

Report reveals harsh and unfair reality of Tory pay freeze on hard working public sector workers – McDonnell

John McDonnell MP, Labour’s Shadow Chancellor, commenting on the Report to the Office of Manpower Economics, which shows that growth in public sector pay since 2005 was eradicated by 2015 as a direct result of the Tories’ pay freeze, said:

“This a damning report that reveals the harsh and unfair reality of the Tories’ pay freeze on hard working public sector workers. The fact that some of the pillars of our community and the public sector such as teachers, doctors and police officers are seeing their pay cut exposes the double standards of a government that likes to praise their work but will not actually truly reward it.

“It further highlights why it is so vital that we need action immediately from the Government. We cannot continue with more empty words or infighting from members of the Cabinet while those in our public sector, such as nurses, are being forced to rely on food banks to make ends meet. 

“Only Labour has a costed plan that would end the public sector pay freeze, and introduce a £10 per hour real living wage, so that we build the high wage, high skill economy of the future. And if the Tories are not prepared to meet this basic test of fairness, then they should step aside and let us lead in the national interest.”


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Jeremy Corbyn appoints 20 MPs to Labour’s front bench

Following Labour’s advances in the general election and increased number of MPs, Jeremy Corbyn is today announcing 20 appointments to the shadow front bench. These include new and returning MPs.

Jeremy Corbyn, Leader of the Labour Party, said:

“I’m delighted to be filling Labour’s shadow front bench with a wealth of talent. Our new shadow ministers will bolster the excellent work of Labour’s shadow cabinet and departmental teams.

“These appointments are further evidence that Labour is not just the opposition – we are the government in waiting.”

The new appointments are:


David Drew

Holly Lynch

Home Affairs

Nick Thomas Symonds

Chris Williamson

Afzal Khan

Louise Haigh


Paul Sweeney


Gloria de Piero

Imran Hussain

International Development

Roberta Blackman Woods


Rachael Maskell

Karl Turner


Anneliese Dodds


Tony Lloyd

Melanie Onn

Women and equalities

Carolyn Harris


Gerald Jones

Local Government

Yvonne Fovargue


Tracey Brabin


Chris Ruane

Further appointments are expected in due course.

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Ofgem’s watered down proposals go nowhere near the promise made by the Prime Minister- Long- Bailey

Rebecca Long-Bailey MP, Labour’s Shadow Secretary of State for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy, responding to Ofgem’s announcement on an energy price cap, said:

“Ofgem’s watered down proposals go nowhere near the promise made by the Prime Minister to adopt Labour’s principle of a price cap. In the general election, she pledged unequivocally to knock £100 off the bills of 17 million customers but then didn’t include the promise in the Queen’s Speech.

“After reports that the Prime Minister has been lobbied by senior cabinet members and the big six energy companies to drop the price cap commitment, ministers must tell the British people why they treat fair pricing for energy consumers as such a low priority and if they are going to make yet another u-turn. “


Editors Notes

1.       Theresa May made a strong declaration to an energy price cap for 17 million customers, saving £100 in The Sun – link below:

2.       Ofgem’s press release

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Labour opposes a hard Brexit that would jeopardise jobs, environmental sustainability and the future prosperity of the British fishing industry – Hayman

Commenting on today’s reports that Ministers will trigger exit from the London Fisheries Convention, shadow Secretary of State for the Environment, Sue Hayman MP, said:

“Labour opposes a hard Brexit that would jeopardise jobs, environmental sustainability and the future prosperity of the British fishing industry. 

“The London Convention predates British membership of the EU by a decade and has arguably been superseded by the Common Fisheries Policy which the UK will withdraw from automatically following our leaving the EU.

“Given that the majority of fish caught by UK vessels are within the Atlantic (fishing area 27) which includes the edge of Greenland to North Russia and as far south as the bottom of Spain/Portugal, it is vital that any Brexit deal does not jeopardise access to these waters for our British fishing fleet.

“This provocative decision at this stage of the negotiations puts at risk those necessary and far more valuable fisheries management arrangements we will need to agree on leaving the EU as well as a tariff free trade deal so vital to our British fishing exports. It is another example of the Tories’ reckless approach to Brexit.”

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The allegations of unlawful killings and war crimes in Afghanistan are extremely serious and must be fully investigated – Jeremy Corbyn

Responding to allegations of a cover up of unlawful killings by U.K. forces in Afghanistan, Jeremy Corbyn, Leader of the Labour Party, said:

“The allegations of unlawful killings and war crimes in Afghanistan are extremely serious and must be fully investigated.

“Our armed forces have a reputation for decency and bravery. If we do not act on such shocking allegations we risk undermining that reputation, our security at home and the safety of those serving in the armed forces abroad.

“Our values and respect for the rule of law require full accountability. We owe it to our armed forces and the victims and their families to ensure that a thorough investigation takes place.

 “There can be no question of a cover up. The government must now establish an independent inquiry into what has taken place.”

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