

Labour’s unequivocal pledge to Gibraltar – Emily Thornberry meets Chief Minister Picardo during a two day visit to the territory

Labour’s unequivocal pledge to Gibraltar

A future Labour government will guarantee the continued sovereignty of Gibraltar and make its future economic prosperity a priority during the Brexit negotiations. Labour’s pledge to Gibraltar came at the end of a two-day visit to the territory by Shadow Foreign Secretary Emily Thornberry.

Ms Thornberry met with Gibraltar’s Chief Minister Fabian Picardo, Deputy Chief Minister Dr Joseph Garcia, and other members of parliament. She toured the air terminal and frontier area, and attended the Workers Memorial Day service at the Alameda Gardens. She also met with representatives of Gibraltar’s workforce to discuss their views on the post-Brexit economy.

Speaking after her meetings, Emily Thornberry said:

“I have been delighted to spend this time with Chief Minister Picardo, members of his Cabinet, and representatives of Gibraltar’s workforce. Ahead of the General Election in June, I have reinforced to all of them that the Labour Party remains unequivocally committed to protecting the sovereignty of Gibraltar and the right of its people to self-determination.

“We are also determined to protect Gibraltar’s economy and ensure that its government can continue to create jobs and prosperity in the years to come. Under a Labour government, those principles will never be subject to compromise, bargaining or trade – whether in the Brexit negotiations or beyond – but will instead remain as solid as the Rock itself.

“I also reassured the Chief Minister that – along with London, the devolved administrations, and other overseas territories – Labour will ensure that Gibraltar is closely consulted throughout those Brexit negotiations, so that together we can safeguard economic growth in every region and territory, and get the best possible deal for all British citizens.

“Britain’s overseas territories are a fundamental part of our national history and Labour will always stand up for the rights, interests and self-determination of their citizens, whether that means protecting the sovereignty of the Falkland Islands against anyone who would seek to challenge it, or supporting the right of the Chagos Islanders to return to their homelands in Diego Garcia.”

Chief Minister Picardo welcomed Ms Thornberry’s visit, saying:

“It has been a pleasure to welcome Emily to Gibraltar. She is a good friend and a defender of Gibraltar in Parliament in her role as Shadow Foreign Secretary. Her visit, even during this election period, demonstrates her deep commitment and that of her party, to the people of Gibraltar and our right to determine our own future.”


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Labour is calling on Theresa May to come out of hiding and face the public

Labour is calling on Theresa May to come out of hiding and face the public

Jeremy Corbyn has been campaigning across the country at public events, meeting people to find out their concerns and hopes.

In contrast, the Prime Minister has emerged only for heavily stage-managed soundbites to the cameras before running into hiding again.

At a staged event at a community centre in Leeds last night, party workers and activists were shipped in and staff and the public were excluded.

May continues to refuse to debate Jeremy Corbyn in live TV debates despite overwhelming demand from the voters.  

Speaking at Labour’s HQ this morning, Jeremy Corbyn said:

“Theresa May is hiding from the public; she won’t take part in TV debates and she won’t talk to voters. Refusing to debate Labour in this election isn’t a sign of strength, it’s a sign of weakness.

“In showing contempt for the public in this way, the Prime Minister is showing that it’s Labour that stands up for the many, while she speaks only for the few.

“What is she afraid of? Voters deserve to know what political parties are offering.

“We are setting out our plans to rebuild and transform Britain, with a government for the many, not the few.”


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Today’s GDP figures reveal the threat to living standards under the Tories – McDonnell

John McDonnell MP, Labour’s Shadow Chancellor, commenting on today’s lower than expected GDP figures, said

“Today’s GDP figures reveal the threat to living standards under the Tories.

“Growth for the first three months of 2017 was only half of what was expected. It comes on the back of new forecasts last week from leading independent forecasters showing growth and earnings expectations slashed and inflation revised up.

“There is no hiding from the truth. The Tories’ economic plan has undermined the UK economy and is a threat to working people’s living standards.  

“This General Election is a choice between a Labour Party who will stand up for the many and a Tory Party which only looks after the privileged few.” 


Notes to editors:

  1. UK GDP Q1 2017 was 0.3 per cent.

ONS, GDP, April 2017

  1. The OBR were forecasting GDP growth for Q1 of 0.6 per cent.

OBR, Economic and fiscal outlook, March 2017, Table 3.2

  1. The most recent HM Treasury comparison of independent forecasts for the UK economy show the below.

GDP 2017

Independent median- 1.8%

OBR forecast- 2%

Difference- -0.2%

Average earnings 2017

Independent median- 2.4 %

OBR forecast- 2.6%

Difference- -0.2%

Inflation Q4 2017

Independent median- 3.1%

OBR forecast- 2.7%

Difference- +0.4%


GDP 2018

Independent median- 1.3%

OBR forecast- 1.6%

Difference- -0.3%

Inflation Q4 2018

Independent median- 2.5%

OBR forecast- 2.2%

Difference- -0.3%

Treasury, Forecasts for the UK economy: a comparison of independent forecasts, 19 April 2017

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Tory Government had failed to invest in the North

Peter Dowd MP, Labour’s Shadow Chief Secretary to the Treasury, commenting on the TUC’s analysis which shows that if current trends continue the north-south divide will grow, said:

“It’s a stark exposure of seven years of Tory economic failure that the regions which are left behind in government investment are consistently those in the north of England.

“Labour will overturn our rigged economy by creating a Bank of the North to invest in the jobs of the future and that will stand up for the many not the few when it comes to government investment.”

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This is the third time that the Government have lost in the courts on the issue of air quality – Sue Hayman

Responding to the Government losing its court bid to delay publication of its air quality plan, Sue Hayman MP Shadow Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs said:

“Labour welcome the High Court decision today.

“This is the third time that the Government have lost in the courts on the issue of air quality. They must now publish their air quality plan without further delay.

“A Labour government would bring forward a new Clean Air Act, setting out how we would tackle air pollution that NHS experts say contributes to 40,000 premature deaths every year. 

“While the Conservatives shirk responsibility, Labour will deal with the dirty air damaging the lives of millions of British people.”

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