The measures announced so far in Theresa May’s long-promised housing white paper are feeble beyond belief – Healey

Commenting on further detail on the content of the government’s white paper on housing, Labour’s Shadow Secretary of State for Housing John Healey MP said:

“The measures announced so far in Theresa May’s long-promised housing white paper are feeble beyond belief.

“After seven years of failure and a thousand housing announcements, the housing crisis is getting worse not better.

“There are 200,000 fewer home-owners, homelessness has doubled, and affordable house-building has slumped to a 24 year low

“Ministers should be setting out clear plans to deal with these problems, but all Theresa May’s Ministers have delivered so far is hot air.

“The government should instead back Labour’s plan to fix the housing crisis – thousands more affordable homes to rent and buy, a charter of renters’ rights and action to end to rough sleeping homelessness.”


•         The government’s announcements on housing to date:

•         The government’s record:

– The number of households who own their own home has fallen by 200,000, with the number of under-35 households owning a home down by 344,000.

– There are over 900,000 more households renting from a private landlord than in 2010 including one in four families with dependent children, but rents have risen faster than incomes.  

– Despite 13 separate cuts to housing benefit, including the bedroom tax, the housing benefit bill is £4bn higher each year in cash terms.

– There are 143,000 fewer council homes than in 2010, with only one home in every six sold under the right to buy replaced, despite promises of ‘one for one’ replacement. Measures in the recent housing and planning act are set to mean the loss of 23,503 council houses a year according to the housing charity Shelter.

– According to the Government-commissioned Local Plan Expert Group it is now taking councils almost a year (306 days) longer to adopt vital local plans for housing than in 2009. Among the main reasons are: “a lack of political will and commitment”, “a lack of clarity on key issues”, “too many changes… of policy”, and “a lack of guidance, support and resources”.  We’ve had constant chop and change but no improvement, despite six piece of planning legislation in six years under the Tories.

Barbara Keeley responds to Panorama programme on Mental Health services in the Norfolk and Suffolk Mental Health Trusts

on the BBC Panorama programme on issues in Mental Health services in the
Norfolk and Suffolk Mental Health Trusts, Labour’s Shadow Cabinet Member for
Mental Health, Barbara Keeley MP said:

years of Tory Government promises, funding for NHS Mental Health services has
not increased but has actually fallen by £150 million.

“At the
Norfolk and Suffolk Mental Health Trust, funding cuts led to frontline
community teams being disbanded, loss of experienced staff and the cutting of
136 inpatient psychiatric beds. The Panorama programme showed what can go wrong
when patients in crisis cannot be admitted to an inpatient bed.

“It is
disturbing that while the Prime Minister and the Health Secretary talk about
transforming mental health services, what families actually saw in Norfolk and
Suffolk is an absence of support and no beds available during a crisis. It is
time for action from Tory Ministers, not warm words which fail patients and
their families.”

Sale of the student loan book is a bad deal for students and the tax-payer – Angela Rayner

Rayner MP, Shadow Secretary of State for Education
, commenting on the Government’s
announcement regarding the sale of the student loan book, said: 

“The Tories have tried to sell-off the student loan book before, but
abandoned the idea when they realised it was a bad deal for students and a bad
deal for the tax-payer.

"This Government never learn any lessons – this sale will do nothing to
ease the burden of debt piled on students by the Tories who have trebled
tuition fees and scrapped maintenance grants.

has committed to restoring maintenance grants to help young people from all
backgrounds have access to University.”


This scandal exposes the overall approach by the Tories, which is to make those on low incomes pay for the last seven years of Tory economic failure – Rebecca Long-Bailey

Long-Bailey MP, Shadow Chief Secretary to the Treasury
, responding to
news that families affected by Concentrix assessments are to have their cases
reviewed, said:

figures further confirm that Concentrix were pursuing a cut first ask questions
later approach, which saw thousands of low income families pay the price for an
overzealous contractor, and a lack of government oversight. 

scandal exposes the overall approach by the Tories, which is to make those on
low incomes pay for the last seven years of Tory economic failure.

welcome the fact that those who have been unfairly punished will have their
cases finally reviewed. It is just a shame that the Tories had to be forced
here kicking and screaming by Labour. However, those who have their decisions
overturned must be reimbursed in full for the amounts that they lost as a
matter of urgency.  Anything less will be seen as the government
continuing to let them down.”

Statement from Jeremy Corbyn ahead of Benjamin Netanyahu’s visit to the UK

Corbyn MP, Leader of the Labour Party

speaking ahead of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s visit to the UK,

Theresa May meets the Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu tomorrow, she
has let it be known she will tell him that building settlements on occupied
Palestinian land “undermines trust”.

is simply not good enough. The Israeli government’s decision to build 3,000 new
settlement homes in the occupied West Bank and East Jerusalem is illegal under
international law and a threat to peace and international security.

undermines still further the prospect of a two-state solution to the
Israel-Palestine conflict, about which the Netanyahu government is increasingly

years after the United Nations demanded Israeli withdrawal from the territories
occupied in the 1967 war and 70 years after the UN voted for the creation of a
Palestinian state, the British government must act in support of peace and
justice in the Middle East conflict. 

May must make clear to the Israeli Prime Minister that the British government
will stand unequivocally behind the rights of the Palestinian people, along
with the many who support them in Israel, as well as human rights and justice
across the region. 

must also demand an assurance from the Israeli Prime Minister that the improper
interference by the Israeli embassy in British democratic politics exposed last
month will not be repeated.”