Rise and Shine! ☀️

Today is our chance to change the future of this country. It could be the day we make history.

Tomorrow morning, we could be waking up to see top Brexiteers have lost their seats to Liberal Democrats who will fight to stop Brexit. We’re already hearing some great reports from key seats across the country.

But with 11 hours to go until polls close, it’s still all to play for. Every vote counts, and we need your help now more than ever.

Every vote for the Liberal Democrats today is a vote for hope. It’s a rejection of the politics of hatred and division, and it’s your chance to demand better for the future of our country.

Please, make sure you go to the polling station today. If we are to stop Boris Johnson and his appalling Brexit deal, we need the help of all of our supporters like you.

Together, we can stop Boris, stop Brexit and build a brighter future.

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Thank you for your support – together, we can stop Brexit and build a brighter future!

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One day left to stop Boris and to stop Brexit

“It doesn’t have to be this way.”

My message today is clear.

To stop Brexit, we must stop Boris Johnson. We have one more day left to do it.

To all my fellow Lib Dem activists up and down the country – I say this:

Keep going. Keep fighting for every vote.

And to everyone out there who has a growing pile of Lib Dem leaflets on their kitchen table: we can win where you live.

You can stop another Conservative MP being elected. You can stop Boris Johnson from getting a majority he doesn’t deserve.

You can help us stop Brexit.

On Monday, Boris Johnson once again showed us the kind of leader he is going to be.

“To stop Brexit, we must stop Boris Johnson.”

Faced with that heart-breaking image of Jack, he refused to look at it, to acknowledge it, even taking the phone out of the journalist’s hand and putting it in his pocket. As though that would somehow make it all go away.

What a coward.

He doesn’t care about Jack, and if he wins a majority, he’ll spend the next five years not caring about you or your family either. He’ll spend five years running away from scrutiny. Avoiding inconvenient truths. Hoping that his power and privilege alone will keep him in Number 10.

This is unacceptable. And it doesn’t have to be this way.

Vote Liberal Democrat. Together, we can build a brighter future.

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Business Backs the Liberal Democrats

The economy usually features heavily in election discourse.

But this time the two main parties have opted for silly economics instead. It’s either pursuing a Brexit that we know will damage the economy or a reckless spending plan we can’t afford.

But you can’t fool business. Over 60 business leaders have named us as the ‘only party who have set out a credible plan for future prosperity’.

Among those leaders is Charlie Bigham, founder of the same-named ready-meal brand. He said:

“I’m joining dozens of entrepreneurs and businessmen, as well as the Economist, in supporting the Liberal Democrats. Their plans for business and the economy are the best on offer.

And former President of the CBI, Sir Michael Rake, said:

“The Liberal Democrats have ploughed a lonely furrow in being the only party truly reflecting the interests and importance of the business community to a successful, inclusive economy.”

We’re the only party that’s offering a credible plan. We will create an environment to help businesses build prosperity and create jobs. This will be underpinned by a stronger economy within the EU.

This general election, there is only one party that will create a strong and fair economy.

Vote Liberal Democrat. Together, we can build a brighter future.

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Brexit Already Damaging Public Services

“Johnson’s Brexit lies have caused huge damage to our public services already.”

Boris’s lie on the side of a bus was an even bigger whopper than we thought. Not only does Brexit not mean an extra £350 million a week for the NHS…

In reality, it means £350 million a week less.

And that’s before we’ve even left.

The Institute for Fiscal Studies (IFS) has estimated that our GDP is £55–66 billion lower this year. Why?

You guessed it – Brexit.

Business investment in the UK has fallen by 3% since the end of 2017. And for those not affected by Brexit? The other G7 countries have seen it grow.

Based on the IFS figures, we have calculated that public sector spend is £20.3 – £24.3 billion lower this year than it would have been.

This equates to £380 – £470 million a week. All of that money could actually have been spent on the NHS. Johnson’s Brexit lies have caused huge damage to our public services already.

If he wins a majority on Thursday, his disastrous hard Brexit will suck even more money out of our economy and our public services.

We are the only party who can win seats from the Tories and deny Boris a majority.

That’s why every vote for the Liberal Democrats is a vote to stop Boris, stop Brexit and invest the £50 billion Remain Bonus from higher economic growth to build a brighter future.

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Our plan to stop Brexit immediately after election

“We are the only party standing up for Remainers.”

Every vote for the Liberal Democrats is a vote to stop Boris and stop Brexit.

The more Liberal Democrat MPs we have in Parliament, the stronger our hand will be in stopping Johnson’s catastrophic Brexit plans. We have legislation ready to go to secure a People’s Vote with the option to stay in the EU

As soon as Parliament returns, we would introduce two bills. The first would be a “Paving Bill” to begin the referendum process with the Electoral Commission. The second would be on the referendum itself.

The greatest political decision in decades cannot be allowed to happen on Johnson’s terms. Polls consistently show that there is now more support to remain in the EU than to leave. 

“We will continue to fight tooth and nail to keep the UK in the EU.”

Our vision for a fairer, brighter future is as a part of the EU. More people are agreeing with us than ever before.

But we need as many MPs as possible to support these bills. The more Lib Dems there are, the stronger the chance of securing a People’s Vote becomes. 

We are the only party standing up for Remainers. 

We have laid amendments to secure a People’s Vote 17 times. We have voted in favour of a People’s Vote at every opportunity. We have been leading the fight to stop Brexit for over three years.

And we will continue to fight tooth and nail to keep the UK in the EU. With enough MPs, we can pass this legislation and put Brexit back to the people.

For the future of our country – vote Liberal Democrat to stop Brexit and build a brighter future.

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