

The Government needs to provide answers on how it will keep the UK as an attractive university destination for EU students – Blomfield

Paul Blomfield MP, Labour’s Shadow Minister for Exiting the European Union, commenting on the 6 percent fall in applications from non-UK European Union students, said:

“These latest UCAS figures show yet another drop in applications from non-UK EU students to our universities.

“The Government’s failure to provide certainty to non-UK European citizens living, working and studying here is harming our world-class universities.

“The Government urgently needs to provide answers on how it will keep the UK as an attractive university destination for EU students, as we leave the EU.

“Thousands of jobs depend on it, as well as the diversity of our campuses and cities.

“One of Labour’s six tests for the final Brexit deal is a strong and collaborative future relationship with the EU. Strengthening our education exports is a vital part of this.”

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The Government needs to provide answers on how it will keep the UK as an attractive university destination for EU students – Blomfield

Paul Blomfield MP, Labour’s Shadow Minister for Exiting the European Union, commenting on the 6 percent fall in applications from non-UK European Union students, said:

“These latest UCAS figures show yet another drop in applications from non-UK EU students to our universities.

“The Government’s failure to provide certainty to non-UK European citizens living, working and studying here is harming our world-class universities.

“The Government urgently needs to provide answers on how it will keep the UK as an attractive university destination for EU students, as we leave the EU.

“Thousands of jobs depend on it, as well as the diversity of our campuses and cities.

“One of Labour’s six tests for the final Brexit deal is a strong and collaborative future relationship with the EU. Strengthening our education exports is a vital part of this.”

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Debbie Abrahams response to Joseph Rowntree Foundation report showing Tory Government’s two child benefit limit could push 200,000 children into poverty

Debbie Abrahams MP, Labour’s Shadow Work and Pensions Secretary, commenting on the Joseph Rowntree Foundation report, which shows the Tory Government’s two child benefit limit could push 200,000 children into poverty, said:

“Labour is calling on the Tories to scrap this inhumane policy, which will have a devastating impact upon many families on the lowest incomes in our society.

“An arbitrary cap on the number of children that the Government will help families to bring up is not only cruel, but is bad policy. This evidence shows that it will increase child poverty.

“As 90 per cent of lone parents are female it is a further example of how these six years of wasted austerity have been borne on the backs of low income mothers.

“That’s why Labour will stand up for low income families, including providing free school meals to all primary school children.” 

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A Labour Government would give leaseholders security from rip-off ground rents – Healey

John Healey MP, Labour’s Shadow Secretary of State for Housing, commenting on new government statistics showing that there are four million leasehold dwellings in England, said:

“These new figures confirm for the first time the scale of leasehold ownership in England.

“Home-owners who own their home as leaseholders are currently unprotected from rip-off rises in ‘ground rents’ from developers or management companies.

“At its worst this is little better than legalised extortion and too many leaseholders are having to pay hefty bills as a result. Under a Labour Government this sharp practice would end.

“This is unfinished business for Labour – we gave leaseholders more protection in government, but the continuing problem now means we must do more.

“A Labour Government would give leaseholders security from rip-off ground rents and end the routine use of leasehold ownership in new housing developments.”

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Working people deserve better than Tory failure – Andrew Gwynne

Andrew Gwynne MP, responding to Theresa May’s speech at the launch of the Tory local elections campaign, said:

“The Tories cannot give Britain the change we need. Theresa May talks of a country that works for everyone, but for the last seven years the Tories have failed ordinary working people and plunged our public services into crisis.

“When Theresa May says she has a plan for Britain, what she means is a plan to run the NHS into the ground, squeeze people’s living standards, reintroduce unfair selection in our schools and drive us towards a risky Brexit which threatens jobs, growth and workers’ rights.

“Theresa May’s claims on Council Tax are misleading. The truth is that where Labour controls the local council, households will pay on average £336 less next year than those living in Tory areas. People are better off with a Labour council.

“Working people deserve better than Tory failure – only Labour will stand up for them and their families.”

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