Liberal Democrats


From Under the Duvet….

“Being stuck in bed most of the time doesn’t have to mean it’s all over and life is finished.” ‘Confined to bed’. ‘Restricted to bed’. Bedbound, bedridden. Words and terms that sound so pitiable. So pathetic. So awful. A life … read more

Our commitment to reducing child poverty

“Our policies are the most progressive of the three main parties.” The Resolution Foundation, an independent think-tank, has released a report on child poverty. You can find this here. It found that our policies would mean 600,000 fewer children in … read more

The Lib Dems announce war on plastics

The UK produces 2.26 million tonnes of plastic packaging every year. Less than half of this is being recycled.  The Conservatives claimed they will cut plastic pollution. They announced a deposit return scheme in 2018, but it is currently due … read more