HM Government


Press release: Planned roadworks in and around the M25: weekly summary for Monday 13 February to Sunday 19 February 2017

The following summary of planned new and ongoing road improvements over the coming week is correct as of 10 February 2017 but could be subject to change due to weather conditions or unforeseen circumstances. All our improvement work is carried out with the aim of causing as little disruption as possible.

M3 junctions 2 (M25) to 4a Farnborough, Hampshire: smart motorway improvement

Work to reduce congestion and improve journey times continues this week with narrow lanes a 50mph speed limit in place on both carriageways between junctions 2 and 4a, with a free recovery service operating 24 hours a day.

The northbound carriageway between junctions 4a and 2 will be closed overnight, between 8pm and 5.30am, from Monday 13 February for 5 nights. Work on Saturday morning will finish at 7am. A clearly signed diversion will be in place via the A327, A30, M25 junction 13 to M25 junction 12.

The southbound carriageway between junctions 2 and 4a will be closed overnight, between 8pm and 5.30am, from Monday 13 February for 5 nights. Work on Saturday morning will finish at 7am. A clearly signed diversion will be in place via M25 junction 13, A30 and the A327 to M3 junction 4a.

The northbound carriageway between junctions 3 and 2 will be closed overnight, between 8pm and 7am, on Saturday 18 February. A clearly signed diversion will be in place via the A322 and A30, M25 junction 13 and M25 junction 12.

M4 junction 4b, Greater London: drainage survey

Work to maintain safety by carrying out drainage surveys will start this week. The dedicated link road from the M4 eastbound to the M25 clockwise will be closed overnight, between 10pm and 5am, on Wednesday 15 February. A clearly signed diversion will be in place via junction 4 and return.

M25 junction 6 Godstone, Surrey: sign installation

Work to improve safety by installing new signs will start this week. The anti-clockwise entry slip road will be closed overnight, between 10pm and 5.30am, from Wednesday 15 February for 5 consecutive nights. Work on Friday will start at 11pm. A clearly signed diversion will be in place via junction 8 and return.

M25 junction 9 Leatherhead, Surrey: carriageway repair

Work to maintain safety by carrying out carriageway repairs will start this week. The clockwise entry slip road will be closed overnight, between 10.30pm and 5.30am, from Monday 13 February for 2 nights. A clearly signed diversion will be in place via junction 8 and return.

M25 junction 12 (M3), Surrey: smart motorway improvement

Work to improve journeys by carrying out smart motorway improvement continues this week. The dedicated link roads from the M25 in both directions to the M3 southbound will be closed overnight, between 8pm and 5.30am, from Monday 13 February for 5 nights. Work on Saturday morning will finish at 7am. A clearly signed diversion will be in place via M25 junction 13, A30 and the A327 to M3 junction 4a.

M25 junctions 10 (A3) to 11 Chertsey, Surrey: bridge joint replacement

Work to improve journeys by carrying out bridge joint replacement on the structure that carries the M25 over the River Wey and the South West Trains railway line continues this week. The clockwise carriageway will be closed overnight, between 9pm and 8am, on Saturday 18 February. A clearly signed diversion will be in place via the A3, A245, A320 and the A317.

M25 junction 22 London Colney, Hertfordshire: electrical repair

Work to maintain safety by carrying out electrical repairs continues this week. The clockwise exit slip road will be closed overnight, between 10pm and 5am, from Monday 13 February for 3 nights. A clearly signed diversion will be in place via junction 23 and return.

M25 junctions 25 Enfield to 26 Waltham Abbey, Essex: tunnel maintenance

Work to test and maintain the Holmesdale Tunnel safety systems will start this week. The clockwise carriageway will be closed overnight, between 10pm and 5.30am, from Monday 13 February for 3 nights. A clearly signed diversion will be in place via the A10 and the A121.

M25 junction 28 Brentwood, Essex: resurfacing

Work to improve journeys by carrying out resurfacing will start this week. The anti-clockwise exit slip road will be closed overnight, between 10pm and 6am, from Monday 13 February for 5 nights. Work on Friday will start at 11pm. A clearly signed diversion will be in place via junction 26 and return.

M25 junction 30 Thurrock, Essex: technology testing

Work to maintain safety by carrying out technology testing will start this week. The anti-clockwise entry slip road will be closed overnight, between 10pm and 5.30am, on Wednesday 15 February. A clearly signed diversion will be in place via the A13, A128, A127 and M25 junction 29.

M25 junctions 30 Thurrock to 31 Lakeside, Essex: technology testing

Work to maintain safety by carrying out technology testing will start this week. The clockwise carriageway will be closed overnight, between 10pm and 5.30am, from Tuesday 14 February for 3 nights. A clearly signed diversion will be in place via the exit slip road at junction 30 and the dedicated link road to junction 31.

M25 junctions 31 Lakeside to 30 Thurrock, Essex: technology testing

Work to maintain safety by carrying out technology testing will start this week. The northbound carriageway between junctions 31 and 30 will be closed overnight, between 10pm and 5.30am, on Thursday 16 February. A clearly signed diversion will be in place via the junction 31 exit slip road and the dedicated link road to junction 30.

A13 (A1306) to (A1012), Essex: technology testing

Work to maintain safety by carrying out technology testing will start this week. The A13 in both directions between Wennington and North Stifford will be closed overnight, between 10pm and 5.30am, on Monday 13 February and between 11pm and 5.30am on Friday 17 February. A clearly signed diversion will be in place via the A1306, M25 junction 31 and the A1012.

A13 (M25), Essex: technology testing

Work to maintain safety by carrying out technology testing will start this week. The eastbound entry slip road will be closed overnight, between 10pm and 5.30am, on Tuesday 14 February. A clearly signed diversion will be in place via the dedicated link road between junctions 30 and 31, and the A1012 to the A13.

A13 (A1306) to M25 junction 30, Essex: technology testing

Work to maintain safety by carrying out technology testing will start this week. The eastbound carriageway will be closed overnight, between 10pm and 5.30am, on Wednesday 15 January. A clearly signed diversion will be in place via the A1306, M25 junction 31 and the dedicated link road to M25 junction 30.

A13 (A1012), Essex: electrical repair

Work to maintain safety by carrying out electrical repairs will start this week. The eastbound entry slip road will be closed overnight, between 11pm and 5am, on Friday 17 February. A clearly signed diversion will be in place via the M25 junction 30 roundabout and return.

A282 (M25) Dartford – Thurrock Crossing: maintenance

Work to improve journeys at the Dartford Crossing continues this week. The following closures will be in place with fully signed diversions in place during the northbound east tunnel closures for oversized vehicles:

  • Monday 13 February (9pm to 5.30am) northbound west tunnel
  • Tuesday 14 February (9pm to 5.30am) northbound west tunnel
  • Wednesday 15 February (9pm to 5.30am) northbound west tunnel
  • Thursday 16 February (9pm to 5.30am) northbound west tunnel
  • Friday 17 February (9pm to 5.30am) northbound east tunnel
  • Saturday 18 February (9pm to 5.30am) northbound west tunnel
  • Sunday 19 February (9pm to 5.30am) northbound west tunnel

A282 junction 1a Swanscombe, Kent: tunnel maintenance

Work to maintain safety by carrying out tunnel maintenance continues this week. The northbound entry slip road will be closed overnight, between 9pm and 5.30am from Monday 13 February for 4 nights and from Saturday 18 February for 2 nights. A clearly signed diversion will be in place via the A282 southbound to junction 1b and return.

General enquiries

Members of the public should contact the Highways England customer contact centre on 0300 123 5000.

Media enquiries

Journalists should contact the Highways England press office on 0844 693 1448 and use the menu to speak to the most appropriate press officer.

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Press release: Public exhibitions on A46 Coventry junction upgrade

The A46 is a strategic link between the East and West Midlands, connecting Coventry and Warwickshire to the motorway network. The scheme is part of the government’s £15.2bn road investment strategy, involving work to both Binley and Walsgrave junctions.

Highways England will progress with Binley first, helping to improve traffic flows at this important junction. As part of the plans for Binley the A46 dual carriageway will become a flyover with connections via slip roads. Local traffic will continue to use the revised roundabout layout with access in place to and from the A46. This will separate local traffic connecting on to and using the A428 from through-traffic, so that drivers on the A46 no longer need to slow down for a roundabout as they do now, therefore improving traffic flow. The work will also incorporate improvements to the existing footway and cycle path.

Highways England project manager, Malcolm Mitson, said:

This work will help alleviate congestion at this busy junction and improve journey times for motorists. As well as improving the flow of traffic, safety will be improved by separating local traffic from long-distance and business traffic.

The scheme will take approximately two years to complete, with construction starting no later than March 2020 and opening to traffic in 2022.

During the work, Highways England will minimise disruption to road users, local communities and the environment.

People attending the exhibitions will be able to see plans of the proposals, find out more about the scheme and ask questions of the project team.

The events will take place as follows:

  • Friday 17 February, 1pm to 8pm Community Centre, Warwickshire Shopping Park, Coventry, CV3 2SB
  • Saturday 18 February, 10am to 4pm Binley Woods Village Hall, Rugby Road, Binley Woods, Coventry, CV3 2AX

General enquiries

Members of the public should contact the Highways England customer contact centre on 0300 123 5000.

Media enquiries

Journalists should contact the Highways England press office on 0844 693 1448 and use the menu to speak to the most appropriate press officer.

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News story: £170 million plan to dual vital Somerset road

The key route between Sparkford and Ilchester is being upgraded to relieve the over-congested road and create 30 miles of dual carriageway between Mere and South Petherton.

The £170 million plan is part of the government’s £15 billion investment in our motorways and major A roads between 2015 and 2020 – the biggest in a generation.

More than 26,000 vehicles use this stretch of road a day, double the number it was designed for. Dualling the route will cut journey times and new junctions will enhance safety.

Transport Secretary Chris Grayling said:

Almost 4 million trips are made on the A303 every year and we are investing more than £2 billion to improve these motorists’ journeys, making them quicker and safer.

Tackling congestion on this vital road will also help boost the economy in the south-west, unlock thousands of jobs and homes and promote tourism.

Work will include making junctions safer as well as providing better links for pedestrians and cyclists.

Highways England is consulting on the 2 routes and is urging residents to have their say on the plans. The consultation runs from 15 February to 29 March 2017.

The preferred route between Sparkford and Ilchester is due to be announced in autumn this year. Work is expected to start in 2020.

Highways England chief executive Jim O’Sullivan said:

This scheme will be really good news for people travelling to and from the south-west, particularly during the busy summer months.

Our consultation and public exhibitions will provide an excellent opportunity to explain further our plans and to hear feedback from people on our proposals to deliver the scheme.

A separate consultation on building a tunnel for the A303 near Stonehenge is also underway. This will further improve journeys on the main road between London and the south-west.

Further details on upgrading the A358 between Taunton and Southfields will also be revealed shortly.

Highways England is holding the following public information events:

  • 12.00 noon to 8.30pm, Thursday 23 February: Sparkford Inn Function Room, Sparkford
  • 10.00am to 5.00pm, Queen Camel Memorial Hall, High Street, Queen Camel, Yeovil
  • 10.00am to 6.00pm, Friday, 10 March: Davis Hall, Howell Hill, West Camel, Yeovil
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News story: Avian flu confirmed at a farm near Redgrave in Suffolk

H5N8 avian flu has been confirmed at a poultry premises near Redgrave, in the district of mid-Suffolk.

The UK’s Deputy Chief Veterinary Officer has confirmed H5N8 avian flu at a poultry premises near Redgrave, in the district of mid-Suffolk.

This follows the announcement of an initial 10km Temporary Control Zone around the premises on 13 February after laboratory analysis identified the presence of H5N8. Further investigations into the nature of the virus have now confirmed that it is the same highly pathogenic strain of H5N8 that has been found in wild and farmed birds in the UK since December 2016.

A 3km Protection Zone and a 10km Surveillance Zone have been put in place around the infected premises to limit the risk of the disease spreading. We have published full details of the controls in place. Use our interactive map to check if you are affected by restrictions around any premises.

The affected premises is estimated to contain approximately 23,000 birds. A number have died and the remaining live birds at the premises will be humanely culled. A full investigation is under way to determine the source of the infection.

Public Health England advise that the risk to public health from the virus is very low and the Food Standards Agency is clear that bird flu does not pose a food safety risk for UK consumers.

Read the latest advice and information on avian flu in the UK, including actions to reduce the risk of the disease spreading, advice for anyone who keeps poultry or captive birds and details of previous cases. Journalists with queries should contact Defra press office.

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