We need to ensure Lammy report is a watershed moment in the struggle against racism and discrimination – Burgon

Richard Burgon MP, Labour’s Shadow Justice Secretary, following the Government’s Response to the Lammy Review into the treatment of Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic individuals in the Criminal Justice System, said:

“David Lammy’s review shone a spotlight on the widespread discrimination in our criminal justice system. His finding that there is a greater disproportionality in the number of black people in our prisons than in the USA is a source of shame for our society.

”While the Government accepts that much more needs to be done, it is disappointing that they are seeking to resolve the lack of diversity in our judiciary with watered down measures. 

“Labour is committed to reviewing the judicial appointments process, to ensure a judiciary that is more representative of our society. Over the coming months, Labour will be holding the Government to account over its commitments made today and pressing it to go much further to ensure that the Lammy report is a watershed moment in the struggle against racism and discrimination.”

Labour secures vote on amendment to force equality impact assessment of Government’s economic policies

Labour has secured a vote on its
amendment to the Finance Bill to force the Government to conduct an assessment
of the impact of social security changes and fiscal measures on disadvantaged

The Government failed to meet
Labour’s demand for the Budget to be audited on the basis of gender, race, age, disability, class and region.
Other parties have now joined Labour calls for transparency, with 127 MPs from
Labour, the Lib Dems, SNP and the Greens, signing Dawn Butler’s letter to
Justine Greening calling for all Government policy to be assessed for their
impact on disadvantaged groups.   

Although the Public Sector
Equality Duty (PSED) places a legal responsibility on public bodies, including
the Treasury, to conduct equality assessments, the Treasury has failed to
publish adequate equalities audits of its fiscal measures.

This comes as analysis shows that
86 per cent of tax and social security changes continue to fall on women and
women only received two thirds of the spending men received in this budget.

Dawn Butler MP,
Labour’s Shadow Women and Equalities Minister, said:

“The Tories’ failed austerity
project has hit the most vulnerable groups in our society the hardest, forcing
women, ethnic minority communities and disabled people to pay the highest

“The Finance Bill represents more
of the same for groups with protected characteristics who have borne the brunt
of Conservative economic failure for too long. We need a detailed assessment to
reveal the full damage of Tory austerity.

“The next Labour
government will ensure that we publish comprehensive equality impact
assessments to enable us to truly build an economy that works for the many, not
the few.”

Labour demands greater transparency of Tory tax giveaway to big banks

Dowd MP, Labour’s Shadow Chief Secretary to the Treasury, speaking ahead of the
committee stage of the Finance Bill in the House of Commons today, has
demanded an end to the tax giveaways to the big banks. He also demanded
greater transparency in the Government’s planned cuts to the rate of the
Bank Levy.

has tabled three new clauses and a paving amendment on the issue of the Bank
Levy. The amendments would: force the government to assess the effectiveness of
the Bank Levy as a revenue raising measure since its introduction in 2011; to
increase the transparency of the levy and its operation; and to ensure
that the changes introduced by this Finance Bill are measured and reviewed.

the Budget leading children’s charities warned the Chancellor that children’s
services required £2bn of additional funding before 2020 to avert a crisis
in a system.

Dowd MP, Labour’s Shadow Chief Secretary to the Treasury, said:

Tories chose in the Budget to prioritise further tax giveaways to the big banks
over spending on our vital public services, such as children’s services.

“Today we
are simply asking for greater transparency over this unfair giveaway to already
profitable big banks at a time when our public services and working families
are struggling just before Christmas.

planned cuts in the rate of the Bank Levy will see billions handed out to the
major banks by 2020. 

week Labour tried to correct this by amending the Finance Bill to end the
£4.7bn cut in the Bank Levy, which last month’s Budget failed to reverse, and
called for it instead to be channelled into vulnerable children’s services. But
the Chancellor chose to plough on with this heartless choice. 

Hammond could still
change direction. He
can either choose to end this injustice in the Finance Bill, or choose for
Christmas to come early for the bankers and act like Scrooge to the rest of

Ministers should cancel their latest multi-billion pound tax break for bankers and start protecting the most vulnerable children instead – Emma Lewell-Buck

Lewell-Buck MP
, Labour’s
Shadow Education Minister for Children and Families
, commenting on the
recent findings made by the NSPCC that 90 referrals are made per-week to local
agencies over fears of sexual abuse, said:

“This is
the latest evidence that demand for child protection services is going up, just
as funding is being cut. The Government’s own figures show that spending
on children’s services has already fallen by a tenth under the Tories, and we
are heading for a £2bn shortfall by 2020. Ministers should cancel their latest
multi-billion pound tax break for bankers and start protecting the most
vulnerable children instead.”


Teachers’ pay being cut due to lack of annual pay rises says NEU survey – Angela Rayner

Angela Rayner MP, Shadow
Secretary of State for Education,
commenting on NEU survey showing
Teachers’ pay being cut due to lack of annual pay rises and performance related
pay progression, said:

“This survey is the
latest evidence that the Tories have left schools and teachers in an impossible
position. After imposing a pay cap that left teachers £5,000 worse off in real
terms, they are now acting as if they have ended the public sector pay cap, but
won’t give schools a penny to fund pay rises.

“If the pay cap effectively continues by the back door, it will only make it
harder for schools to recruit and retain the staff they need to give every
child the best possible start in life.

“The next Labour
Government will scrap the public sector pay cap, with ring-fence funding to
give teachers the pay rise they deserve, as we create a National Education
Service and build a country for the many, and not just the few.”
