Ed Davey’s Christmas Message

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Happy Chanukah!

A happy and peaceful Chanukah to all Jewish people around the world!


Chanukah is a special time of the year for so many reasons. It’s about solidarity with friends and family. It’s about overcoming adversity in impossible circumstances. Most importantly, it’s about the power of faith and how it can make wonderful things happen.


It’s not an easy time for Jewish people at the moment – antisemitism is on the rise and terrible events like Pittsburgh remind us how important it is that people are allowed to practice their faith freely and openly.


We will always fight for the rights of Jewish people. The right to be free. The right to be safe. The right to remain in a Europe that represents home to millions of Jewish people around the world.


Times may be difficult but we will always be proud to stand side by side with Jewish people and say no to intolerance, division and hatred.


As Jewish people across the world light their menorahs and chanukiahs tonight, we are reminded of the power in standing together and uniting to change the world for the better.


Thank you for standing with us this Chanukah. We will safeguard our place in Europe. We will stand up to hate crime. We will fight antisemitism in every form.  And we will win.

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Our plan for the Withdrawal Agreement Bill

Boris’ bad Brexit bill is before the House of Commons today. 

So what are we doing to fight the damaging and dangerous effects it will have on democratic scrutiny, workers’ rights, the battle against the climate crisis, and more?

Today, we tabled an amendment to block the Withdrawal Agreement Bill because:

  • It fails to give the people the final say on the Brexit deal
  • It fails to ensure continued tariff-free access to the Customs Union and Single Market
  • It fails to guarantee the rights of UK citizens in the EU, and EU citizens in the UK
  • It fails to safeguard protections for workers’ rights, children’s rights, and the environment

The Bill is now progressing to Committee Stage, where Layla Moran is tabling the following amendment to protect the Erasmus+ scheme and the opportunities it provides. 

Implementation period negotiating objectives: Erasmus+

(1) It shall be an objective of the Government to secure an agreement within the framework of the future relationship of the UK and the EU before the end of the implementation period that enables the UK to participate in all elements of the Erasmus+ programme on existing terms after the implementation period ends (“the Erasmus+ negotiations”).

(2) A Minister shall lay before each House of Parliament a progress report on the Erasmus+ negotiations within six months of this Act being passed.

The Liberal Democrats will continue to oppose Brexit every step of the way and fight to stop the avalanche of harm it looks set to unleash.

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A disgrace

Today, Boris Johnson will take his reckless Withdrawal Agreement to MPs. It will be rushed through to meet the arbitrary deadline of January 31st.

Johnson and his government don’t care how it will affect British people, or how the worst off in our society will be hit hardest. 

They just want to push Brexit through, whatever the cost.

A harmful Brexit deal isn’t the only plan they have which will irreparably damage our country. Among the announcements in the Queen’s Speech are plans to:

  • Set a legal deadline to end the ‘transition period’ with the EU in December 2020 – with or without a trade deal
  • Scrap freedom of movement and introduce a discriminatory points-based immigration system
  • Require photo ID to vote, disenfranchising thousands if not millions of British people

This is a disgrace. 

The Conservatives are already running roughshod over our democracy and our human rights.

Labour won’t hold the Conservatives to account. They’re too busy fighting amongst themselves.

Only the Liberal Democrats can take on this Conservative government, before they do irreversible damage to our country.

We have a lot of work to do.

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We must fight for better democracy

Voting reform is not about the electoral advantage of any party.

It is about better democracy.

As politicians we have a responsibility to ensure voters across the UK do not feel disenfranchised.

In this election the Liberal Democrats increased their vote share by 4%, more than any other party, but achieved fewer seats in Parliament.

In comparison, the Conservatives increased their vote share by just 1% and achieved a huge majority.

This election result does reflect the votes millions made across our country.

However, a healthy democracy also relies on a strong and functioning opposition.

The Liberal Democrats will continue to hold Boris Johnson’s government to account and fight for an inclusive, open and democratic society.

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