Liberal Democrats


Happy Chanukah!

A happy and peaceful Chanukah to all Jewish people around the world!   Chanukah is a special time of the year for so many reasons. It’s about solidarity with friends and family. It’s about overcoming adversity in impossible circumstances. Most importantly, it’s about the … read more

Our plan for the Withdrawal Agreement Bill

Boris’ bad Brexit bill is before the House of Commons today.  So what are we doing to fight the damaging and dangerous effects it will have on democratic scrutiny, workers’ rights, the battle against the climate crisis, and more? Today, we tabled … read more

A disgrace

Today, Boris Johnson will take his reckless Withdrawal Agreement to MPs. It will be rushed through to meet the arbitrary deadline of January 31st. Johnson and his government don’t care how it will affect British people, or how the worst off … read more

We must fight for better democracy

Voting reform is not about the electoral advantage of any party. It is about better democracy. As politicians we have a responsibility to ensure voters across the UK do not feel disenfranchised. In this election the Liberal Democrats increased their vote … read more