Next Labour government will take action to prevent stock market abuse – Dowd

Peter Dowd MP, Labour’s Shadow Chief Secretary to the Treasury, commenting on reports that the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) has only prosecuted eight cases of insider trading in the past five years, said:

“Once again we have further evidence of this Conservative Government’s priorities and lacklustre approach when it comes to stopping stock market abuse. The Tories would rather spend much needed resources victimising benefit claimants than tackling financial fraud and insider trading.

“The Government’s continued understaffing and under-resourcing of the FCA and HMRC are giving stock market fraudsters and insider traders carte blanche and sadly it’s the taxpayer who is paying for it.

"The next Labour government will take action to prevent stock market abuse, ensure that HMRC and the FCA are properly resourced, and create an economy that works for the many, not the few.”

Stonewall’s findings are deeply concerning. Transphobia is not OK and will never be OK – Dawn Butler

Dawn Butler MP, Shadow Minister for
Women and Equalities
commenting on the publication of Stonewall’s LGBT in Britain: Trans Report,

“Stonewall’s findings are deeply
concerning. Transphobia is not OK and will never be OK.

“Labour is committed to tackling this
issue and to supporting the Trans community. We urge the government to ensure
that the new guidance being developed on Sex and Relationship Education is
LGBT+ inclusive.

“Reforming the Gender recognition Act
will be key to ensuring Trans equality. But we are still waiting on the
government to publish the consultation on updating the Act. The government must
follow through on its commitment to reform.”


It is deeply regrettable that the Government has refused a review into the Worboys case – Richard Burgon

Burgon MP, Labour’s Shadow Justice Secretary,
following the
announcement by the Justice Secretary on the John Worboys case, said:

will be very disappointed by today’s news. The Government needs to take measures
that restore public confidence in our justice system. It’s clear that there is
a pressing need for real changes that will make Parole Board decisions much
more transparent.

“But the
Worboys case raises so many serious questions that anything less than an
independent end-to-end review into the handling of the case—from the first
report to the police of an attack right through to the Parole Board
hearing—would let down the victims and the wider public. It is deeply
regrettable that the Government once again refused to
announce such a review.”

Jonathan Ashworth response to the National Audit Office’s report on sustainability and transformation in the NHS

Jonathan Ashworth MP, Labour’s Shadow Health Secretary, commenting on the National
Audit Office’s report on sustainability and transformation in the NHS, said:

NAO’s report confirms the Government’s flawed and wholly inadequate approach to
the sustainable, long term funding of the NHS. Ministers have failed to
increase per head spending in real terms each year, a key election promise, and
there are still no details of a long overdue pay rise for NHS staff.

NHS is in crisis. Years of underinvestment culminated in December 2017 being
the worst month on record for A&E performance and elective operations being
cancelled until the end of January. Targets are being missed and in-year cash
injections are not improving the financial performances of Trusts.

the Tories, Labour outlined a costed long term plan for funding the NHS. Labour
will give our NHS an extra £6 billion a year to ensure that our NHS remains a
world class service for all.”


Nia Griffith responds to the Public Accounts Committee report

Griffith MP, Labour’s Shadow Defence Secretary,
responding to the Public Accounts
Committee report on Delivering Carrier Strike, said:

“This report
highlights the significant concerns about the affordability of a key part of
the MoD’s equipment plan and a vital aspect of our future defence capability.

Government needs to address this issue urgently and ensure that the Carrier
programme is adequately funded going forward, in particular the F-35s which
need to be paid for in US dollars and will be impacted by fluctuating foreign
exchange rates. 

reassuring that MoD staff have told the Committee that they do not plan to take
the Albion class out of service early. The Defence Secretary should stop
dodging questions about the future of the vessels and confirm that he will not
be selling them off. The loss of this class without replacement would be an
unacceptable cut to our nation’s defences.”
