Labour will stand up for the many by prioritising neighbourhood policing and bearing down on crime – Diane Abbott

Diane Abbott MP, Labour’s Shadow Home Secretary, commenting on Office
for National Statistics (ONS) figures showing an increase in crime over the
last year, said:

“These figures are a stark reminder of Theresa May’s record of
failure on policing and crime.

“Almost every force in the country recorded an increase in crime
over the last year, with worrying rises in some of the most violent offences,
including gun and knife crime and homicide.

“There is a real choice at this election on policing and crime.

“Theresa May recklessly cut police budgets as Home Secretary, with
the loss of over 20,000 officers, and plans to cut even further if re-elected.

“Labour will stand up for the many by prioritising neighbourhood
policing and bearing down on crime.”

Today’s IFS analysis reveals the stark choice in this election – John McDonnell

John McDonnell MP, Labour’s Shadow
commenting on today’s Institute For
Fiscal Studies (IFS) analysis of the impact of tax and benefit changes since
May 2015 on the incomes of different kinds of households, said:

“Today’s IFS analysis reveals the stark choice in
this election.

“The Tories pose a clear threat to working people’s
living standards. Under Tory proposals cuts to in-work support will leave
working families with children an average of £2,500 a year worse off.

“This General Election is a choice between a Labour
Party who will stand up for the many and a Tory Party which only looks after
the privileged few.”

Labour councils show the way to tackle housing crisis – building 50% more homes than Tories

● Affordable house-building at a 24-year low under Tory Government
● Rough sleeping doubled since 2010

Labour councils show the way to tackle housing crisis – building 50% more homes than Tories

Labour councils have out-built Tory councils by an average of nearly 1000 new homes since 2010, new research released by Labour reveals.

House of Commons Library analysis, commissioned by Labour, shows that in Conservative-led local authority areas there were 1,679 new homes built on average between 2010 and 2016, while Labour councils built 2,577 on average – more than 50% more homes. Liberal Democrat-led areas have an equally poor record – building just 1,660.

The figures will come as a further blow to ministers, as they try to defend their housing record ahead of the general election.

The latest statistics from the Department of Communities and Local Government show that housebuilding is falling, with just 140,660 new homes built in 2016, compared to 142,600 the year before.

Meanwhile affordable housebuilding is at a 24 year low, there are 200,000 fewer home-owners since 2010, and rough sleeping has more than doubled.

The new figures were released alongside a new report, edited by Shadow Secretary of State for Housing John Healey MP, showcasing the innovative work that Labour councils are doing on housing around the country.
Local Housing Innovations: The Best of Labour in Power profiles 20 Labour councils at the leading edge in building new homes for first time buyers, cutting homelessness, investing in super-energy efficient homes and delivering new council housing.

Labour’s Shadow Secretary of State for Housing, John Healey MP, said:

“After seven years of failure the Conservatives have no plan to fix the housing crisis, in which house-building fell to its lowest peacetime rate since the 1920s. From falling home-ownership to rising homelessness, Britain has a desperate housing crisis and needs many more good homes.

“These new figures show that Labour in power means building more homes for local people.

“Tory Ministers talk about getting Britain building but their own local councils are lagging behind.

Commenting on his new Local Housing Innovations report, John Healey MP said:

“Labour doesn’t just build more, we build better too. Labour councils across the country are pulling out all the stops to help people with the day-to-day housing pressures they face.”

On a visit to Harlow tomorrow, Jeremy Corbyn, Leader of the Labour Party, will say:

“Britain faces a housing crisis, with runaway rents and unaffordable housing.  The system is rigged, with housing treated as an investment for the few, not homes for the many.

Seven years of Conservative failure, with homebuilding at the lowest levels since the 1920s, shows that they will never fix the housing crisis, which is holding so many people back.

Labour councils build more homes than Conservative ones. The next Labour government will build a million homes, at least half of them council homes, so that we build a Britain for the many not the few.”

After Boris Johnson’s broken promise of £350m a week for the NHS, why should anyone believe a word he says – Thornberry

Thornberry MP, Labour’s Shadow Foreign Secretary, commenting on Boris Johnson’s
speech to the Lord Mayor’s Banquet at Mansion House, said:

“It seems
Boris Johnson has finally been allowed out of hiding, on the condition he only
talks delusional nonsense.

“He talks
about creating a ‘Global Britain’, yet the Tories have overseen the greatest
diminution of British influence on the world stage in a generation.

“He talks
up a fantastical vision of Britain as a global trading nation, yet he and Theresa
May are putting at risk our trade with the EU – by far our largest trade
partner – by threatening an extreme Brexit where we crash out on WTO terms.

“With his
crass and offensive remarks Boris Johnson has single-handedly damaged Britain’s
chances of getting a good deal with the EU.

after his broken promise of £350m a week for the NHS, why should anyone believe
a word he says.”


Jonathan Ashworth, Shadow Health Secretary, speech to Unison’s conference

**Check against delivery**

It is my pleasure to be here. As a Labour MP, a trade
union member. As a member of your shadow Cabinet and – I hope – as the next
Labour Secretary of State for Health.

And it is a pleasure to be here with UNISON a great
trade union led by one of the great General Secretaries Dave Prentis. I
congratulate all of you for your campaign on public services and the work of
public servants.

Dave spoke with great eloquence earlier this week.

And when Dave said that funding’s becoming scarcer –
he was right.

When Dave said you’re all asked to do more with less –
he was right

And when Dave said you cannot trust the Tories with
the National Health Service – he was right.

And that’s what I want to talk to you about this

But my first duty this morning on behalf of the Labour
Party and Jeremy Corbyn is to say thank you to this union and your members and
indeed all who work in the NHS.

So to the nurses, the midwives and the health care
assistants – we say thank you

And because we don’t always remember them but I’ve
seen for myself the difference you make when a few years ago I had the honour
of shadowing your stewards on facility time at Lewisham hospital. To all your
stewards representing you in hospitals we say thank you.

To the porters, the cleaners and the IT administrators
– we say thank you

To the medical secretaries, therapists, paramedics and
managers – we say thank you too.

For your care, your dedication, your self-sacrifice,
every day, your extraordinary efforts, literally often the difference between
life and death.

Friends, we are here today. In our various vocations
and in this union because we believe in something bigger than ourselves,
because we are driven by solidarity not selfishness and we understand, and indeed
value the ethos of public service. An ethos that not only runs deep in our
history as a trade union movement but defines the character of our country as

Because when you look at every stage of life, whether
we call it cradle to the grave – or as Shakespeare wrote of the 7 ages of man.

At every stage public servants have been there for us,
have cared for us, have nurtured us and made us all what we are today.

Each and every one of them transforming hopelessness
into hope.

From the midwives and clinicians who bring us into the
world, the teachers who inspire us, the community workers improving our quality
of life, to our care workers who look after our frail, weak and vulnerable.

All represented across this union, all everyday
showing the value of public services at the heart of a civilized society

nowhere is that clearer, than in the NHS

National Health Service is truly v
isionary – a central part of the values we share as a society.

So today in the run up to this General Election I want
to talk to you about the attack on our NHS and on our values by this
Conservative Government.

And in this campaign let’s be resolute to not let any
Tory run away from their record on the NHS.

Theresa May can insist problems with the NHS are
nothing more than a ‘small number of incidents’ but she can’t deny what we see
with our eyes to be happening.

The winter crisis we’ve just been through, with
ambulances backed up outside of hospitals, patients on trolleys in corridors,
operations cancelled, elderly people trapped in beds with nowhere to go.

lengthening queues of the sick and elderly across the land.

4 million people waiting for an operation;

200,000 people waiting for four hours of more in A&E in February alone;

number of people waiting for 12 hours or more on trolleys doubled in a year.
Sometimes patients wait over 30 hours on a trolley.

Call it a ‘humanitarian crisis’ as the Red Cross did.

Call it the NHS on a ‘burning platform’ as the CQC
Chief Executive did

Call it an ‘existential crisis’ as Sir Robert Francis

I simply call it what it is – this is a Tory NHS
crisis and that’s why the future of the NHS is at stake in this general

have a Prime Minister who even yesterday still refuses to see the truth that
the NHS is overstretched, understaffed and under threat.

have a Prime Minister imposing on the NHS the largest financial squeeze in

allows hospital trusts to fall into deficit like never before.

have a Prime Minister who next year will be cutting NHS spending per head.

we heard that the NHS has a backlog of £5 billion in repairs for crumbling
hospitals and out of date equipment.

expect the NHS to find £22 billion of so called efficiency savings which no one
believes can be found without cutting frontline care.

health system buckling under the strain of huge financial and operational

what does it tell you about the state of 21st
century Britain under
these Conservatives that the number of hospital beds take by patients being
treated for malnutrition – yes malnutrition – has trebled in recent years.

on the rise in Tory Britain; isn’t that a national disgrace; isn’t that a badge
of shame.

because of the pressures on beds in the last few years a million patients have
been discharged in the middle of the night.

the numbers of elderly and vulnerable people trapped in hospital with nowhere
to go at record levels.

why? Because we have a care system that has been savaged by 7 years of spending
cuts. We have a care system on the brink of tipping point.

have over a million of the most elderly and vulnerable people denied the care
they deserve. Some maybe our own grandparents or parents, our own relatives.

yet we have a Prime Minister who walks by on the other side, refuses to face up
to the problems and says to councils in the most deprived parts of the country:
you can raise your council tax even though it will go nowhere near meeting your
social care needs.

of course it happens to be Surrey County Council where you can get a special
secret sweetheart deal with Downing Street.

I tell you something, under Labour these dodgy deals that demean Downing Street
will be gone. We’ll bring back honour and integrity to policy and decision
making in No 10. No more special access and mates’ rates but fairness instead
for all.

while this Prime Minister ignores the social care needs of the many she can
find millions to build new grammar schools,

can find billions to cuts taxes for the biggest corporations, but she won’t
recognise the
demands of the
elderly or treatment requirements of the sick.

So let us be absolutely clear
– what prevents this Prime Minister from acting is not the financial
constraints of the economy but the dogmatic constraints of her ideology.

are so bad that even Andrew Lansley – remember him – even Andrew Lansley has
complained it isn’t getting the money it needs.

Talking of Lord Lansley,
never forget that the priority of these Conservatives – including Theresa May –
was always a top down reorganization in the Health and Social Care Act whose very
aim was to drive our NHS into the realms of privatisation; 

And I can tell you today we
will not yield, we will not buckle.

Labour will defend the
National Health Service and axe that Health and Social Care legislation that
allows the NHS to be fragmented and sold off.

Privatisation of the NHS will
come to an end.

And I tell you what else we
will do:

We will reinstate the
Secretary of State’s responsibilities. We will reinstate the NHS – publicly
funded, publicly administered and yes publicly provided.

I want our NHS staff and patients to be given an actual real genuine voice in
the running of our NHS too.

I can announce we will also put healthcare professionals, staff and patients on
the Board of any organisation providing NHS care.  

yes this will apply to all private companies currently providing services or we
will insist they hand back their contracts.  

we will go further than that too and insist that Board level
representation of professionals, staff and patients is on every organisation
providing NHS care – including Clinical Commissioning Groups and all NHS

Labour will deliver staff reps on boards with voting rights at the heart of our

Better services

Over this campaign Labour will be setting out our plans
to deliver the improvements that patients need.

We want to see hospitals properly staffed, waiting
times coming down and emergency care available to those who need it, operating
to the standards that patients expect.

Under the Conservatives the 18 week target has been
dumped for what they call non-urgent operations.

To paraphrase a famous pre-election speech from time
gone by: I warn you that if the Tories win again not to get old, not to get

I warn you that the real cost of the Tories winning again
will be felt in longer waiting times, and people spending longer in pain and
discomfort for knee replacements and hip replacements.

Let’s be clear what’s happening, step by step, bit by

The NHS under Tories is being pushed back to the bad
old days and it will fall to Labour to save the NHS like we have done
throughout our history.

So we confirm our commitment to hitting the targets
for A&E,

We’ll do so by investing in our NHS, in our community
services, and renewing the focus on keeping people well and out of hospital,
delivering care closer to home at the time when people need it.

Because those who have given so much all their life
deserve security and dignity in retirement we’ll integrate health and social

And when it comes to the planning and delivery of
local services we will always ask what is in the interest of local needs not
what is in the interests of filling financial holes.

And we will deliver long overdue improvements to
mental health care as well.

We know that mental ill health is the leading cause of
sickness absence at work, costing the economy £105bn every year.

And that one in four of us in this room will
experience a mental health problem this year.

And yet all we get from Theresa May is warm words and
empty promises, but no real meaningful action.

Unlike the Tories, Labour will tackle the underfunded
and understaffed mental health system.

We want to see
mental health services properly resourced and focused on prevention, rather
than just asking the NHS to intervene once a person is already in crisis.

We will give our mental health services the money they
desperately need to look after us all, because there can be no health without
mental health.

The next Labour government will deliver true parity of
esteem between mental and physical health.

We won’t just talk about equality – we will deliver

And if we are to deliver these improvements for
Britain’s patients, then our starting point will be delivering improvements for
our health and care workforce.

Standing up for staff

So today I want to set out Labour’s plans for the
staff of our NHS and social care system.

You are the lifeblood of the NHS. You have committed
your working lives to caring for others in our times of need.

You deserve to be cared for yourselves, but for too
long this Government has taken you for granted.

A pay freeze has seen NHS wages fall 14% below

Cut backs to training places have meant units are even
more short-staffed.

And now Brexit threatens the ability of our NHS to
recruit from abroad, and threatens thousands of good, kind European staff who
are working in our country already.

So let me make it clear, Labour would make the NHS a
priority in the Brexit negotiations, and as Keir Starmer said yesterday we
would give an immediate NHS guarantee to all European NHS staff.

Let us send a clear message to the thousands of NHS
and social care staff from the EU. You are welcome, needed and your rights will
be guaranteed in the UK under a Labour government

You know because you see it every day that staff are
being forced by this Government to do more and more with less and less

Giving ever more of your free time to keep the service
running – working through your breaks and often long past the end of your

It’s why I say
that our NHS staff are the pride of Britain.

Yet you are
ignored, insulted, undervalued, overworked and underpaid by this Tory

Well not any
more. Enough is enough.

NHS staff have been taken for
granted for too long by the Conservative Government.

Cuts to pay and training mean
hard working staff are being forced from NHS professions and young people are
being put off before they have even started.

What is bad for NHS staff is
bad for patients too. Short staffing means reduced services and a threat to
patient safety.

So I can announce a Labour Government will step in
with a long term plan for our NHS which gives NHS staff the support they need
to do the best possible job for patients.

NHS staff deserve to be rewarded for the complex,
difficult and highly specialized professional work that they do.

So I can confirm
today that a Labour government will scrap the pay cap,
put pay decisions back into the hands of the independent pay review body and give our NHS
workers the pay they deserve.

It’s fair to staff and it’s in the interest of
patients too.

And it’s also in the interests of patients that we
invest in the potential of our staff.

My long term ambition is for our NHS staff to have the
best trained staff in the world ready to deal with whatever they face in the
years to come.

As a first step that means giving those who want to
enter nursing, midwifery and allied health profession a step up, not kick the
ladder away.

So let me commit here today that we will re-introduce
bursaries. We will reinstate funding for health related degrees so that people
who want to get into health professions – whether they are young people
starting out or older students who want a new career after starting a family –
don’t feel put off by financial considerations.

Safe Staffing

I know that
whenever we need the NHS it’s there for all of us and our families. But all of
us are naturally anxious when our loved ones or ourselves need to spend time in

Quite simply
Labour will never compromise on patient safety.

After seven years of Tory mismanagement our health
services dangerously understaffed.

We are thousands short on the numbers of nurses,
midwives, and paramedics that we need.

And yet the attitude of this Prime Minister remains
blinkered in the extreme. Her head buried in the sand. A casual dismissal of
the concerns of patients and their families.

So just as I’m passionate about investing in our NHS
staff, I will be the real patients’ champion too

Time and again expert reports – including the
groundbreaking survey UNISON published this week – have told us that staffing
levels are linked to patient safety but this Conservative Government has failed
to deliver staffing levels which keep up with demand.

So the next
Labour government will legislate to
safe staffing levels in England’s NHS.

We will immediately ask NICE to undertake work to set
out how safety can be determined in different settings, including looking at
legally enforced staffing ratios.

So conference with a Labour government a new law to
guarantee safe staffing, so that finances never again take precedent over
patient safety.

And unlike the
current Secretary of State I don’t make promises on behalf of the NHS while
refusing to give the NHS the resources and tools to deliver those promises.

The NHS under
Labour will get the funding needed. Over the coming days we will outline a long
term plans for the NHS; for how we integrate health and social care.

For too long, NHS staff have been taken for granted by
the Conservative Government. Wages falling, workloads rising. Staffing
shortages getting worse.

So I’m pleased to be able to launch here today
Labour’s three point pledge for NHS staff: better pay, safer staffing and fully
funded education.

yes this election is about the future of the NHS.

yes, it falls to this movement as it has throughout our history to make the
case with passion and yes pride for a National Health Service – free at the
point of need for every man, woman and child.

falls to us again as it has throughout our history to make the argument for
collective provision not just for a basic health service but for the very best
health service.

our history, we never lost our ideals and we never faltered in our ambitions
for the best health care for everyone.

we know that a National Health Service funded through taxation; with treatment
free at the point of delivery; where everyone is treated equally based on
clinical need not ability to pay is not only the right thing to do but it’s
also the most efficient, effective and safest system of health are across the

one of favourites poets WB Yeats wrote ‘in dreams begins responsibility” –

by the solidarity of the communities of Tredegar and motivated by the dream of
a fairer society not just for some but for all Nye Bevan took responsibility to
bring it about the Health Service

doing so we escaped from a world of patch work provision and charges for

let’s never forget that in that speech introducing the National Health Service
Bill he said the NHS, would

“lift the shadow from millions of homes”

“It will keep
very many people alive who might otherwise be dead”


“No society can
legitimately call itself civilised” he said, “if a sick person is denied
medical aid because of lack of means”

were words that still inspire

of a cause that still endures;

now the responsibility falls to us.

the choice in this election on June 8th is clear

rebuilt the National Health Service and social care service for the millions
who depend on it with Labour

cut backs, sell offs and nothing but a rump service under the Tories.

world class NHS providing the best quality of care – 

waiting times get longer, staff demoralised, standards of care plummeting

choice is clear.

commitment; that is our purpose.

Values, Labour Values,

Policies will protect the future for the NHS and standards of NHS care

go out and win.

