

Under the Tories overcrowding and understaffing have created a prison crisis – Burgon

Richard Burgon MP, Labour’s Shadow Justice Secretary, responding to forecasts that the prison population is set to rise to 88,000 by 2022, said:

“Under the Tories, overcrowding and understaffing have brought the prison system to a crisis.

“These figures demonstrate that this Conservative Government has no real plan to fix the mess they’ve made and that overcrowding is only set to get worse over the coming years.”

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The Conservatives’ Cabinet of chaos is presiding over the slowest growing country in the G7 – Dowd

Peter Dowd MP, Labour’s Shadow Chief Secretary to the Treasury, commenting on new ONS figures that show household spending growth has slowed to its weakest pace for two and a half years, said:

“The figures from the ONS today are a stark reflection of seven years of Tory economic failure.

“The Conservatives’ Cabinet of chaos is now presiding over the slowest growing country in the G7 – household spending is slowing, the number of young people not in work or education remains largely unchanged and business investment has stalled.

“It is time for a Labour government that will create an economy that works for the many not the few.”

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Tory migration policy is a shambles – Abbott

Diane Abbott MP, Labour’s Shadow Home Secretary, commenting on today’s migration statistics, said:

“Tory migration policy is a shambles. Against all advice, Theresa May continues to insist in maintaining an arbitrary net migration target of under 100,000, which has never once been met.

“Now it seems that her long-running campaign to malign international students is based on fantasy, with no evidence of a major issue with students overstaying.

“Some in government appear to be waking up to the idea that overseas students make a valuable contribution to our country and have belatedly asked the Migration Advisory Committee to gather evidence.

“Labour will offer fair rules and reasonable management of migration; prioritising jobs, growth and prosperity, not bogus net migration targets.”

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This error will no doubt cause a lot of anxiety for EU nationals – Abbott

Diane Abbott MP, Labour’s Shadow Home Secretary, responding to reports that EU nationals living in the UK were sent deportation letters in error, said:

“EU nationals have already been made to feel like a bargaining chip in Brexit negotiations, so this error will no doubt cause a lot of anxiety.
“As this government is prone to U-turns the only assurance worth anything to those affected is official documentation of their settled status.  If it is true that Theresa May intends to grant those EU citizens currently living in the UK the right to remain, they should simply be issued this now. Apparently official documents from the Home Office are easy enough to send!”

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A heartfelt congratulations to everyone receiving their GCSE results today – Rayner

Angela Rayner MP, Labour’s Shadow Education Secretary, responding to the publication of GCSE results today, said:

“A heartfelt congratulations to everyone receiving their GCSE results today. We pay tribute to pupils, parents and teachers for the crucial role they have played in achieving these fantastic results.

“As young people enter a new period in their lives, whether in further study or work, it’s incredibly important that they receive as much support as possible.

“Unfortunately the Government’s unnecessary tinkering with grades have meant that there are many parents and employers who are still struggling to understand what the results in maths and English actually mean.

“Tory failure to properly explain the changes has created confusion that has casted a shadow on a day that should be reserved for celebration and young people considering the next step they will take in their education.

“A Labour Government would restore the Education Maintenance Allowance for young people entering Further Education, as well as providing fit for purpose careers advice and bolstering apprenticeships.”

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