Update on the Leadership Election

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The government must do more to protect students.

Two weeks ago, I joined forces with a cross-party group of MPs representing University Towns. We wrote to the Chancellor to ask him to do more to support University Students during this crisis.

The letter, signed by 18 MPs, asked him to “make sure that students are not the group to be forgotten as the nation is grappling with economic fall-out from the Covid19 crisis”.

Countless students have lost their jobs due to COVID-19 and lockdown

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Emergency accommodation for people suffering domestic violence

Last week Priti Patel announced that the Home Office is working with charities to provide an extra £2m for domestic abuse support.

We are relieved that the Home Secretary is taking these steps to tackle the terrifying rise in domestic violence. 

However, the Home Secretary can still go much further. For far too many people, their home is not a place of safety. Many thousands of people are in the horrific position of being isolated in the same place as their abuser.

The Liberal Democrats are calling on the Home Office to work closely with hoteliers so that their hotels can be used as emergency accommodation, with the Government covering the costs.

The Government must act now to ensure that anyone who feels threatened has a guarantee of shelter. 


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Last call – contribute to the election review by midnight on Friday 17th April

Amidst the current turbulence, we wanted to let you know you still have a chance to contribute towards the Liberal Democrats election review.

Hundreds of members, constituency teams, donors, door knockers and other activists have sent in their own reflections and submissions; all have been read

The panel has been working intensively since appointment earlier in the year, and the process is a thorough one; submissions have been requested from all current MPs, all former Lib Dem MPs, as well as candidates in key target seats (both Conservative and Labour facing). All Regional Chairs have been asked for submissions, and both Welsh and Scottish parties have contributed. Many individual local organisations and party bodies have conducted their own reviews which have been subsequently sent into the panel. There have been many hours of 1-2-1 interviews between the panel and key decision-makers in the Parliamentary Party, at HQ and with other team members across the organisation, including ALDC.

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A Passover like no other

Tonight, at sundown, Jewish communities across the globe will mark the beginning of Pesach/Passover. Over the next eight days, in the UK and around the world, Jewish people will commemorate the liberation of their ancestors from slavery in ancient Egypt.

The story of Passover teaches that freedom is coming, our current situation will not last forever, and out of our trauma grows new strength

However, this year’s Passover will be like no other in recent memory.

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