It’s a sad day when the Government asks sacked workers to pay for expanded tax breaks for non-doms – Peter Dowd

Peter Dowd MP, Labour’s Shadow Chief Secretary to the Treasury, speaking after the Committee stage of the Finance Bill, said:

“It is a sad day when the Conservative Government asks sacked workers to cough up to pay for expanded tax breaks for non-doms.

“The Conservatives voted down Labour’s amendments, which would have ended fears that sacked workers might be taxed more, and instead opted to vote through a giveaway to wealthy non-doms.

“The next Labour government will end the Tories’ unjust tax system, and create a tax system that works for the many, not just the privileged few.“

Instead of engaging in infighting, the Chancellor should listen to Labour’s calls for a fairer tax system – McDonnell

John McDonnell MP, Labour’s Shadow Chancellor, commenting on analysis by the IMF today which supports calls for a fairer tax system, said:

“This report from the IMF supports the argument we made in the General Election for a fairer tax system. There is no evidence to support those who scaremonger about the effects of making the rich pay fairer taxes. Not only have the Tories slashed the top rate of tax, they still plan billions in tax giveaways to the super rich and big corporations over this parliament.

“With every day that passes the case for a change of direction at the Treasury grows. Instead of engaging in infighting in his own party the Chancellor should listen to Labour’s calls for fairer taxes and increased investment to build an economy for the many not the few.”

Hammond has today confirmed that “no deal” would be a total disaster for the aviation sector – Karl Turner

Karl Turner MP, Labour’s
Shadow Transport Minister
, responding to
Philip Hammond’s admittance that a Brexit “no deal” could result in
flights being grounded, said: 

“Phillip Hammond has today confirmed that “no
deal” would be a total disaster for the aviation sector.

“The impact of this uncertainty will be
felt by passengers long before March 2019, as airlines may not be able to sell
advance tickets if a deal is not reached. If air cargo is grounded we will not
be able to import or export freely.

"It is imperative that the Government
prioritises securing a deal for the aviation sector and provides the industry
with the certainty it needs in the run up to March 2019 and beyond.”

New official figures are yet another indictment of the Tories’ failing housing policy – Healey

John Healey MP, Labour’s Shadow Secretary of State for Housing, responding to ONS data showing a sharp increase in house price per square metre since 2010, said:

“Britain’s housing crisis is a housing costs crisis for many people, as this report confirms. With the cost of buying and renting racing ahead of income rises, millions of younger people feel locked out of the housing market.

“Yet fewer new homes have been built under this Tory-led government since 2010 than with any peacetime government since the 1920s. These new official figures are yet another indictment of failing housing policy and a failing housing market. “Even Theresa May admits seven years of Conservative failure on housing was a big part of why her Party did so badly in the Election, yet she has no plan to fix the housing crisis.

“People whose lives are blighted by Britain’s broken housing market rightly expect Government to act but it’s only Labour’s long-term plan for a consumer rights revolution for renters, new discount homes for first time buyers and the big-scale building programme of genuinely affordable homes to rent and buy that will tackle the country’s housing crisis.”

The Government must compel Ofgem on energy price cap – Rebecca Long-Bailey

Rebecca Long-Bailey MP, Labour’s Shadow Secretary of State for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy, commenting on reports that an energy price cap is unlikely to take effect this winter, said:  

“The Government needs to hurry up and get on with it if customers are to feel the benefit this winter. It is now mid-October and we are yet to have sight of the legislation, despite Labour’s persistent calls for the Government to take action.

“Not only is timely legislation necessary, when published it must compel Ofgem to implement a cap rather than simply handing over a power which they may or may not use.

“A Labour government will immediately introduce an emergency price cap, while we transition to a fairer system for bill payers.”