Conservative-led governments have made it easier for tax avoiders to duck their obligations – John McDonnell

John McDonnell MP, Labour’s Shadow
to the EU investigation into the UK’s “controlled foreign company” schemes,

“The new EU investigation into
the controlled foreign company tax dodge opened up by the Conservatives
vindicates Labour’s demands for its closure and blows Tory claims to be
targeting tax avoidance out of the water.

“Far from clamping down on tax
dodgers, Conservative-led governments have made it easier for tax avoiders to
duck their obligations to society and not pay their fair share of tax.

"Labour’s election manifesto demanded the closure of the controlled
foreign company loophole and only Labour will take the tough action needed to
end the scourge of tax avoidance and build an economy for the many, not the

Conservatives’ cuts are creating a crisis in our prisons – Richard Burgon MP

Richard Burgon MP, Labour’s Shadow
Secretary of State for Justice,
on Ministry of Justice data which reveals a record number of assaults
in prisons, said: 

“Once again we see how
Conservatives’ cuts are creating a crisis in our prisons. Every few months we
get a new record for the number of assaults as the Government’s cutting of
prisons budgets and staff bites. It is scandalous that we now have an assault every
20 minutes in our prisons.

“Government policies that have led
to severe overcrowding and cutting of more than 6,000 prison officers are
squarely to blame for this situation. Yet one in three prisons suffered further
cuts in officer numbers in the first six months of this year alone.

“When prisoners can’t be let out
of their cells for 23 hours a day due to soaring violence and under-staffing,
it makes a mockery of the Government’s claims that it is turning prisons into
places of education and reform.” 

This Tory Government is presiding over a policing system which still discriminates against black people – Diane Abbott

Diane Abbott MP, Labour’s Shadow Home
speaking in response to the release of Home office data, said:

“This serious
discrimination is widespread. It is unacceptable that the Home Office’s own
report states that the level of discrimination is little changed from previous

“The Prime Minister says she wants
to tackle burning injustices. But this Tory Government is presiding over a
policing system which still discriminates against black people. Warm words are
not enough. It is long past time that the government acted to address these
unacceptable disparities.” 

Fall in earnings shows this Government has fundamentally failed working people – Debbie Abrahams

Debbie Abrahams
MP, Shadow Work and Pensions Secretary,
commenting on the Annual Survey of Hours
and Earnings, said:

 “Year after
year people are worse off. Earnings have fallen again and real wages are lower
than they were a decade ago.

Government has fundamentally failed working people with over 7 million people
now living in poverty in a working household.

“It has also
failed women, who are still being paid on average nearly 20% less than men.

“The next Labour
Government will immediately give millions a pay rise by introducing a £10 per
hour real living wage, scrapping the public sector pay cap and taking action to
close the gender pay gap.”

Labour has forced Theresa May to backtrack on ill-conceived plans for supported housing – John Healey MP

Healey MP,
Shadow Secretary of State for Housing,
responding to the House of Commons’
unanimous support for Labour’s motion to protect supported housing, said:

pressure from Labour, Theresa May has been forced to backtrack on the
Government’s ill-conceived plans for supported housing.

after unanimous House of Commons backing for Labour’s motion committing to
safeguard the long-term future and funding of supported housing, any new
Government proposals must reflect the clearly expressed will of Parliament.”