Celebrating Ramadan during the pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic has brought with it many challenges, including the question about how Muslims can still join together, observe Ramadan, and break the fast (Iftar) whilst still exercising social distancing.

Being apart at this time – especially from family and loved ones – seems alien to our values, but it gives us the opportunity to celebrate together in a different way.


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Ramadan Mubarak!

Today, Muslim communities in the UK and across the world welcome Ramadan.

Ramadan is the holiest month in the Islamic calendar. It is a time of self-discipline requiring worship, reflection and self-sacrifice through charity, fasting and prayer. It is also a time of profound compassion and an opportunity to share in the suffering of others.

This year, Ramadan comes at a time when we are all being called to act selflessly

This year, Ramadan comes at a time when we are all being called to act selflessly. Each of us must act responsibly and think of others as we all work to slow the spread of COVID-19.

The impact of the virus is being felt in every community and will no doubt have an impact on our traditions and customs over Ramadan. This year some iftars (breaking the fast) will be held over video calls, and as widespread social-distancing measures have gone into effect, gatherings in mosques and homes won’t take place.

It’s been so encouraging to witness deliberate acts of courage and kindness across the country

However, amid the chaos and uncertainty, it’s been so encouraging to witness deliberate acts of courage and kindness across the country. From the people working in the frontline, many of whom are Muslim, to those delivering food to the most vulnerable and those donating to foodbanks. Let us all do what we can to help others at this time because we are all in this together.

Though we can’t gather in the usual ways this Ramadan, let us remember why we’re staying apart.

Sending warm wishes to everyone and I look forward to the time when we will be together again.

Ramadan Mubarak!


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In detail: Our Frontline Support Package

Want to know more about our frontline support package and how it’d work? Read this article to learn more:

Today, we’ve launched a plan for a comprehensive package of support for the 2.2 million NHS and social care workers on the frontline of the coronavirus crisis

The package includes: ensuring workers have the personal protective equipment they need, now; practical help to make day-to-day life a little easier; extra pay to reflect the extra dangers they face; additional support for those who die in service; and a new medal to recognise their service during this perilous time.

You can learn more about each part of the plan and how it works here:

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Support for NHS & Social Care workers

Day after day, our NHS and care staff are putting their lives at risk to keep us safe and care for the critically ill, suffering from coronavirus.

Working long shifts, often isolated from their families, the sacrifices they are making for us all during this pandemic are incredible.

Yet alarmingly, many aren’t getting the support they need. That’s why Liberal Democrats are calling for a comprehensive support package for frontline workers – to give them the support and recognition they deserve.

Will you back our call for a new support package for NHS and care staff? Add your name now:

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Our Lib Dem package will ensure that all NHS & Care staff get the support and recognition they deserve – so they can keep on saving lives.

Our package was designed in consultation with representatives of health and care workers. It includes:

Better Protection

NHS staff are being put at unnecessary risk because the personal protective equipment they need isn’t available. Our plan includes comprehensive measures to cut through the red tape and ramp up production of vital PPE.

Practical help

With NHS and care staff working long hours and worried about their own families, they deserve extra help and support with the practical things in life, if and when they need it during the pandemic. Our package will put in place the support they deserve.

Frontline service reward

Just as military service personnel receive a deployment allowance of £29 per day on active duty, the same principle should apply to NHS and care staff putting themselves in danger during the coronavirus epidemic.

Bereavement and funeral support

The NHS has a “death in service” scheme – but it’s not as generous as the military’s and many key workers on the coronavirus frontline aren’t eligible. All NHS and care workers must be eligible. The Government must also agree to pay for all the funerals of key workers who die trying to protect others from Coronavirus.

Coronavirus Service Medal 

All key workers on the coronavirus frontline should get recognition for the risks they have faced, with a new “Coronavirus Service Medal”. They are playing a major role to keep our country safe and it should be properly and formally recognised.

Like me, I’m sure you’ve been clapping every Thursday to thank Britain’s NHS and care staff.

Now let’s show we truly care, with a new support package too.

Add your name and join our campaign for a frontline support worker’s package today:

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Tell us what you think about our online tools

Our capacity for traditional campaigning is perhaps a little lower right now. We’re taking the opportunity to review the tools that we use to get this done, and we want your input!

Liberal Democrats use a wide variety of tools to campaign. From voter ID to data storage to communicating with the public, we have a number of software tools designed to help you win. We’re constantly reviewing how well these are working – which is why it’s important you let us know what works well for you and what doesn’t!

This survey will be primarily focused on the following:

  • Connect
  • Prater Raines (website building tools)
  • Nationbuilder
  • MailChimp

Don’t use any of these on a regular basis? That’s okay – we’re also looking for input as to what members consider a reasonable amount of money to pay for these tools.

Online tools play a big role in how our party operates – especially while other forms of campaigning are less feasible. We want to be sure that the services we’re offering help you succeed.

It won’t take long – just click below to fill out the survey and tell us what you think!

Tell us what you think

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