HM Government


News story: Defence Secretary marks Australia Day

Defence Secretary Sir Michael Fallon has underlined the UK’s Defence ties with Australia while marking the country’s national day.

The UK and Australia share an important Defence relationship, Sir Michael said as he addressed guests at an Australia Day reception at the Australian High Commission in London.

Defence Secretary Sir Michael Fallon said:

The bonds that bind Britain and Australia are deeper than those of any alliance of necessity or pact of mutual interest; we are family.

A century ago we fought shoulder-to-shoulder at the Battle of Passchendaele. In the present time our bond is ever more relevant as we fight modern evils; flying wing-tip to wing-tip in Iraq and Syria to hit Daesh hard, training the Afghan Army in Kabul together and sharing crucial intelligence – all things that make us both safer and more secure at home.

But our bonds are those of mutual prosperity too. Backed by a rising Defence budget, Britain will also continue to open up new possibilities in trade and innovation with Australia as the UK steps up as Global Britain.

Later this year the Defence Secretary will attend the annual Australia-UK Ministerial Meeting, to discuss foreign, defence and security policy, alongside the Foreign Secretary and their Australian counterparts.

In future, the UK will take part in a variety of joint operations and Defence Engagement with Australia. In 2018 a Royal Navy frigate will visit the Asia Pacific and participate in an annual Five Power Defence Arrangements Exercise.

Australia will also host the 2018 Invictus Games for wounded, injured and sick military personnel and veterans, in Sydney.

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News story: MOD partners with industry to promote UK prosperity

The MOD and Boeing are working together to build UK prosperity, growth, and exports across the country. As part of their commitment to the UK, Boeing signed the UK aerospace industry’s Supply Chain Competitiveness Charter, which is designed to strengthen relationships between companies and their suppliers, so that they work together more effectively to raise UK productivity and competitiveness.

Highlights of the joint initiative so far include:

  • A new commercial airline hangar to be constructed at Gatwick airport, supporting more than 100 jobs

  • Collaboration on a new £100m P-8A operational support and training base at RAF Lossiemouth in Scotland, creating more than 100 new jobs

  • Boeing facilitated a visit to Seattle for 37 UK suppliers to deepen their relationships with Boeing driving enhanced prosperity in the UK

  • Training courses for UK suppliers on how to win additional business with the company, further enhancing the competitiveness of the UK supply chain

  • Education partnerships with the Royal Academy of Engineering and the RAF Air Training Corps in Northern Ireland, which reached more than 5,000 young people in the UK last year

Minister Harriett Baldwin said:

Britain’s defence industry plays a key role delivering an economy that works for everyone. Across the UK, Britain’s defence companies provide highly skilled, well-paid jobs with world class manufacturing exports.

Boeing expects to increase their UK workforce by 50% by 2020. This joint initiative is a prime example of the cutting edge, high-skilled, job-creating investment that our industrial strategy seeks to harness to make Britain one of the most competitive places in the world to innovate, build businesses and deliver secure, long-term prosperity for all.

The government’s Industrial Strategy will seek to make fresh choices about how the UK shapes its economy and presents an opportunity to deliver a bold, long term Industrial Strategy that builds on strengths and prepares for the years ahead. Following a period of consultation, the government intends to publish an Industrial Strategy white paper in 2017 that will set out the plan for full and long term delivery. 

Marc Allen, president of Boeing International, said:

Boeing’s partnership with the UK, which dates back to the 1930s, goes from strength to strength today. Boeing values the UK’s aerospace and defence capabilities. In both 2015 and 2016 Boeing in the UK hired, on average, a new employee per day and our relationship with the UK supply chain today has more than doubled in value since 2011.

This growth continues in 2017 and beyond, with further significant announcements to follow in the future, building on our initiative’s achievements already in place.

There is much more to come from the strategic prosperity initiative. During their meeting Minister Harriett Baldwin and Marc Allen looked ahead to the next six months of collaboration:

  • Boeing will increase bid opportunities for UK suppliers and work with the government to enhance UK competitiveness. The aim is for UK companies to double their supply work with Boeing and win higher proportions of content on future Boeing aircraft.

  • Boeing will make the UK its European base for training, maintenance, repair and overhaul across its defence fixed-wing and rotary platforms.

  • Boeing will make the UK a base for defence exports to Europe and the Middle East, increasing UK employment and investment.

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News story: Apprenticeship Delivery Board – 12 months on

Today (Thursday, 26 January) the ADB came together to recognise and acknowledge its achievements in the 12 months since it was formed.

The Apprenticeship Delivery Board (ADB), created to advise on expanding apprenticeships nationally, are working with the National Apprenticeship Service to increase the number of apprenticeship places that employers offer in both the public and private sector. The ADB is a key tool in driving the delivery of 3 million apprenticeship starts during this parliament.

Chaired by David Meller, Chair of the Apprenticeship Ambassador Network and reporting directly to Skills Minister Robert Halfon MP, members of the board include:

  • David Abraham, Chief Executive of Channel 4
  • Melanie Hayes, Resourcing and Development Director, Compass Group
  • Dr Andrew Parmley, Lord Mayor of London
  • Mike Thompson, Head of Employability at Barclays
  • Rami Ranger CBE, Chairman of Sun Mark Ltd
  • Simon Blagden CBE, Non-Executive Chairman at Fujitsu
  • James Wates CBE, Chairman, Wates Construction
  • Julie Taylor, Director General, Head Office and Commissioning Services, Ministry of Defence
  • Judith Nelson, Retail Sector member

Today’s event highlighted the many employers and intermediaries that the ADB have already engaged with, including the likes of Bauer Media, Claire’s Accessories, Harris Trust, Prudential and Yahoo!.

Richard Harrington MP, was in attendance and he recognised five employers for their continued commitment to apprenticeships: Deloitte, Screwfix/Kingfisher, Leonard Cheshire Disability, Faccenda, and O2 – whilst also recognising the commitment of the ADB members.

David Meller said:

This is an important milestone for the ADB. In the last 12 months we have engaged with leading employers in England to expand the current apprenticeship programme and to reach out to those not previously involved with apprenticeships. This is just the start of the journey and the very recent announcements on the Industrial Strategy and Institute for Apprenticeships will also be considered and embraced within the ADB brief.

We couldn’t have achieved the great things we have so far had it not been for the commitment of the board and today we want to thank them for their support.

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Press release: Avian flu confirmed at a farm near Boston, Lincolnshire

The UK’s Chief Veterinary Officer has confirmed H5N8 avian flu at a premises near Boston, Lincolnshire

The UK’s Chief Veterinary Officer has confirmed H5N8 avian flu at a turkey rearing farm near Boston, Lincolnshire.

A 3km Protection Zone and a 10km Surveillance Zone have been put in place around the infected premises to limit the risk of the disease spreading.

The flock is estimated to contain approximately 19,500 birds. A number have died and the remaining live birds at the premises will be humanely culled. A full investigation is under way to determine the source of the infection.

Public Health England advise that the risk to public health from the virus is very low and the Food Standards Agency is clear that bird flu does not pose a food safety risk for UK consumers.

Read the latest advice and information on avian flu in the UK, including actions to reduce the risk of the disease spreading, advice for anyone who keeps poultry or captive birds and details of previous cases. Journalists with queries should contact Defra press office.

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Speech: Holocaust Memorial Day 2017

72 years ago the world learned of the liberation of Auschwitz and the full horror of the death camps.

And as we looked at the devastation wrought on the Jews of Europe, we swore that we would never let genocide happen again.

We failed.

Genocide happened in Cambodia.

It happened in Rwanda.

The 20th century ended with genocide in Bosnia.

The 21st century began with genocide in Darfur.

Faced not only with such unimaginable evil, but also with our repeated failure to learn from it, it’s easy to ask “How can life go on?”

I find the answer in the words that one young victim of the Holocaust wrote in her diary.

“I still believe people are really good at heart”.

Anne Frank was right.

People can be good.

We can be better.

We just need to be reminded of our failings, and not permitted to forget what happens when hatred is left to grow unchecked.

So, life can go on because life must go on.

Because we must remember.

That’s why Holocaust Memorial Day is so important.

And that’s why I’m so proud to be leading the work on the new National Holocaust Memorial.

It’s going to be built right outside Parliament, and concept designs will be unveiled at 10 Downing Street later on today.

The memorial will remind us of those who died and those who survived.

But it will also remind us that the Holocaust did not begin in the gas chambers.

It began with words.

With discrimination.

With ordinary people not standing up to hatred.

And that’s a message that’s as relevant today as at any time in our history.

A message that must be shared, that must be passed on to our children and our children’s children.

Because in the words of Zigi Shipper, one of 112 Holocaust survivors whose testimony has been recorded for the memorial project:

“I beg the young people, whatever you do, do not hate.

“Hate will ruin your life.”

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