Google ruling makes this a good day for fair competition and consumers – Watson

Tom Watson MP, Labour’s Shadow Secretary of State for Culture, Media and
commenting on Google’s record fine for its shopping
service, said:

“This ruling has been a long time coming and is a vindication of long
running concerns about Google’s anti-competitive, unfair practices.

“When a company wields such power that it is effectively the gateway to
the internet, it is the duty of regulators and lawmakers to verify that power
is being exercised fairly. This ruling makes clear that Google shopping has not
been operating fairly and could open the door to other investigations of
similar examples of market distortion by the company.  

“This ruling rights an unfair wrong, making this a good day for fair
competition and consumers.”




·         Today the European Commission has handed Google a record fine of 2.42bn
euros ($2.7bn; £2.1bn) after it ruled the company had abused its power by
promoting its own shopping comparison service at the top of search results.

·         Google’s unfair advantage has been a source of long running concern with
Tom Watson writing about the issue in 2013

This marks another decisive blow against this Government’s failing austerity agenda – Abrahams

Debbie Abrahams MP, Shadow Work and Pensions Secretary, commenting on the
Prime Minister’s decision to drop her manifesto commitment to ending the
‘triple lock’ on state pensions and cutting the Winter Fuel Payment from ten
million pensioners, said:

welcome that the Prime Minister has been forced to drop these punitive
austerity measures, which would have hit the living standards of millions of
older people.

marks another decisive blow against this Government’s failing austerity agenda,
which was not supported at the general election.

refusing to last week, the Work and Pensions Secretary must now rule out any
future threat to the ‘triple lock’.

Conservative chaos and confusion shows that only Labour can be trusted to guarantee
older people a secure and dignified retirement.”

Let’s call this grubby deal what it is: this is a straightforward political bribe to desperately prop up Theresa May in office – McDonnell

Shadow Chancellor John McDonnell, commenting on the Tory-DUP deal,

“The price of Theresa May’s political weakness is now becoming clear. The
same Conservative Party which spent the recent election campaign saying there
was no money available for the crisis in the NHS and schools has now found at
least £1 billion to buy a Parliamentary majority, with some reports suggesting
it could be as much as £2bn.

"As this is additional spending beyond that laid out in the Spring Budget,
the Chancellor must now come forward with an explanation as to how it will be
funded. In the context of a forecast increase in Government borrowing this
year, the public must be told whether this additional spend will be funded
through spending cuts elsewhere, additional tax rises or more borrowing.

"There are also important questions to be answered about the
implementation and fiscal consequences of devolving corporation tax, VAT and
Air Passenger Duty, as well as what this could mean for other devolved administrations.

“Let’s call this grubby deal what it is:
this is a straightforward political bribe to desperately prop up Theresa May in

"This Tory-DUP deal is clearly not in the national interest but in May’s
party’s interest to help her cling to power.”

Does this deal help or hinder the process of restoring power-sharing in Northern Ireland? – Smith

Smith MP, Shadow Secretary of State for Northern Ireland
, commenting on the release of the
Tory DUP Deal, said:

argued at the election just a few weeks ago that public services require extra
funding across the UK, so I welcome the announcement today that additional
funding has now been found for Northern Ireland.

the deal between the Tories and the DUP throws up all manner of questions, not
least whether more money can now also be found for schools, hospitals, social
care and emergency services in desperate need of cash in England, Scotland and

important of all, does this deal help or hinder the process of restoring
power-sharing in Northern Ireland? Already, it is clear that other parties in
Northern Ireland consider the deal to compromise the ability of the British
Government to be truly impartial as stipulated under the Good Friday Agreement.“

This Tory-DUP deal is clearly not in the national interest – Jeremy Corbyn

Jeremy Corbyn MP, Leader of the Labour Party, responding to the
Conservative-DUP deal, said:

“Austerity has failed. Cuts to vital public services must
be halted right across the UK, not just in Northern Ireland.

"The Government must immediately answer two questions.
Where is the money for the Tory-DUP deal coming from? And, will all parts of
the UK receive the much needed additional funding that Northern Ireland will
get as part of the deal?

"This Tory-DUP deal is clearly not in the national interest
but in May’s party’s interest to help her cling to power.”