John McDonnell responds to the independent Kerslake Review into the Treasury

McDonnell MP, Labour’s Shadow Chancellor
, welcoming the publication of Labour’s
independent Kerslake Review into the Treasury this morning, said:

welcome this report, which has been produced by some of the leading experts in
our country who have worked closely with the Treasury. And Labour will be
responding in full in the coming weeks to the review.

asked Sir Bob Kerslake to head up a review into the Treasury because we needed
to have a serious and thorough examination of one of the most important pillars
of government, and the cornerstone of economic policy making in our country.

Treasury is our most important economic policymaking institution, but one that
has been criticised by some for its approach and attitudes.

review will help shape Labour’s economic policy, as well as being an first
important step in setting a new direction for the Treasury in the 21st Century.
As the views of the former head of the Civil Service are ones that should be
taken on board right across the economic and political spectrum in our country.

Sir Bob has made clear, we need the Treasury in the 21st century to be not only
able to meet the big challenges of the day such as Brexit, but also one that
focuses on all corners of our country, so that no one and no community is left
behind. Therefore, I am deeply concerned that the review has raised this as
areas which need reform.

the severe challenges that our economy and our country face in the coming
years, it is vital that we have a Treasury that is up-to-speed and is able to
match them. The next Labour government will need to deal with many of these
challenges, with what by then could potentially have been 10 years of Tory
economic failure, and it will fall to us to ensure that the Treasury is ready
and properly equipped for the 21st century.

am are deeply grateful for the contribution from all the independent members of
the review’s panel, who represented many different fields of expertise, and who
gave up a considerable amount of their time to take part. And I would also like
thank Sir Bob Kerslake for his time, energy and expertise in producing this
report for Labour.”

Kerslake, former head of the Civil Service
, who headed up the review, said:

Treasury is a small but very powerful department. To make the most of its very
capable staff, it needs to fundamentally change both what it does and how it
does it. It should  focus on its core economic and financial roles and
work in a much more open and collaborative way. The impact of Brexit reinforces
this need for change”.


Commenting on the Education Select Committee’s report into the evidence for grammar schools – Angela Rayner

Angela Rayner, Shadow Education Secretary, commenting on the Education Select Committee’s report into the
evidence for grammar schools, said:

“When even the Conservative-dominated Education
Selection Committee calls Theresa May’s new grammar schools an ‘unnecessary
distraction’, it’s time that ministers finally sat up and took notice.

“There is a crisis in teacher recruitment,
schools budgets are being cut for the first time in decades and hundreds of
thousands of pupils are in super-sized classes. The Tories should be
keeping their pledge to protect school funding rather than pressing ahead with
this policy which will only make things worse for the majority of


It’s about time Justice Secretary Truss stopped mud-slinging and took responsibility – Richard Burgon

Burgon MP, Labour’s Shadow Justice Secretary
, responding to Justice Secretary
Liz Truss’s speech at the Centre for Social Justice, said:

about time Justice Secretary Truss stopped mud-slinging and took
responsibility. Liz Truss knows full well it is not and never has been Labour’s
policy to halve the prison population. Labour’s policy is to properly fund and
run our prison and probation service, make the safety of prison staff a top
priority and make society safer by jailing those who are a threat to public
safety. Labour will make rehabilitation work.

in power have made a mess of our prison and probation service and have created
the current prisons crisis. This is dangerous for staff, dangerous for inmates
and dangerous for the public.  We await with interest the Prisons and
Courts Bill which will hopefully have some of the detail Liz Truss’s White
Paper failed to provide.“


Sir Robert Francis’ message is clear: the funding crisis in the NHS is putting patient care at risk – Ashworth

Jonathan Ashworth MP, Labour’s Shadow Health Secretary, responding to Sir
Robert Francis’ comments on the Andrew Marr Show this morning, said:

 "Sir Robert Francis’
message is clear: the funding crisis in the NHS is putting patient care at
risk. The NHS should be the safest and best in the world, but Sir Robert’s
warning is that this cannot be achieved given the scale of the financial crisis
now engulfing hospital departments up and down the country. 

Tories’ behaviour to date has been to blame patients and doctors for the
pressures facing the NHS. But the truth is that the cause of this crisis lies
squarely at the feet of The Prime Minister. Theresa May must immediately agree
to bring forward a comprehensive funding package for health and social care in
the March Budget so no patients are
put a risk of harm or unsafe care.“

The Government has completely failed to deliver on NHS workforce planning- Madders

Justin Madders MP, Labour’s Shadow Health Minister, responding to reports that a lack of Government planning means that Locum Doctors are being paid up to £363 an hour, said:

“The Government has completely failed to deliver on NHS workforce planning and now they are losing control of NHS finances as well.

“It’s not right that this amount of money is leaking out the system to agencies and temporary staff at a time when funding is so tight that operations are being cancelled and services cut back.

“The cap on agency payments has been breached a shocking 2.7 million times in just nine months. The Government needs a solution to help the NHS get the permanent staff it needs to keep patients safe.  

“Jeremy Hunt should be making sure money meant for the NHS is going to patient care, not private agencies.“
