HM Government


Press release: Statement from the Secretary of State for Wales in response to Snowdonia helicopter crash

Alun Cairns: Thoughts and deepest sympathies go out to the families of the victims

Snowdonia helicopter crash: Statement from the Secretary of State for Wales, Alun Cairns

My thoughts and deepest sympathies go out to the families of the victims of the helicopter crash in Snowdonia.

I have today spoken to the Acting Chief Constable of North Wales Police to offer the UK Government in Wales’ full support to the investigation.

The emergency services and the mountain rescue involved in the search, rescue and recovery operation have carried out their work in incredibly difficult conditions. I am grateful to them for their determination and dedication, and to those providing support to the families during what is a very difficult time.

The recovery operation will be challenging. I ask that the investigating authorities be given the time and space necessary to undertake this important work.

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Richard Burgon responds to the latest legal aid statistics

Richard Burgon MP, Labour’s Shadow Justice Secretary, responding to the latest legal aid statistics, said:

“Under the Conservatives, legal advice and representation is becoming a privilege for the wealthy few.

“Many ordinary people dealing with difficult issues are no longer able to receive the legal assistance they need and deserve.

“This Tory Government must stop dragging their feet and get on with the long-awaited review of their disastrous cuts to legal aid.

“Labour is supporting the Bach Commission in working to design a 21st century justice system which protects rather than penalises those who need advice, representation and justice.”

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Richard Burgon responds to the latest legal aid statistics

Richard Burgon MP, Labour’s Shadow Justice Secretary, responding to the latest legal aid statistics, said:

“Under the Conservatives, legal advice and representation is becoming a privilege for the wealthy few.

“Many ordinary people dealing with difficult issues are no longer able to receive the legal assistance they need and deserve.

“This Tory Government must stop dragging their feet and get on with the long-awaited review of their disastrous cuts to legal aid.

“Labour is supporting the Bach Commission in working to design a 21st century justice system which protects rather than penalises those who need advice, representation and justice.”

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Press release: Regulators give design acceptance to the AP1000® power station design

The AP1000® nuclear reactor, designed by Westinghouse, is suitable for construction in the UK said the regulators today following completion of an in-depth assessment of the reactor design.

The Office for Nuclear Regulation (ONR), the Environment Agency (EA) and Natural Resources Wales (NRW), the regulators who undertake the Generic Design Assessment of new reactor designs, are satisfied that the reactor meets expectations on safety, security and environmental protection at this stage of the regulatory process.

ONR has issued a Design Acceptance Certificate (DAC) to Westinghouse and the environment agencies have issued a Statement of Design Acceptability (SoDA).

Dr Richard Savage, ONR’s Chief Nuclear Inspector, said:

The closure of our assessment of the generic design of the AP1000® reactor is a significant step in the process, ensuring the design meets the very high standards of safety we expect.

We will now focus our regulatory attention on site specific assessments, and NuGen’s application for a nuclear site licence.

Dr Jo Nettleton, Deputy Director for Radioactive Substances and Installations Regulation at the Environment Agency, said:

Successfully completing GDA means that the AP1000 is capable of meeting the high standards of environment protection and waste management that we require.

We’re already working with NuGen, as it develops its proposals to build and operate three AP1000 reactors at Moorside in Cumbria, to ensure that those high standards are delivered.

The regulators required 51 GDA Issues to be resolved before confirming the suitability of the AP1000. All of the issues have been addressed to the regulators’ satisfaction enabling the DAC and SoDA to be issued. The regulators’ assessment reports are all available online


Notes for Editors

  1. The Office for Nuclear Regulation is the nuclear safety and security regulator for the UK.
  2. The Environment Agency and Natural Resources Wales are the environmental regulators of nuclear sites in England and Wales respectively.
  3. More information on Generic Design Assessment on the joint regulators’ website
  4. All assessment reports, decision documents and a copy of the Design Acceptance confirmation (DAC) and Statement of Design Acceptability (SoDA) are available online ONR Environment Agency

  5. The DAC and SoDA are valid for a period of ten years from issue and can be extended subject to review and agreement of the regulators.
  6. The issuing of a DAC/SoDA does not mean the construction of the reactor can start. Before a new nuclear power station can be built, the operator (NuGen in this case) must obtain a number of site specific permissions from the regulators and Government, including a nuclear site licence and relevant consents, environmental permits and planning permission (Development Consent Order).
  7. The Statement of Design Acceptability (SoDA) is being issued jointly by the Environment Agency and Natural Resources Wales. GDA applies to both England and Wales.
  8. For more information, please contact the ONR press office on or 020 3028 0505.
  9. For the Environment Agency media team contact or 020 3025 5623
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Press release: New section of A590 opens after Lindal ‘dip’ work

Highways England is thanking local people and drivers in Cumbria for their patience and support after a new section of the A590 was opened following a £1 million engineering project to tackle flooding.

Drivers started using the brand new section of the road at Lindal near Ulverston shortly after 5am this morning (Tuesday 28 March) as the 4 month project nears its completion at the end of the week.

Lindal ‘Dip’ before and after photographs

Key elements of the construction work have included moving the carriageway 7 metres north west of the previous alignment and raising it by up to almost 2 metres in places – removing the so-called Lindal ‘dip’ and solving the flooding issue which in bad weather often required temporary traffic lights to manage traffic past the rain water.

Highways England project manager Peter Gee said:

Lindal Dip is no more. The completion of this work means we can keep the road fully open during bad weather, giving drivers safer and more reliable journeys. We know a lot of people will share our satisfaction in completing this long-awaited project and we’d like to thank local people and drivers for their patience with the road works over the last few months.

The flooding was caused by a combination of factors including the carriageway dip and water from several sources, including the local road network, collecting on the A590.

As well as building a brand new 100 metre raised and realigned section of road with eastbound and westbound carriageways, an innovative ‘infiltration’ system has also been constructed – using a 1.2 metre diameter drainage pipe to help store rain water before slowly releasing it away.

Some overnight finishing work, requiring temporary traffic lights, will be done over the next 4 nights before the road works will be completely removed.

General enquiries

Members of the public should contact the Highways England customer contact centre on 0300 123 5000.

Media enquiries

Journalists should contact the Highways England press office on 0844 693 1448 and use the menu to speak to the most appropriate press officer.

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