delighted about how it’s going.

Jo Swinson has introduced herself to the country as a potential Prime Minister.

We’ve released our ambitious plan to change Britain for the better, and ensure a brighter future for all.

We’ve even put Jo on the side of a bus.

jobus.jpg“Finally, a British Bus without lies on it” – @GuyVerhofstad

The election is only 4 weeks away, but there’s a very important date coming even sooner.

The deadline to register to vote is 5pm on 26th November – less than 2 weeks from now.

Register to vote now!

If you haven’t already, please register today to make sure your voice can be heard. It takes less than 5 minutes and all you need is your address and national insurance number.

tea.pngYou can do it in the time it takes to make a cuppa.

If you aren’t registered, you won’t be able to vote, and you’ll miss out on having your say in possibly the most important election that we will ever see. Yeah, that would be pretty bad.

Register to vote now!

You might also want to arrange a postal vote.

A postal vote means that even if you’re busy or something unexpected happens on polling day, you’ll still be able to have your say. It’s just a short form that you post to your local council.

imtoobusy.gif…but at least he already sent his postal vote

The deadline to apply for a postal vote is also 5pm on 26th November, and you can find out how to apply by clicking the button below.

Apply for a postal vote today!

We need to win this election to stop Brexit and ensure a brighter future for Britain.

You can help us to do just that by:

  1. Registering to vote today
  2. Applying for a postal vote
  3. Sharing this page with friends and family to encourage them to register –

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If you’ve done all that and you’re hungry for more, have a look at this post for ideas!

joehorsev2.pngIf you do all that we might just see this after the election!

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