Lib Dems call for new laws on GP appointments and cancer care in King’s Speech

New laws to end the crisis in health and care need to be at the heart of the King’s Speech on Wednesday.

Over the past few weeks we heard thousands of heartbreaking stories on doorsteps about just how dire a state our NHS is in. Time and again we were told of people waiting hours for an ambulance, weeks for a GP appointment and months to start vital cancer treatment.

The Conservative Party brought our health and care services to the brink of collapse. After years of neglect, the top priority of the incoming Labour government should now be to save our health and care services.

That is why the Liberal Democrats want to see the NHS and care put at the heart of the King’s Speech, including ending long delays for GP appointments and cancer treatment. Patients simply cannot wait any longer.

Blood pressure check


Since the Conservatives promised to hire 6,000 more GPs, the number has fallen by almost 500, leaving our GP services in crisis and people struggling to get an appointment.

Liberal Democrats want to see patients given a new legal right ot see a GP within a week.

Cancer patient in a hospital bed

Cancer treatment

More than 100,000 patients in the last year waited longer than the NHS target of 62 days to start urgent cancer treatment.

Liberal Democrats want to see a cancer care guarantee with a statutory duty on the Government to ensure that every patient can start cancer treatment within 62 days of an urgent diagnosis.

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72 Liberal Democrat MPs

Liberal Democrats have elected 72 Members of Parliament at the 2024 General Election. This is a record result for the party.

Liberal Democrats are now the third-biggest party in the House of Commons.

More than three-and-a-half million people voted Liberal Democrat in this election.

Ed Davey, dressed in a dark suit with blue tie, waves. Behind him party activists applaud Ed.

“Millions of people have voted for change and put their trust in us, so our job now is to stand up for them.

“We have won people’s trust by listening to their concerns and focusing on the things that matter most to them. Most of all that is saving the NHS and making sure everyone can get the care they need.

“We have put health and care at the heart of our campaign, and we will put it at the top of the agenda in this Parliament too.”

Ed Davey

Knocking down the Blue Wall

For years Liberal Democrats have been making local gains across the blue wall. Now we are winning MPs in places which have Conservative for over a century.

Liberal Democrats even won in four areas formerly represented by Conservative Prime Ministers: Boris Johnson’s Henley, Theresa May’s Maidenhead, John Major’s St Neots and  David Cameron’s Witney.

Lifelong Conservatives have switched to us because they were fed up with the appalling government on the economy, health services and sewage. Many will have a Liberal Democrat MP for the first time ever and will see what a difference it makes having a local champion for their community.

Back in the West Country

Voters in the West Country have put their faith back in us, sending 22 Liberal Democrat MPs to Parliament to fight for them.

Liberal Democrats won back Paddy Ashdown’s former constituency of Yeovil, one of seven Somerset seats with Lib Dem MPs.


Growing in Scotland and Wales

Liberal Democrats gained four seats in Scotland. In the final result to declare, Liberal Democrats won back the area formerly represented by Charles Kennedy, winning Inverness, Skye and West Ross-Shire with a 19% swing.

Lib Dems are back on the map in Wales, winning Brecon, Radnor and Cwm-Tawe from the Conservatives.

People take a selfie with Ed Davey

The British people have elected a record number of Liberal Democrat MPs to be their local champions: working hard for their communities and fighting for a fair deal.

We will hold the Government to account for its promises to fix the Conservatives’ mess, while continuing to hold the Conservative Party to account for the terrible damage they have done to our country.

Above all, we will keep campaigning for our policies to fix the health and care crisis, get our economy back on track and end the sewage scandal.

So that everyone can see a doctor or a dentist when they need to. So that we value care and properly support carers, making sure everyone gets the high-quality care they deserve. So that families and pensioners don’t have to choose between heating and eating, and aren’t afraid of losing their home. And so that everyone can enjoy a clean natural environment.

That is the fair deal the Liberal Democrats are fighting for. So join us, and let’s make it happen!

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Ed Davey launches the Liberal Democrat manifesto

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Fairly reforming Capital Gains Tax to save our NHS

We have a fair plan to fund a rescue package for our health services.

Our NHS is in crisis. The Conservatives have failed to deliver the new hospitals they promised and left people waiting hours for an ambulance, weeks to see a GP or months for urgent cancer treatment.

That’s why, at this election, the Liberal Democrats are putting forward a bold £5 billion-a-year rescue package for our NHS. That includes funding to:

  • Increase the number of GPs by 8,000, so that everyone can get an appointment when they need one.
  • Boost cancer survival rates to among the highest in the world, by investing in cancer research and treatment.
  • Improve mental health services, including talking therapies and walk-in hubs for young people.
  • Bring dentists back to the NHS from the private sector by fixing the broken NHS dental contract.

Our plan is fully funded. After all, the Conservative Government has shown all too clearly the damage and pain caused by fiscal irresponsibility. So throughout our manifesto, all day-to-day spending commitments are funded by tax revenue, not borrowing.

But after years of damaging Conservative tax rises, and in the middle of a cost-of-living crisis, it would be wrong to ask ordinary families and pensioners to pay more to clear up the Conservatives’ mess.

That is why our NHS rescue package is funded by fairly reforming Capital Gains Tax, to close loopholes exploited by approximately the top 0.1% wealthiest individuals in the country.


How would it work?

Right now the capital gains system is broken for everyone.

Most people are paying far too much when they sell a property or a few shares, because the system doesn’t account for inflation over the time they’ve owned them. At the same time, a tiny number of super wealthy people – roughly the top 0.1% – exploit it as effectively one giant loophole, to avoid paying the rates of income tax everyone else does.

According to the latest HMRC statistics, 14,000 multi-millionaires used the loophole to pay less than half the top rate of income tax on their combined £60 billion income.

We want to reform the whole system to make it much fairer – cutting taxes or keeping them the same for the vast majority of people, while making sure the super wealthy can’t avoid paying their fair share.

Margaret Thatcher’s Chancellor Nigel Lawson reformed Capital Gains Tax along very similar lines in 1988, arguing that having lower rates than income tax was “hard to justify” and “inevitably creates a major tax avoidance industry”.


What are the details?

Under our plan, there would be three rates of Capital Gains Tax, like there are for income tax: 20% (for gains up to £50,000), 40% (between £50,000 and £100,000) and 45% (over £100,000). Unlike now, where your Capital Gains Tax rate is determined by adding together your income and capital gains, the rate would be based solely on your gains.

The capital gains tax-free allowance would go up from £3,000 to £5,000, and crucially, we would also introduce a new “inflation allowance”, so that any gains that are purely the result of inflation are not taxed at all. There would also be a targeted relief for small businesses.


How much would it raise?

We estimate that these reforms would raise £5.2 billion a year in 2028-29, to invest in our NHS and improve local health services for everyone.

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