Congratulations to all the pupils, parents and teachers receiving results today – Kane

Commenting on the Key Stage 2 SATs results, Labour’s Shadow Schools Minister, Mike Kane MP, said:

“Congratulations to all the pupils, parents and teachers receiving results today. This is a culmination of all their hard work and they should be very pleased with all they have achieved.

“However we cannot overlook the fact that the number of pupils meeting the expected standard is lower than it was before Tory changes were introduced. Ministers still have questions to answer about whether their constant tinkering with assessment really is benefiting our children.”

“Only Labour will deliver a world-class education for every child starting by giving schools the funding they need and launching a commission to look into curriculum and assessment.”

The news that the talks process in Northern Ireland is now, effectively, to be put on hold over the summer comes as no surprise, but it will be greeted with disappointment and concern – Smith

Owen Smith MP, Labour’s Shadow Northern Ireland Secretary, commenting on the Northern Ireland Secretary’s update on political talks, said:

“The news that the talks process in Northern Ireland is now, effectively, to be put on hold over the summer comes as no surprise, but it will be greeted with disappointment and concern. It is never a good idea to have a political vacuum in Northern Ireland, especially through the summer months, and it is regrettable that the Government has not been able to bring about agreement between the parties after more than six months of stasis.  

“For some weeks now that the political parties have felt under little pressure to come to a deal and that is why it has been frustrating that the Prime Minister has so steadfastly refused to engage properly in the talks process. I share the Secretary of State’s hope that a deal can be done when the parties return in the Autumn, but if that hope is to materialise into a reassembled executive, the Conservative Government will need to engage with greater energy and focus.”  

Sajid Javid’s speech to local councillors at the LGA conference took no responsibility for the Tory-made crisis that local government is currently facing- Gwynne

Gwynne MP, Labour’s Shadow Secretary of State for Communities and Local
on Sajid Javid’s speech at the LGA Conference, said:

“Sajid Javid’s
speech to local councillors at the LGA conference took no responsibility
for the Tory-made crisis that local government is currently facing.

“There was no
acknowledgement of the Tories’ 40
per cent cuts to local authorities since 2010, no mention of local government
finance reform and still no clarity on the government’s plan for reform of
business rates.

 “Local government need
leadership that will stand up for them and invest in local public services.
This Tory Government has continually failed local communities – it is now time
for a Labour Government that will stand up for the many not the few.”


Yet more division at the top of government- McDonnell

McDonnell MP,
Labour’s Shadow Chancellor, responding to the Chancellor’s
comments on public sector pay, said:

represents yet more division at the top of government. The Chancellor’s remarks
show that he is more interested in fighting with his fellow Tory cabinet
colleagues, than for better incomes for working families in our country.

“The firefighters, police
officers, nurses, and ambulance drivers who put their lives on the line every
day to keep us safe have been abandoned by a Tory government intent on holding
down their pay, while ploughing ahead with tax giveaways to a wealthy few.

"It is now time for this
out-of-touch Chancellor and shambolic Government to stand aside. Only a Labour
Government will give our public sector workers the pay rise they deserve and
end austerity in the national interest.”


The shocking findings of this report should serve as a wake-up call to this Government- Lewell-Buck

Lewell-Buck MP, Shadow Minister for Children and Families
, commenting on
the Children’s Commissioner’s report on measuring the number
of vulnerable children, said:

“The shocking
findings of this report should serve as a wake-up call to this Government who
have so far refused to even measure the scale of the problem let alone come up
with effective policy solutions.

“From the 800,000
children suffering from mental health difficulties, the 46,000 thought to be in
gangs, or the 119,000 homeless or in unstable housing, these figures lay out
the startling facts about the lives of vulnerable children who have largely
been ignored by this Government.

Government should be taking action now to support every child and ensure that
they are safe, secure, and have a roof over their head.

“Labour will
enshrine the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child into law, as we tackle
the root causes of vulnerability, such as housing, crime, and poverty, deliver
universal infant free school meals to address food poverty and school based
counselling in secondary schools to support vulnerable children, as we ensure
every child gets the best possible start in life.”
