Jeremy Corbyn speech

Jeremy Corbyn, Leader of
the Labour Party,
speaking at a rally in
Leicester today, said:

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There’s no doubt that
Thursday’s local election results were disappointing for our party. We had welcome
victories in Manchester, Liverpool, Wales, Doncaster and elsewhere but too many
fantastic councillors, who work tirelessly for their communities, lost their

We face a huge challenge in the next five

But this General Election campaign is
also a great opportunity. A chance to break free, to create a society in which
people are no longer held back by a system that is rigged for the rich. A
chance to rebuild Britain for the many not the few.

There is also a huge danger – that the
Tories’ fearmongering and spin machine will make some people settle for less
than they should. Resign themselves to things the way they are –
underestimating just how many more burdens the Tories could impose if their
mission to rig the system for the rich isn’t halted.

The stakes are high. We know from
yesterday’s election results that the gap between us and the Tories is not as
great as the pundits have been saying.

But we still have many people to
convince. We have four weeks to do that. Are we up to the challenge?

Millions are still sceptical and
undecided, not sure which way to turn.

who can blame them.

Burnham – who had a brilliant victory to become the new Mayor of Greater
Manchester yesterday – spoke last week of how alienated
people are from the political system.

He said we can’t just carry on doing what we are doing;
the time has come to do something different.

He’s right. Our
Westminster system is broken and our economy is rigged. Both are run in the
interests of the few.

can and must be different.

Labour is
under attack because we are standing up to the elites who are determined to
hijack Brexit to pay even less tax and take even more of the wealth we all

Labour is
under attack because we are standing up to the corporate interests plundering
our NHS – £13 billion of the NHS budget is already privatised – how much more
will be if the Tories get another five years?

why Labour is under attack. We’re drawing a line. Three decades of privatisation
– from energy and rail to health and social care – has made some people very
rich but it has not delivered richer lives for the vast majority.

In this
election, we will be outlining a plan to transform Britain – an upgraded
economy run for the many not the few.

It will
mean standing up to powerful vested interests. But we are ready for the

Conservatives only stand up when taking orders from their billionaire friends,
who hoard our country’s wealth for themselves in tax havens.

May thinks she can win the General Election by claiming she cares about working

She talks
about building a fair society. Does she think people will forget what the
Tories have done to this country, how they’ve actually treated working

This Tory
leader sat alongside David Cameron in government for six years.

She was
in the cabinet room when they introduced the bedroom tax. So were the Liberal
Democrats as part of Cameron’s coalition. What was fair about that?

And what
was fair about racking up tuition fees?

Or about
taking benefits away from people with disabilities?

Or about
closing Sure Start Centres? Or starving schools of cash? Or opening up the NHS
to be plundered by profiteers?

And what
was fair about giving big business and the richest in society tax giveaways
worth tens of billions of pounds – while the rest of us were told to tighten
our belts, to accept a big dose of austerity?

Tories are hoping everyone has short memories.

But if
that fails, they have another card they are playing. That this election is
about Brexit and who can play at being toughest with Brussels.

Labour will not allow the Tories to put their party interests ahead of the real
national interest. The interests of the British people.

election isn’t about Brexit itself. That issue has been settled. The question
now is what sort of Brexit do we want – and what sort of country do we want
Britain to be after Brexit?

And who
can really be trusted to put working people first?

wants a jobs Brexit, a Brexit that safeguards the future of Britain’s vital
industries, a Brexit that paves the way to a genuinely fairer society and to an
upgraded economy.

plan to transform Britain will mean:

investing in infrastructure
and new industries,

rebuilding our NHS and
social care services,

giving our children and
young people a chance to fulfil their potential.

We won’t
be paying lip-service to working people.

We will
introduce a comprehensive programme to strengthen rights at work, make sure new
jobs are good jobs, and end the race to the bottom in pay, conditions and job

Low pay
and insecurity have spread like an epidemic under the Tories.

Labour will
invest in skills and jobs, and take action to enforce a floor under employment
standards across the board – so that all jobs are decent jobs, so that all
workers – the true wealth creators – can play their part in transforming
Britain and benefit fully from it.

means that, instead of a country run for the rich, Britain will be a country in
which people are not held back, in which everyone is able to lead a richer

that’s why we are fighting to win this election. Fighting to win, not because I
yearn for the trappings of Downing Street office but because I want a better

A country
for the many not the few.

The local
election results yesterday leave us in no doubt about the scale of our

We know this is no small task – it is a
challenge on a historic scale. But we, the whole Labour movement and the
British people, can’t afford not to seize our moment.

We have five weeks to win the General
Election so we can fundamentally transform Britain for the many not the few.

When we
win, we form the NHS.

When we win, we introduce the Equal Pay Act.

When we
win we establish a National Minimum Wage – one of my proudest days in politics.

When we
win, the British people win. The
nurse, the teacher, the small trader, the carer, the builder, the office worker

Labour is
offering a real choice, a real alternative to the rigged system that is holding
us back and the Conservatives who are running our country down in every way.

alternative for the many not the few.

And we
need to be that real alternative because too many people in our country worry
that voting won’t change anything, that all politicians are the same.

We are
not all the same but people are frustrated that the system remains rigged for
the few, that the lives of the many don’t seem to be getting better.

vote, nothing changes.

economy is still rigged in favour of the rich and powerful.

We have
to show that we are different, that we will transform Britain. That we are for
the many not the few.

Labour wins there will be a reckoning for those who thought they could get away
with asset stripping our industry, crashing our economy through their greed and
ripping off workers and consumers.

When did
the Conservatives – Osborne, Cameron, May, Johnson – ever stand up to their
financial backers and demand our money back?

Never and
they never will.

they make our nurses, our carers, our soldiers, our disabled, our young people
trying to get a home of their own, our elderly looking for dignity in
retirement and those working hard to get on, foot the bill instead.

It makes
me angry. It makes me really angry. And I know it makes the people of Britain
angry too.

So today,
I say to tax cheats, the rip off bosses, the greedy bankers.

Enough is enough.

The people of Britain are taking
our money back.

We have
always stood up for the many not the few.

And I will always stand up for our

That can be lonely, I know.

campaigned against privatisation, tax cuts for the rich, letting the banks
become all powerful and the Iraq war when many politicians were pushing them
through or not standing up against them.

We stood
up for workers’ pay, better public services, a fairer society, a more equal
economy and for peace and justice.

up for your beliefs in any circumstances, takes great determination. It can be
frustrating. It takes its toll. It is far easier to compromise your beliefs and
go along for the ride.

strength is holding on to what you believe in. Standing up for the many against
the few means a struggle against the odds.

out for the few is easy; winning for the many is hard.

I have a
message for Theresa May. If you feel the need to go on about what a great
leader you are, then show it by debating with me in this election campaign. We
are for the many, you’re for the few.

But this is about so much more
than Theresa May and me.

This is a
once in a lifetime opportunity for you, the people, to decide what sort of
country you want to live in.

We are
full of so much potential, which is being stifled and held back in favour of
the few.

we can transform Britain.

And we
must transform Britain because now it is rigged for the few.

In this
election, Labour is standing for decent jobs, investment for the future, shared
wealth creation, security at work, affordable homes for all, a fully funded NHS
and schools, training and skills, an end to rip-off privatisation, fair
taxation and a fairer, more equal country.

As we set
out our detailed plans for Britain, the scale of the change we are offering
will become clear.

So let’s
turn our country around. Let’s come together to transform Britain. Together, we
can win for the many not the few.

Make sure
you are registered to vote.

help others get registered to vote.

Make sure
you use your vote.

Talk to
your friends, family, neighbours and co-workers about this General Election.

It is so

election could be a great and proud moment in our national story.

wake on up on 9 June to see celebrations from the tax cheats, the press barons,
the greedy bankers, Philip Green, the Southern Rail directors and crooked bankers
that take our wealth, who have got away with it because the party they own, the
Conservative Party, has won.

We have
five weeks to ruin their party. We have five weeks to have a chance to take our
money back. We have five weeks to win so we can transform Britain for the many
not the few.

We must
seize it. Thank you.

Jeremy Corbyn statement on the local election results

Corbyn, Leader of the Labour Party
commenting on the local election results, said:

results were mixed. We lost seats but we are closing the gap on the
Conservatives. I am disappointed at every Labour defeat in the local elections.
Too many fantastic councillors, who work tirelessly for their communities, lost
their seats.

“We have
five weeks to win the General Election so we can fundamentally transform
Britain for the many not the few.

“We know
this is no small task – it is a challenge on an historic scale. But we, the
whole Labour movement and the British people, can’t afford not to seize our

British people have been held back for too long. Labour will put more money in
people’s pockets with a £10 real living wage, look after our pensioners by
protecting the triple lock on state pensions and give everybody the care and
dignity they deserve by properly funding our NHS and social care system.

“I urge
everyone to vote Labour because things can, and will, change.

Emily Thornberry responding to reports the Tories are planning a vote on Syria if re-elected

Emily Thornberry,
Shadow Foreign Secretary,
responding to reports that the Tories are planning a
vote on Syria if re-elected, said:

the truth is out. A vote for the Tories is a vote to escalate the war in Syria
and prolong the suffering of its people; to risk open conflict between our
armed forces and those of Russia and Iran; and to follow Donald Trump’s lead
with blind loyalty, no matter where it takes us, and no matter what our other
allies think. In short, it is a vote to repeat the mistakes of Iraq from a
Prime Minister who just last weekend refused to accept that she got Iraq wrong.

of this headlong rush to war, the British government should be working flat out
through the United Nations to support the current talks on de-escalation of the
conflict, with a view to creating a permanent ceasefire, a political solution
and a lasting peace. That is what the Syrian people need, not Theresa May’s
secret plans to escalate the war.

reports also reveal that – even on matters of peace and war – Tory MPs cannot
be trusted to think independently and do what is best for the country. This
increasingly authoritarian Prime Minister just sees them as voting fodder, and
if they are prepared to back her rush to war, they will also surely vote for a
chaotic Brexit and the dismantling of our NHS. The only way to stop them is to
vote Labour.”

Jeremy Corbyn statement on Prince Philip

Jeremy Corbyn, Leader
of the Labour Party,
commenting on the news that Prince Philip is to retire from
carrying out royal engagements, said:

“I would like to pay
tribute to Prince Philip following his decision to retire from public service.

“He has dedicated his
life to supporting the Queen and our country with a clear sense of public duty.

“His Duke of
Edinburgh’s Award scheme has inspired young people for more than 60 years in
over 140 nations.

“We thank Prince
Philip for his service to the country and wish him all the best in his
well-earned retirement.”

Jeremy Corbyn responds to Theresa May’s speech in Downing Street

Corbyn, Leader of the Labour Party
, responding to Theresa May’s speech in
Downing Street, said:

May is playing party games with Brexit in the hope of winning advantage for the
Tories in the General Election.

winding up the public confrontation with Brussels, the Prime Minister wants to
wrap the Conservative party in the Union Jack and distract attention from her
government’s economic failure and rundown of our public services.

Brexit is too important to be used as a political game in this election.

are vital negotiations for every person in Britain and for the future of our
country. But Theresa May is putting party interest ahead of the national

Prime Minister is right that there are those in Brussels who don’t want a deal.
But that is also true of leading figures in the Tory party, who want to use
Brexit to turn Britain into a low wage tax haven.

Prime Minister says that no deal would lead to a different economic model for

plain terms, that means wiping out employment rights and consumer protections
and giving still more tax breaks to the rich and big corporations.

the threat and the risk that comes from this Tory Government.

Labour can be trusted to negotiate a Brexit deal that puts jobs and living
standards first. Labour will negotiate a Brexit for the many not the few.”