

Labour to give workers a break and bring our four nations together with four new national holidays

Jeremy Corbyn, Leader of the Labour Party, will announce Labour’s plan to give Britain’s workers the break they deserve and bring our four nations together with four new national holidays for the whole of the United Kingdom.

Under Labour’s proposals, UK-wide public holidays will be held on St, David’s Day (1st March), St Patrick’s Day (17th March), St. George’s Day (23rd April) and St. Andrew’s Day (30th November). With eight public holidays, the UK currently has the fewest of any G20 or EU country.

Speaking on St George’s Day to announce the policy, Jeremy Corbyn, Leader of the Labour Party, will say:

“For years, Britain’s workers haven’t had a proper pay rise, with wages for most people still below 2007 levels. After seven years of painful austerity, our workers deserve a break – and under a Labour government, they will have the opportunity of four more days off a year.

“The four nations that make up our great country have rarely been more divided due to the damaging and divisive policies of this Conservative government.

“But where Theresa May divides, Labour will unite our four nations. A Labour government will make St George’s Day – England’s national day and Shakespeare’s birthday – a public holiday, along with St David’s Day, St Andrew’s Day and St Patrick’s Day.

“And we will ask for the support of the governments of Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland so that the same four holidays can be enjoyed across the United Kingdom.

“These holidays will be a chance for workers to spend time with their families, in their communities and with their friends. But they will also be a chance to celebrate the national cultures of our proud nations.

“The next Labour government will give workers the break they deserve and bring our country closer together.”

The Leader of Scottish Labour, Kezia Dugdale will say:

“Scottish Labour believes that together we’re stronger, and that means celebrating what unites us across the four nations of the UK.

“St Andrew’s Day is a proud day of celebration in Scotland, and some workers already get the day off, but Labour would like to see that extended to all workers – not only in Scotland, but across the UK.

“Scotland is home to tens of thousands of people from England, Wales and Northern Ireland, and this policy will encourage the entire country to celebrate the four national days.

“Our country is far too divided as a result of the SNP’s plans for a second independence referendum and the Tories’ plans for a hard Brexit, and only by backing Labour can voters send Nicola Sturgeon and Theresa May a message that together we’re stronger.”

The Leader of Welsh Labour, Carwyn Jones will say:

“Welsh Labour has long been in favour of making St David’s day a public holiday in Wales. Today’s pledge would make that a reality for the 1.4 million hardworking people across Wales.”


Editor’s Notes:

1. The UK has the lowest number of public holidays of the major economies – 8 compared with a G20 average of 12. Four extra holidays would take us to the G20 average.

2. St Andrew’s Day is a public holiday in Scotland, where the issue is devolved, as is St Patrick’s Day in Northern Ireland. Labour’s proposal would be to seek the support of the governments of the three devolved administrations for four public holidays, but the decision whether to go ahead in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland would be theirs.

3. Estimates of the economic impact of public holidays (including by the DCMS) are contradictory, varying between a net benefit and net cost. There is no definitive measure. There is also evidence of productivity and wellbeing benefits, and the evidence of costs are that they are of delayed rather than lost output.

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The Tories’ promises to deal with energy bills should be taken with a huge pinch of salt

Andrew Gwynne MP, Labour’s Campaigns and Elections Chair, in response to the Sunday Times splash, said:

“The Tories don’t stand for working people, their record is one of failure and broken promises, letting ordinary people down at every turn.

“Under the Tories working people have picked up the bill while those at the top have has tax breaks. Wages have stagnated while in work support has been slashed. And public services have suffered huge cuts, leaving our NHS in crisis with longer waiting times, overcrowded ‎A&E departments and staffing shortages.
“The Tories’ promises to deal with energy bills should be taken with a huge pinch of salt. Time and again they’ve promised action but when it comes to it they broke those promises. Under them energy bills have soared. At the last election when Labour promised action the Tories opposed it, putting themselves on the side of protecting the big energy companies’ profits rather the interest of working people.

“Only Labour can be trusted to deliver a country for the many rather than just the few. All the Tories offer is broken promises and a record which has seen working people worse off.”

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John McDonnell responding to Treasury announcement that it has sold all of the public’s stake in Lloyds Banking Group

John McDonnell MP, Labour’s Shadow Chancellor, responding to the Treasury announcement that it has sold all of the public’s stake in Lloyds Banking Group, said:

“Two days after the Chancellor shamefully admitted that he will be unable to sell RBS at a profit, he is now trying to claim the handling of Lloyds as a success despite having had to scrap his earlier proposed retail sale because returns were so poor.

“Philip Hammond needs to stop ignoring the elephant in the room of Britain’s biggest banking failure and get to grips with RBS. Only Labour will put in place the tough measures needed to reign in our banks instead of Tory tax giveaways on the bank levy and bankers’ bonus tax.”

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R&D is vital for the UK’s future prosperity yet this Government have cut funding  – Long-Bailey

Rebecca Long Bailey MP, Shadow Secretary of State for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy, commenting on the Government’s announcement of Industrial Strategy Challenge Fund investments, said:

“This is simply a re-commitment of R&D funding announced at last year’s Autumn Statement.

“R&D is vital for the UK’s future prosperity yet this Government have cut funding since 2010  and the UK remains significantly behind the OECD average of 2.4% of GDP in public and private investment in R&D.

“Labour is committed to bringing the UK in line with our international counterparts and will raise total public and private investment in R&D to 3% of GDP.”


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Kate Osamor responds to Theresa May announcement on spending 0.7 per cent of GNI on international development

Shadow Secretary of State for International Development, Kate Osamor, responding to Theresa May announcement on spending 0.7 per cent of GNI on international development, said:

“The Tories have been cutting the aid budget by stealth for years, and they are now arguing over whether to go even further by abandoning the international definition of aid.

“The Prime Minister needs to end this speculation immediately by confirming that the Tories would continue to abide by the definition set out by the OECD. Abandoning the globally recognised standard would undermine the purpose of the 0.7 per cent commitment and send a terrible signal to the rest of the world.

“The UK’s commitment to help the world’s poorest is vital and should not be being called into question in this way.”

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