10 Awesome Lib Dem Women

Jo Swinson

An MP at the age of 25, a Government Minister at 32, and elected Liberal Democrat leader at 39, Jo Swinson has packed a lot into her first four decades.

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Happy International Women’s Day!

On International Women’s Day, we celebrate the incredible contributions of women in every corner of the world. Today, we celebrate the women pushing boundaries, defying stereotypes and shattering glass ceilings.

Let us recognise those who have paved the way – from Ada Lovelace, the first computer programmer, to Dina Asher-Smith, the fastest woman in British history. And of course, my amazing friend, Jo Swinson, who last year became the first female leader in our party’s history.

Each of these women and countless others have played an important role in inspiring the next generation by showing young girls everywhere that gender should never place a limit on what a person can achieve.

The fight for equality is far from over – much work remains to be done

Sadly, the fight for equality is far from over, much work remains to be done. In the UK alone, women are more likely to be victims of domestic violence, 1 in 5 women will experience sexual assault during their lifetime, and we are yet to bridge the gender pay gap. This is unacceptable.

Each of us, regardless of our gender identity, have a role to play in building a more just and equal world. Gender inequality is not a woman’s issue, it affects all of us. Just think of the unknown solutions, the missed discoveries, the untapped talent, we lose every day to bias and discrimination.

Today and every day let us stand up for women’s rights and let us work to end the misogyny that suffocates women’s potential.

To the women who have come before, the trailblazers of today, and those on their way – thank you and happy International Women’s Day.

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How to send your views to the elections review

Over 22,000 (yes, twenty-two thousand) submissions have already been made to the party’s independent review into the general and European elections. But that’s not stopping the review team, headed up by Dorothy Thornhill, from wanting to hear more…

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Do you want to help run the Welsh Liberal Democrats? | Ydych chi am helpu i redeg Democratiaid Cymru?

There are currently 4 open vacancies on Welsh Liberal Democrat committees that are open to all members.

Being on a committee is a really potent way of having your say on how our party is run. If you’re keen to get more involved, why not take a look?

Ordinary Member of the Membership Development Committee 

1 vacancy to be filled

Ordinary Member of the Board 

1 vacancy to be filled

Ordinary Member of the Finance & Resources Committee 

2 vacancies to be filled

Never stood before? Don’t worry – the Federal Party has put together a guide to the process that you might find useful:

Read now

It’s a really exciting time to be involved with the Welsh party. With the Welsh Parliament elections coming up next year, this is your chance to be part of a big win for the Liberal Democrats. We’d love to have you on board!

If you’re interested, all the info you need can be found at the link below. Nominations are open from the 4th March until the 25th March – good luck!

Find out more

Ar hyn o bryd mae 4 swydd wag agored ar bwyllgorau Democratiaid Rhyddfrydol Cymru sy’n agored i bob aelod.

Mae bod ar bwyllgor yn ffordd wirioneddol nerthol o ddweud eich dweud ar sut mae ein plaid yn cael ei rhedeg. Os ydych chi’n awyddus i gymryd mwy o ran, beth am edrych?

Aelod Cyffredin o’r Pwyllgor Datblygu Aelodaeth

1 swydd wag i’w llenwi

Aelod Cyffredin o’r Bwrdd

1 swydd wag i’w llenwi

Aelod Cyffredin o’r Pwyllgor Cyllid ac Adnoddau

2 swydd wag i’w llenwi

Peidiwch byth â sefyll o’r blaen? Peidiwch â phoeni – mae’r Blaid Ffederal wedi llunio canllaw i’r broses a allai fod yn ddefnyddiol i chi:

Darllenwch nawr

Mae’n amser cyffrous iawn i fod yn rhan o’r parti Cymreig. Gydag etholiadau Senedd Cymru yn dod i fyny’r flwyddyn nesaf, dyma’ch cyfle i fod yn rhan o fuddugoliaeth fawr i’r Democratiaid Rhyddfrydol. Byddem wrth ein bodd yn eich cael chi ar fwrdd y llong!

Os oes gennych ddiddordeb, gellir dod o hyd i’r holl wybodaeth sydd ei hangen arnoch trwy’r ddolen isod. Mae’r enwebiadau ar agor o’r 5ed o Fawrth tan y 26ain o Fawrth – pob lwc!

Darganfyddwch fwy

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IWD 2020: Tackling global period poverty

Last year, Secretary Penny Mordaunt announced a UK government campaign pledging to eradicate period poverty globally by 2030.

Now it’s time to hold the government to account on this commitment.

No girl should lose out on education as a result of stigma around menstruation or lack of access to sanitary products.

Ahead of International Women’s Day, I’m introducing a Bill that will do just that, ensuring Ministers are regularly reporting on steps taken to meet this target:

International Development (Women’s Sanitary Products)

Bill to require the Secretary of State to report on the use of official development assistance to increase the availability of women’s sanitary products; and for connected purposes.

No girl should lose out on education as a result of stigma around menstruation or lack of access to sanitary products. This is an intolerable situation that is all-too-real for thousands of women and girls around the world.

This legislation would build on measures taken to end period poverty within the UK, with the recent roll out of free sanitary products in Wales and England.

Ending global period poverty would deliver enormous benefits to women around the world.

As the Liberal Democrat spokesperson for International Development, I’m proud of my party’s internationalist values and of the fact that the UK has consistently ranked as one of the world’s largest aid donors.

Ending global period poverty would deliver enormous benefits to women around the world. I hope to see the new Secretary of State for International Development show leadership in taking forward my Bill, in solidarity with women around the world.

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