Theresa May has abandoned all promises made to victims of the hacking scandal – Watson

Tom Watson MP, Labour’s Shadow Secretary of State for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport, commenting on the Prime Minister’s statement that her Government will seek to overturn last night’s Lords vote that backed Leveson 2, said:  

“Last night’s vote was a milestone for the victims of hacking and press intrusion and a step towards fulfilling the promises for change made by all parties in 2012.  

“Following that vote, Theresa May had a choice: whether to side with the victims of phone hacking or to side with her friends in the press and those that want to block change. Her words this morning make clear that she has abandoned all the promises made to victims after the hacking scandal was exposed. 

“Labour has never wavered from our support for the victims of press abuse.  In every General Election manifesto since the scandal we have reiterated our support for the victims and our commitment to bring into force the Leveson system for independent regulation of the press and complete Part 2 of the Inquiry.  

“These amendments do precisely that and we will be fighting to keep them in the bill when it comes to the Commons.”

Tom Watson response to the House of Lords backing Leveson 2

Tom Watson MP, Labour’s Shadow Secretary for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport, responding to the House of Lords backing Leveson 2, said: 

“In 2012, all parties made a promise to the victims of phone hacking. At many times since then the Tories have tried to renege on that promise.  

“Tonight’s votes are an important step towards justice. 

“Unlike the Tories, Labour has always stood by the victims of hacking and press intrusion with promises in each of our past manifestos to enact all the recommendations of Leveson.  

“These votes send a signal to the Tories: that they must keep their promises.”

Justin Madders responds to Care Quality Commission’s decision to suspend routine inspections

Justin Madders MP, Labour’s Shadow Health Minister, responding to the Care Quality Commission’s decision to suspend routine inspections because of winter pressures, said:

“Another day, another example of Tory failure to suitably prepare our NHS for the predictable winter spike in demand. This incredibly serious decision must act as a wakeup call to a Government which remains in denial over the worst winter crisis on record.

“Gaining a full picture of winter pressures is critically important and the CQC’s decision leaves a serious deficit of quality regulation.

“Coming off the back of the cancellation of 55,000 elective operations, Ministers must now back Labour’s call for immediate additional funding to stabilise this appalling winter crisis.”

Keir Starmer responds to Government’s amendments to the EU withdrawal bill

Keir Starmer MP, Labour’s Shadow Secretary of State for Exiting the European Union, responding to the Government’s recent amendments to the EU withdrawal bill, said:

“This is a deeply flawed and damaging piece of legislation. The Government’s piecemeal changes are woefully inadequate meaning once again nothing has changed.

“There is nothing to address the fundamental concerns that MPs across Parliament have about watering down workers’ and environmental rights, the extreme scope of Henry VIII powers and the disregard of the devolution settlement.

“The bill in its current form would also block any sensible transitional deal with the European Union, and it contradicts the policy laid out in the Prime Minister’s Florence Speech.

"Theresa May must rethink her approach or face legitimate opposition from Labour and some of her own MPs.”


Dawn Butler response to Toby Young resignation

Dawn Butler MP, Labour’s Shadow Minister for Women and Equalities, responding to Toby Young’s resignation, said:

“The Toby Young saga has further exposed Theresa May’s total lack of judgement in appointing him and her weakness in refusing to sack him. She should have removed him from his post, not personally backed him at the weekend and sent a minister out to defend him in Parliament yesterday.”