The Government must come forward urgently with a clear plan to secure these jobs at BAE – Griffith

Griffith MP, Labour’s Shadow Defence Secretary,
responding to news that BAE will
cut over 1000 jobs on its Eurofighter programme, said:

is devastating news for the workers and their families.

men and women who work on the Eurofighter are highly skilled and the potential
loss of these jobs would have an appalling impact on them, the local economy
and wider supply chains.

Government must come forward urgently with a clear plan to secure these jobs at
BAE, as well as a proper defence industrial strategy to give the industry the
certainty that it needs.”

Under the Conservatives multi-national tech companies are running rings around HMRC – Dowd

Peter Dowd MP, Labour’s
Shadow Chief Secretary to the Treasury
, commenting on reports that Airbnb
paid less than £200,000 in UK corporation tax last year, said:

“Once again we
have an example of the Conservatives flat-footed approach to creating a tax
system fit for the 21st century. Under the Conservatives
multi-national tech companies are running rings around HMRC, and avoiding
paying their fair share of tax, despite seeing soaring revenues.

“The next Labour
government will introduce our Tax Transparency and Enforcement Programme to
clamp down on tax avoidance and build an economy which works for the many, not
the few.”

Once again, Sajid Javid is dragging his feet to provide support to local authorities – Gwynne

Andrew Gwynne MP, Labour’s
Shadow Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government
commenting on reports that the government has not released funds to make tower
blocks safe following the Grenfell Tower fire, said:

 "Once again, Sajid Javid
is dragging his feet to provide support to local authorities.

 "The government know
their failure to review building regulations, and seven years of Tory cuts
to local authorities and fire services have created this crisis.

 "Rather than learning
from their mistakes they are starving Labour councils of funds as they
work to clear up this mess and keep their residents safe”.

Given that the UK Government is Boeing’s second biggest client it is inconceivable that ministers have not been able to negotiate a better deal – Smith

Smith MP, Labour’s Shadow Secretary of State for Northern Ireland,
commenting on the announcement
that the US Department of Commerce will introduce additional sanctions on
Bombardier, said:

Theresa May worries about press coverage of the phony P45 she was handed this
week, more than 4,000 Bombardier workers in Belfast are worried that they’ll
receive a real one unless her Government brings Boeing and its allies at the US
Commerce Department to the negotiating table.

that the UK Government is Boeing’s second biggest client – we spend over £1.5
billion with them every year – it is inconceivable that ministers have not been
able to negotiate a better deal.  

Government must tell the public what pressure it has really placed on Boeing
and on the US Administration. Without any evidence of concrete action, concerns
will grow that UK ministers have naively accepted Boeing’s assurances about the
safety of jobs in Belfast or worse, have negligently accepted Bombardier job losses
as ‘collateral damage’ in their post-Brexit strategy.”

This is a direct consequence of the disarray in the Cabinet and the Tories’ chaotic approach to negotiations – Blomfield

Paul Blomfield MP, Labour’s Shadow
Brexit Minister,
to the announcement by the EU Commission that it cannot guarantee Horizon 2020
funding for British applicants post-March 2019, said:

“Horizon 2020 has been a vital
source of research funding for UK universities. The Government’s failure to
agree arrangements with the EU for research funding after March 2019 is
undermining our world-class universities. This is a direct consequence of the disarray
in the Cabinet and the Tories’ chaotic approach to negotiations. This should
have been dealt with months ago and must be resolved immediately.”