Victory in Europe Day 75th Anniversary

On this 75th anniversary of VE Day we remember all those who put their lives at risk to defend our freedoms and defeat fascism.

Paying tribute to the sacrifices made during the Second World War, Liberal Democrat Acting Leader Ed Davey said:

“Today we honour those who made the ultimate sacrifice, as well as all today’s armed forces who continue to sacrifice so much to keep us all safe. We cannot thank them enough for what they are doing at home and around the world today, defending freedom.
“We must never grow complacent or be fooled into thinking that war is impossible.

This anniversary we must honour the sacrifices made and recommit to ensuring that international cooperation and hard-won peace across Europe is protected so that we may never suffer the death and destruction of World War II again.”

 Lib Dem Defence Spokesperson Jamie Stone also paid tribute, saying:

“Although the 75th anniversary of VE Day will be spent under lockdown, we can all take this opportunity to honour those who sacrificed for our freedom.

Today I remember my uncle Gavin, who was still an active British Soldier in Germany as the guns fell silent on VE day. He continued in service until February 1946.

He writes in his war memoirs of the horrors of finding concentration camps and ‘the age of fraternisation’ where he could help rebuild Germany.

He was fortunate enough to return home, but many of his brothers in arms were not.

Jamie’s mother and his uncle, Gavin.

Today I remember my uncle and the millions who died fighting in the war from the safety of my home.

I also appreciate the current sacrifices of the armed forces working for our communities amidst this pandemic.

I am sincerely grateful for the arrangement of virtual remembrance services in Scotland and across the UK to commemorate the heroes of World War II.”

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7 things you can do now to help us win more in 2021

1. Make some calls

Community phoning

Join our Covid-19 Community Phoning effort to help vulnerable people in your area during this crisis.

We’ve already spoken to more than 28,000 people since the beginning of lockdown, providing vital contact and support to people across the country.

Sign up here to find out more:


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President’s Update

Thank you

Over 20,000 party members have given feedback to our independent elections review. Thank you to everyone who has done so. Thank you also to the review team members for not only working through so much feedback but also, despite coronavirus, keeping on track for finishing their report for May.

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Help me call on Government to support small companies and freelancers

A lot of members have contacted me to say that the Chancellor isn’t helping small limited companies and freelancers. They’re right – those in the creative industries in particular are struggling to get by.

That’s why I have tabled an Early Day Motion calling on the Government to close the loophole in the job retention schemes by allowing small limited company directors to claim for 80 per cent of filed average earnings, including dividends.

You can read the motion in full here.

You can help by contacting your MP and asking them to sign my EDM. The more MPs we get signing it, the easier it is engage with the press and get a campaign running.

Ask your MP to support the EDM

You can write a message of your own, or copy the text below:

As one of your constituents, I would like you to sign EDM 351, being led by Jamie Stone MP. I believe the Chancellor should be doing more to help small limited companies and freelancers. Please will you sign the EDM to show your support for freelancers?

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We must do more to support students

University students, particularly undergraduates but also postgraduate researchers, are among some of the most economically vulnerable in society during this coronavirus crisis.

Many don’t have their parents to fall back on or have found themselves suddenly with low incomes and no way of making ends meet.

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