PM to warn of ‘far reaching consequences’ of Russian invasion on Gulf visit

  • Prime Minister to travel to the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia today
  • One-day visit is part of UK efforts to ensure coordinated international action on Russia’s illegal invasion of Ukraine
  • PM will also discuss energy security in the region, as Saudi alfanar group confirms £1bn investment in Teesside green aviation fuel project

The Prime Minister will meet leaders in Abu Dhabi and Riyadh today [Wednesday 16th] for talks on energy, regional security and humanitarian relief, as he galvanises global action on the crisis in Ukraine.

He will meet Crown Prince Mohammed bin Zayed in the United Arab Emirates before travelling to Saudi Arabia to meet Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman. The Prime Minister will discuss the importance of allies working together to increase the diplomatic and economic pressure on President Putin’s regime and minimise the global fallout from the conflict.

The leaders are expected to discuss efforts to improve energy security and reduce volatility in energy and food prices, which is affecting businesses and consumers in the UK as well as regional stability in the Middle East. In addition to potential further measures to increase oil production, the Prime Minister is focused on diversifying the UK’s energy supply and working with international partners to ramp up renewables.

Saudi Arabia, for example, is the third largest supplier of diesel to the UK, but the Kingdom also committed to net zero by 2060 ahead of COP26 and is investing heavily in green technology at home and in the UK.

As part of today’s visit, Saudi Arabia’s alfanar group will confirm a new £1 billion investment in the Lighthouse Green Fuels Project in Teesside, aiming to be the first company to produce sustainable aviation fuel from waste at scale in the UK. The project is expected to create more than 700 jobs during construction starting next year and around 240 full-time jobs once it is fully operational. Aviation fuel generated by the plant has the potential to produce 80 percent less greenhouse gas than its fossil fuel equivalent.

Prime Minister Boris Johnson said:

The brutal and unprovoked assault President Putin has unleashed on Ukraine will have far-reaching consequences for the world, well beyond Europe’s borders.

The UK is building an international coalition to deal with the new reality we face. The world must wean itself off Russian hydrocarbons and starve Putin’s addiction to oil and gas.

Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates are key international partners in that effort. We will work with them to ensure regional security, support the humanitarian relief effort and stabilise global energy markets for the longer term.

Today’s funding announcement follows a commitment last year by Saudi firm SABIC to invest up to an additional £850 million to reopen their hydrocarbons ‘cracker’ at Wilton and decarbonise their operations in the north-east of England. The Prime Minister is expected to visit SABIC’s innovation centre in Riyadh and meet representatives from the alfanar group. Through our Sovereign Investment Partnership, since 2021 the UAE has already invested in excess of £3bn across life sciences, technology, infrastructure in the UK – as well as a multi-billion pound investment from BP and ADNOC in clean hydrogen hubs.

The Prime Minister will also discuss shared strategic priorities with the leaders of the UAE and Saudi Arabia, including the situation in Iran and Yemen, increased security cooperation, trade and investment and supporting human rights and civil society.

The UAE and Saudi Arabia are the UK’s two largest economic partners in the Middle East, with bilateral trade worth £12.2bn and £10.4bn in 2020 respectively. The UK is preparing for negotiations on a trade deal with the wider Gulf Cooperation Council, which will boost our trade and investment with the whole region.

Secretary of State announces additional funding for International Fund for Ireland

Press release

The Secretary of State for Northern Ireland, Rt Hon Brandon Lewis CBE MP, has today announced that the UK Government will contribute £4m over four years to support the ongoing work of the International Fund for Ireland (IFI).

The announcement comes during his visit to the United States for St. Patrick’s Day celebrations. The Secretary of State will meet with IFI Chair, Paddy Harte, and participants on the IFI’s AMBIT capacity building programme, as part of his programme of wider engagement with key US stakeholders who share an interest in Northern Ireland’s peace and prosperity.

Along with other international partners, the United States has been a strong supporter of the IFI since its establishment by the Irish Government and the UK Government in 1986.

The UK contribution will assist the Fund in its work to tackle the causes of division in Northern Ireland, support dialogue, and promote reconciliation, and will help communities as they continue to emerge from the challenges created by the Covid-19 pandemic.

The contribution is part of a wider UK Government commitment of over £3.5 billion through the New Deal for NI, City Deals, PEACE Plus and the financial package laid out in the New Decade, New Approach agreement, in addition to funding schemes to drive forward the economy and offer new opportunities for further investment in people, communities and infrastructure.

Announcing the funding contribution, The Secretary of State for Northern Ireland Rt Hon Brandon Lewis CBE MP said:

“I’m proud that we will continue to support the work of the International Fund for Ireland, which works tirelessly to promote reconciliation and integration between and within communities across Northern Ireland and in the border areas of Ireland.

“It is a clear demonstration of the UK Government’s commitment to supporting community and reconciliation initiatives that bring people together to build a safer, more secure and more prosperous society.”

Published 16 March 2022

Embajada Británica en Uruguay lanza el concurso “El Postre de la Reina”

World news story

En conmemoración del Jubileo de Platino de Su Majestad, la Embajada Británica en Montevideo y Tienda Inglesa lanzan una iniciativa para incluir a la comunidad uruguaya.

En conmemoración del Jubileo de Platino de Su Majestad la Reina Isabel II, la Embajada Británica en Montevideo y Tienda Inglesa lanzan una iniciativa para incluir a la comunidad uruguaya en esta celebración especial.

Se trata del concurso nombrado como “El Postre de la Reina”, que invita a niños, jóvenes y adultos aficionados a la cocina y la repostería a enviar una receta de un postre para homenajear a la monarca británica, que este año alcanza un gran hito al cumplir 70 años de reinado.

La propuesta consiste en crear un postre que sea el acompañamiento perfecto para el té de la tarde o para servir luego de un plato principal. Además de enviar una receta de su autoría y una foto, los participantes deberán justificar por qué su creación es apropiada para esta celebración. El plazo de inscripción vence el 6 de abril.

Las postulaciones serán evaluadas por los reconocidos profesionales del rubro gastronómico Sergio Puglia, Hugo Soca, Lucía Soria y el chef de la Residencia Británica en Montevideo, Marco Silva, además de la embajadora británica, Faye O’Connor.

Los cinco finalistas participarán de una prueba presencial ante los integrantes del jurado, en la que se elegirá el postre ganador. El plato seleccionado será servido en la celebración del Jubileo de Platino de la Embajada Británica y será fabricado por Tienda Inglesa para que quienes así lo deseen puedan degustarlo y de esta forma unirse a esta celebración. Las ganancias obtenidas por su venta se donarán a las organizaciones benéficas Fundación Corazoncitos y Fundappas.

El ganador será el invitado de honor del evento de la Embajada, se llevará como premio un ejemplar de “The Platinum Jubilee Cookbook”, un libro de recetas y anécdotas de embajadas británicas alrededor del mundo, y una gift card de Tienda Inglesa por valor de $15.000. Los cuatro finalistas también serán premiados con gift cards de Tienda Inglesa de $5.000 cada uno.

Para conocer más detalles acerca de las bases y condiciones de esta iniciativa o inscribirse en ella se debe ingresar al sitio web de Tienda Inglesa.

Published 15 March 2022

2022-23 Baseline Profit Rate update

News story

The Baseline Profit Rate for the upcoming financial year will published in due course

Under the Defence Reform Act, the Single Source Regulations Office (SSRO) is required to make a recommendation to the Secretary of State on the Baseline Profit Rate (BPR). The three rates are used to calculate the capital servicing rates, and the adjustment to the BPR required to fund the SSRO to be used for all contracts that fall under the Single Source Contract Regulations. The Secretary of State usually makes his decision and publishes the rate for each financial year by 15 March.

This rate will apply to new contracts and amendments to existing contracts placed after 1 April that year. In making his decision, the Secretary of State has to have regard to the recommendations made by the independent SSRO.

The Secretary of State has received from the Single Source Regulations Office a recommendation on the 2022-23 base line profit rates. He is closely considering this, particularly in the context of the COVID-19 impacts, and an announcement will be made in due course.

Published 15 March 2022

PM meeting with Prime Minister of Sweden: 15 March 2022

Press release

Prime Minister Boris Johnson met the Prime Minister of Sweden, Magdalena Andersson, following the Joint Expeditionary Force (JEF) summit in London today.

The Prime Minister met the Prime Minister of Sweden, Magdalena Andersson, following the Joint Expeditionary Force (JEF) summit in London today.

Speaking in Downing Street, the Prime Minister told the Swedish leader that the UK stood in solidarity with our Nordic partners in the face of rising Russian aggression. The leaders said that Putin’s abhorrent assault on Ukraine had shifted European thinking.

The pair agreed that their two nations should further strengthen their work together on disinformation, and said they looked forward to British and Swedish forces exercising together as part of JEF in the coming months.

Both agreed on the need to reduce dependency on Russian hydrocarbons, and the Prime Minister said renewables were a key part of the UK’s energy security strategy.

The Prime Minister said the UK and Sweden’s relationship was going from strength to strength and he hoped that the two nations would continue to work closely to increase defence ties, combat climate change and ensure Putin fails.

Published 15 March 2022