It takes more than re-naming departments to erase seven years of failure – Trickett

Jon Trickett MP, Labour’s Shadow Minister for the Cabinet Office, responding to Theresa May’s reshuffle today, said:

“With the NHS in crisis, working people worse off and Brexit preparations in turmoil, Theresa May is leading a failing Government.

“By simply rearranging the deckchairs in her reshuffle, Theresa May has shown that her floundering Government is out of fresh ideas. It takes more than re-naming departments to erase seven years of failure.

“What the country desperately needs is a new approach. With Jeremy Corbyn, that’s what Labour offers: a new Britain, run in the interests of the many, not the few.”

Rebecca Long-Bailey comments on loss of 250 jobs at Vauxhall’s Ellesmere Port

Rebecca Long-Bailey MP, Labour’s Shadow Business Secretary, commenting on the loss of a further 250 jobs at Vauxhall’s Ellesmere Port plant, said

‘’When PSA Group took over Vauxhall last year the Government promised it would do the utmost to protect workers, but since then a third of jobs at Ellesmere Port have been cut.

“The Tories are failing to give businesses and workers the security they need to navigate Brexit, which has been demonstrated again in today’s EEF report on manufacturer’s expectations for 2018.  

“The Government must set out how it will support the plant and urgently provide certainty for the sector as a whole after Brexit.’’

Justin Madders response to Philip Dunne saying that there are seats to sit on if beds aren’t available

Madders MP, Labour’s Shadow Health Minister,
responding to Philip Dunne MP’s
remark that there are seats to sit on if beds aren’t available, said:

is an appalling and ignorant remark from a Minister entirely out of touch with
the reality of the NHS winter crisis.

sick patients in chairs because of acute bed shortages is clearly not
acceptable in the 21st Century. And yet with numerous Trusts this
winter at times reporting 100 per cent bed occupancy, hospitals simply cannot
cope and are being forced into these intolerable situations.

and staff are currently facing an unprecedented winter crisis. Instead of
worrying about reshuffles, the Prime Minister must urgently sort this mess

Theresa May continues to show utter disregard for patients – Ashworth

to Theresa May’s comment on the Andrew Marr show that “nothing is perfect” in
the NHS, Jonathan Ashworth MP, Labour’s Shadow Health Secretary, said:

again Theresa May has shown utter disregard for those patients languishing on
trolleys, delayed in ambulances in the freezing cold weather or forced to wait
longer in pain and anxiety because their operation has been cancelled.

“A real
apology would be backed up by real action. Instead all we get is a plan to
promote the Health Secretary who has overseen this crisis. Promoting the Health
Secretary would be a betrayal of patients who deserve better this winter.”

Tories have a long way to go to reverse their abysmal record on animal welfare – Hayman

Responding to Theresa May’s announcement to drop plans for a vote on fox hunting, Sue Hayman MP, Shadow Secretary of State for Environment, Food
and Rural Affairs said;

“The Tories have finally bowed to
pressure from Labour and campaigners with this long overdue U-Turn, just months
after the Prime Minister publicly stated her support for a free vote on the

“85 per cent of the public do
not want a return of this cruel and barbaric activity. The Government must now outline
plans to take tough action against those who continue to conduct illegal fox

“The Tories still have a long way to
go to reverse their abysmal record on animal welfare. Labour calls on Theresa
May to now drop her government’s poorly regulated, reckless badger cull across
England, to take action against raptor bird persecution and make comprehensive
commitments on banning the sale of ivory and wild animals in circuses.”