

Labour launches New Deal to fix the housing crisis

Labour Leader Jeremy Corbyn and Shadow Secretary of State for Housing John Healey will today (Monday 5 June 2017) launch ‘Labour’s New Deal on Housing’ – the party’s long-term plan to fix the housing crisis. They will promise to give priority to those let down most by failings in the housing market and in Conservative housing policy.  

Setting out more detail on the Party’s plans to deal with the country’s housing crisis and build at least a million new homes, the published plan will include: 

·         A New Deal for first-time buyers on ordinary incomes, including 100,000 new discounted FirstBuy Homes, a two year stamp duty holiday for first-time buyers, and an extension and re-focusing of Help to Buy so that it is only for first-time buyers;

·         A New Deal for those 1.2 million on council waiting lists with a huge increase in affordable housebuilding to be building 100,000 genuinely affordable homes a year by 2022, including the biggest council housing programme in over 30 years;

·         A New Deal for private renters with a consumer rights revolution including three-year tenancies with an inflation cap on rent rises and new minimum property standards.

 Labour will also criticise Conservative Minsters for “seven years of failure” on housing, and highlight that since 2010 we have seen:

·         Housebuilding at the lowest level under any political party in peacetime since the 1920s;

·         The lowest level of new affordable housebuilding in 24 years;

·         Almost 200,000 fewer home-owners, with 900,000 fewer under 45s owning their own home;

·         Rents rising faster than incomes for many;

·         More families forced into temporary accommodation, with 120,000 children spending last Christmas without a home of their own; and

·         Rough sleeping homelessness more than doubled.

 Jeremy Corbyn, Leader of the Labour Party, said:

 “A Labour government will start on fixing the housing crisis immediately. High prices, excessive rents and the chronic lack of affordable housing are ruining the lives of young people, families and aspiring homeowners.

“As part of our massive housebuilding commitment, Labour will ensure 100,000 FirstBuy Homes are available at discounted rates to local first time buyers. This will transform the housing market and put the needs of younger house buyers and local workers first.

“Labour will usher in a new era in council housebuilding to build more council homes than at any time for over 30 years so that the broken market is fixed to provide homes for the many, not investment opportunities for a wealthy few.”

 John Healey, Labour’s Shadow Secretary of State for Housing, said:

“After seven years of failure, the Conservatives have no plan to fix the housing crisis and Theresa May only offers more of the same. Labour offers a New Deal on housing between the people of this country and a new government. It is a bold, long-term plan for housing to help those being let down most by a broken housing market and failing Conservative policy – young first-time buyers, private renters and people needing new social rented homes.

“Our first Labour housing priority will be help for young first-time buyers. Under the last Labour government, a million more families became home-owners but now the Tories are failing first-time buyers on middle incomes. Under the Conservatives since 2010 homeownership has fallen by 200,000 with younger families on ordinary incomes the hardest hit.

 “Labour’s new FirstBuy Homes will give aspiring first-time buyers on ordinary wages who’ve been failed for the last seven years hope that things can change.

 “After seven years of failure, a Labour government will shift the housing market decisively towards first-time buyers on ordinary incomes.”


 Notes to editors

·         ‘Labour’s New Deal on housing’ will be launched today (Monday) by Jeremy Corbyn and John Healey.

·          More than two-thirds of people now believe there’s a housing crisis, and Labour has a strong lead as the best Party to handle the housing crisis: []

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Jeremy Corbyn speech in Carlisle after the London Bridge terrorist attacks

In a speech tonight in Carlisle, Jeremy Corbyn, Leader of the Labour Party, said: 

**check against delivery**

“After the horrific events last night in London in which seven people have died and 21 remain in a critical condition, I would like to start by asking everyone to stand with me for a minute’s silence.

“Tonight we are once again meeting in the aftermath of a terrorist atrocity, and returning to the election campaign in shock and anger at the brutality and horror that was perpetrated on the streets of London last night.
“Let me start by repeating what I said this morning sentiments I know are shared by all of us across our country.
“This was an appalling terrorist atrocity committed by those warped by a depraved inhumanity. We have to stand together, united and determined in our communities, as the people of Manchester less than two weeks ago.
“We all express our love and solidarity to the families and friends of those who have died, and of those who have been so grievously injured, and though we find it difficult to fully imagine their pain, we feel for them, we are with them, and we grieve for those who have died.
“We pay tribute to the Ambulance Service and the Fire & Rescue Service, for their bravery and professionalism.
“And especially to the Police and British Transport Police.  They acted quickly and decisively to save lives, their professionalism was again exemplary.
“And also our magnificent NHS staff, who are still working now to save lives and heal the injured.  
“And let us express our admiration too for those members of the public who put themselves in danger to assist and protect others even to the extent of confronting the murderous attackers.
“As in Manchester last month, their actions represent not just the best of Britain they represent normal, decent Britain, the quiet courage and compassion that will always defeat fear and hatred.
“Those who wish to harm our people divide our communities and attack our democracy will not succeed. Our values of solidarity, humanity and justice will prevail.
“The violence and brutality of last night’s attack, the targeting of innocent people going about their ordinary business is a depravity familiar from similar attacks in Manchester, across Europe, the Middle East and beyond.
“That is why we are ready to consider whatever proposals may be brought forward by the police and security services more effectively to deal with the terrorist threat.
“If Labour is elected I will commission a report from the security services on Friday on the changing nature of the terrorist threat.
“Our priority must be public safety and I will take whatever action is necessary and effective to protect the security of our people and our country that includes full authority for the police to use whatever force is necessary to protect and save life as they did last night as they did in Westminster in March.
“You cannot protect the public on the cheap the police and security services must get the resources they need not 20,000 police cuts.
“Theresa May was warned by the Police Federation but she accused them of “crying wolf.”
“As Labour set out in our manifesto we will recruit another 10,000 new police officers including more armed police who need to be properly rewarded as well as 1,000 more security services staff to support our communities and help keep us safe.
‘But it is the timing of yesterday’s attack that we must also address today the aim of the terrorists is plainly to derail our democracy and disrupt or even halt this election.
“The general election is of course about the democratic choice between the Labour and Conservative parties and our very different visions and plans for the future of our country.
“But it is also now about something even bigger it is about the struggle between terrorism and democracy itself.
“The mass murderers who brought terror to our streets in London and Manchester want our election to be halted, they want democracy halted. They want their violence to overwhelm our right to vote in a fair and peaceful election and to go about our lives freely.
“That is why there can be no doubt that next Thursday’s vote must go ahead. Neither can we suspend our campaigning, so I am glad to be here in Carlisle as scheduled and launching our housing policy with John Healey.
“Across London today, people have been carrying on upset and appalled but carrying on to act otherwise would be to hand the twisted and depraved strategists of ISIS the political victory they crave.
“So it is right that we return to the choices the British people face on June 8 in the sure and certain knowledge that we have together, whatever our party views, already made the choice between democracy and terrorism between freedom and fear.
“The choice you face on 8th June is a Conservative party which has made clear it will press on with another five years of austerity and cuts to essential public services to pay for even more tax handouts to the richest and the big corporations.
“Or the Labour Party, which is guaranteeing 95% of taxpayers will pay no extra tax but is asking the best off and the largest companies to pay a bit more to fund our hospitals, police, schools, decent pensions and childcare to invest in good jobs and a growing economy for the many not the few.
“I don’t hesitate to make the case for more tax from those who can afford it.
“It is taxation that underpins our peaceful, tolerant and civilised society the police, security services, fire and rescue service, our NHS they have all suffered cuts to pay for tax giveaways for the big corporations and the very richest.
“Here in Carlisle you have felt the effects of austerity and that’s why we will increase funding in flood prevention and halt the Sustainability and Transformation Programme that threatens to close hospitals, A&Es and maternity units.
“We are the fifth richest country in the world, it doesn’t have to be like this.
“And that is why the Labour Party will end austerity and lift the public sector pay cap our nurses, firefighters, police, doctors and paramedics deserve a pay rise.  They cannot just get warm words for their heroism, they deserve our respect every day.
“If I am elected Prime Minister on 8 June I will be asking the Commissioners of the Met Police and the British Transport Police for the names of those whose bravery should be commended, to acknowledge their heroism and of many others in our emergency services and among the public who intervened
‘At this time it is more important than ever that we stay united in our communities it is the strength of our communities that gets us through these awful times as London Mayor Sadiq Khan recognised but which the current occupant in the White House has neither the grace nor the sense to grasp.
“Whether we are Muslim or Christian, black or white, male or female, gay or straight, we are united by our values, by our determination for a better world, and that we can build a better society.
‘Our democratic values must be maintained we must resist Islamophobia and division and turnout on 8 June united in our determination to show our democracy is strong, however you vote.
And yes we do need to have some difficult conversations starting with Saudi Arabia and “other Gulf states that have funded and fuelled extremist ideology.
“It is no good Theresa May suppressing a report into the foreign funding of extremist groups. We have to get serious about cutting off the funding to these terror networks, including Isis here and in the Middle East.
“No government can prevent every attack sometimes the most depraved and determined will get through but the responsibility of government is to do everything we can to minimise the risk.
“Labour has spent this campaign setting out our detailed plans and costed policies for a fairer and better Britain.
“On 8 June, we have a real to chance to invest and to build a country that reflects the best of us that we saw on the streets of London and Manchester a country that is truly for the many not the few.”


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Jeremy Corbyn statement following London bridge attack

Jeremy Corbyn, Leader of the Labour Party, said:

“We are all shocked and horrified by the brutal attacks in London. My thoughts are with the families and friends of those who have died and the many who have been injured. Today, we will all grieve for their loss.

“I would like to thank the police and emergency services for their bravery and professionalism in acting to save lives and deal with these appalling acts of terrorism, as well as NHS staff and members of the public who sought to protect others.

“The Labour party will be suspending national campaigning until this evening, after consultations with other parties, as a mark of respect for those who have died and suffered injury.

“Those who wish to harm our people, divide our communities and attack our democracy will not succeed. We will stand together to defend our common values of solidarity, humanity and justice, and will not allow terrorists to derail our democratic process.”


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Labour launches manifesto with and for disabled people

Labour has launched its manifesto with and for disabled people.

The manifesto was produced following Labour’s Disability Equality Roadshow, involving extensive consultation with disabled people and their carers across the country.

Over the last seven years, disabled people – including people with physical or mental impairments and long-term health conditions – have borne the brunt of the Conservatives cuts, which has seen the number of disabled people living in poverty rise to 4.2 million.

Labour will reverse the cuts to disability support, transform our social security system from one that demonises disabled people to one that is supportive and enabling, scrap the punitive sanctions regime and replace ineffective, degrading assessments. The manifesto sets out Labour’s plan to tackle the barriers facing disabled people and to build a society in which everyone has the same opportunities and choices.

Jeremy Corbyn, leader of the Labour Party, said:

“Last night at the BBC Question Time Leaders’ Special, an audience member gave a harrowing account of her traumatic and degrading experience undergoing the Work Capability Assessment. Like many others, I was incredibly moved by the film I, Daniel Blake, which tells the story of those who have been demonised and dehumanised by the Conservative’s devastating cuts and a social security system which punishes, rather than supports, disabled people.

“Labour will ensure that disabled people and people with mental health conditions have access to the support they need and will work with disabled people to build an inclusive society, where no one is held back from fulfilling their potential and realising their aspirations.”

Launching the manifesto in Manchester today, Debbie Abrahams, Labour’s Shadow Work and Pensions Secretary, said:

“We are proud of the manifesto that we have developed with, and for, disabled people. For seven long years, disabled people have borne the brunt of the Conservatives’ austerity cuts and been pushed further into poverty. Our comprehensive and costed policies set out in this manifesto, will ensure that disabled people are properly supported to live full and independent lives.

“Enough is enough, only a Labour government, offering a real alternative, will work in partnership with disabled people to ensure no one in our society is held back.”

Notes to editors:

Please find a link to our disability manifesto here:

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Conservatives’ campaign chaos as extent of millionaire donations revealed

The Conservatives election campaign is in chaos as the extent of their millionaire-backing is revealed, Labour Leader Jeremy Corbyn says today.

In the latest in a string of errors and about-turns, Defence Secretary, Michael Fallon’s pledge that people would pay no more tax under the Tories was immediately contradicted by Theresa May, who refused to rule out a tax hike on working people, through rises in income tax or higher National Insurance contributions.

The Tories were already reeling from the chaos and confusion over their plans for social care and where they would set the cap they originally said they had rejected, and were forced to withdraw their school breakfasts policy after it was exposed they had only set aside 6.8p per meal.

The threat of further Tory tax rises on working people comes as it was revealed just 49 individuals have donated more than a third of all Tory party funding since Theresa May became Prime Minister.

In contrast, Labour’s manifesto clearly commits to no income tax, National Insurance or VAT rises for 95 per cent of taxpayers, with big businesses and those paid more than £80,000 a year asked to pay a bit more to reverse years of underinvestment in our NHS, schools and other public services.

Jeremy Corbyn, Labour Leader, said:

“First social care and school breakfasts, now the Tories are in chaos over their tax plans for the super-rich, as it is revealed they are entirely dependent on them for their funding. While Michael Fallon claims there will be no tax rises, Theresa May refuses to rule them out. You can’t trust a word the Tories say.

“Labour is the low tax party for the many while the Conservatives are the low tax party for the few. We won’t raise taxes for 95 per cent of taxpayers but will ask high earners and big businesses to pay a little more so we can give nurses and other public servants a pay rise, and invest in the public services we all rely on.”

Andrew Gwynne, Labour’s Joint National Campaign Co-ordinator, said:

“The Tories are bankrolled by millionaire bankers, tycoons and hedge fund bosses – the very people they’ve given tax breaks to while everyone else pays more. In contrast, Labour is funded by thousands and thousands of people making small donations because they want a better society for everyone.

“Labour’s plans are fully costed and fully set out in our manifesto for everyone to see. The only numbers in the Tory manifesto are the page numbers. The wheels are coming of the Conservatives’ election campaign, with Theresa May hiding from the public, refusing to debate Jeremy Corbyn, and backsliding on social care, NHS and schools funding, and now their tax plans.”

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