An open letter to business from the Prime Minister: 17 October 2019

International Trade Secretary meets UK businesses on US tariffs

International Trade Secretary Liz Truss has today met with businesses, including the Scotch Whisky Association and Johnstons of Elgin, to discuss retaliatory tariffs which the US is due to introduce tomorrow.

Earlier this month, the US Government announced that they would introduce new tariffs following a ruling on the Airbus dispute at the World Trade Organization. The retaliatory measures are expected to include tariffs of 10% on aircraft, and 25% on a range of other products, including single malt whisky and biscuits.

As part of ongoing engagement between DIT and businesses who could be affected by the tariffs, the International Trade Secretary reassured them that the government is taking this issue seriously, had raised it with the highest levels of the US administration and will continue to do so until the tariffs are dropped.

Last week, the Prime Minister phoned President Trump to underline his disappointment at the US announcement of tariffs against UK and EU exports, pressing the President not to impose the tariffs. On Tuesday, the International Trade Secretary also spoke with US Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer.

Speaking after today’s meeting, International Trade Secretary Liz Truss said:

Resorting to tit-for-tat tariffs is not in any country’s best interests and we are in regular contact with the Trump administration, urging them to refrain from resorting to such measures. As well as causing temporary disruption to UK businesses, it would also hit American consumers in the pocket.

The UK has complied fully with the WTO’s ruling on the Airbus dispute and we do not believe our industries should be subject to tariffs.

We are working closely with the US, EU and European partners to support a negotiated settlement to the Airbus and Boeing disputes.

A new UK-US Free Trade Agreement could provide an avenue to avoid future trade disputes and negotiating an FTA with the United States is one of the highest priorities of the Secretary of State.

Businesses seeking advice should contact

Royal visit marks long-standing dialogue with Japan

NDA Strategy and Technology Director Dr Adrian Simper was among the presenters discussing the knowledge exchange between the two countries, a relationship that dates back many years.

Adrian spoke about the long-standing nuclear relationship between the UK and Japan, dating from the 1960s when the country’s built its first reactor, Tokai Mura 1, which was based on the Magnox design. He also outlined the NDA’s commitment to working in partnership with local communities, and the sharing of decommissioning knowledge as Japan continues the clean-up at Fukushima Dai-ichi.

The Princess Royal talks to nuclear specialists at the reception in Tokyo

The latest UK-Japan collaboration will see a team of experts who have worked on Dounreay’s Prototype Fast Reactor travel to Japan to help with drafting a lifetime plan for dismantling a similar sodium-cooled fast reactor, Monju, at the Tsuruga Nuclear Power Plant in Fukui Prefecture.

As part of this programme, Monju researcher Kazuaki Matsui will spend a six-month placement at the PFR.

UK businesses were also exhibiting at the event, hosted by Dr Keith Franklin, Nuclear Counsellor, Department for International Trade at the British Embassy in Tokyo.

Adrian has been involved in the NDA’s dialogue with Japanese nuclear organisations for many years and has served as one of the international advisors for the group of experts advising on decommissioning the damaged Fukushima Dai-ichi plant, where UK technology companies are making a valuable contribution to the clean-up. Regular exchange visits between the UK and Japan have enabled the NDA, its subsidiary International Nuclear Services and the Department for International Trade to highlight the UK’s nuclear decommissioning expertise.

The Princess Royal has been visiting Japan for a number of engagements associated with the Rugby World Cup, the 2020 Tokyo Olympics and other UK business events. Last year, she unveiled a commemorative plaque marking the official opening of the NDA’s £21 million archive facility, Nucleus (The Nuclear and Caithness Archives), in Wick.

Simon Devonshire OBE Announced as New Chairman

Simon’s extensive corporate career makes him well suited to help deliver Ploughshare’s strategic objectives and drive the use of defence and security technologies into wider commercial use. He previously ran O2 Business, the business division of the mobile-network, and co-founded Wayra Europe, the business accelerator belonging to Telefonica. He is also a serial entrepreneur and is involved in several successful digital start-up companies. In addition, Simon has previously worked for the government in his role as Entrepreneur in Residence (EiR) at the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) and is currently the EiR at the National Physical Laboratory.

Commenting on his new appointment, Simon said:

I am very excited and proud to be joining Ploughshare Innovations to help scale-up the remarkable science and innovation being pioneered at Dstl from its work with the Ministry of Defence. I am passionate about the opportunity to drive mass adoption of new technology that enables people and the planet to flourish – the incredible progress that Dstl has made in diagnosing sepsis being just one notable example.

James Kirby, CEO of Ploughshare, remarking about the changes said:

The prospect of a new chair with different experiences and ideas will help bring about a new phase in Ploughshare’s journey, and I look forward to working with Simon to continue to grow the business. On behalf of my fellow board members, I would like to express our gratitude to Piers White, who has been an outstanding chair over the last 6 years.

Piers White, the outgoing Chairman, commented:

Working with Ploughshare has been a privilege and a highlight of my career. I have been fortunate enough to be part of a team that has delivered some transformational technologies to market. I wish Simon every success and look forward to seeing the next generation of fantastic innovations come to fruition.

Simon, who is also a Non-executive Director of the Student Loans Company, will formally start as Chairman on 21 November 2019.

£500,000 fund for Windrush Day celebrations 2020 launched

  • Community groups invited to bid for share of £500,000 to commemorate enormous contribution of the Windrush Generation and their descendants.
  • Councils can receive up to £25,000 to host events and activities on Windrush Day 2020.
  • Announcement follows successful first-ever national Windrush Day earlier this year.

Communities across the country can bid for a share of £500,000 funding to celebrate the outstanding contribution of the Windrush Generation and their descendants to the nation’s social, economic, political and religious life.

The annual Grant Scheme will open today (17 October 2019) as communities around the country celebrate Black History Month. The fund will provide up to £25,000 to local councils, charities and community groups seeking to host events for Windrush Day 2020.

The grant scheme supported 50 groups across the country celebrate the inaugural national Windrush Day earlier this year with events including educational workshops, cricket matches, street parties and historical exhibitions.

Communities Secretary,  Rt Hon Robert Jenrick MP said:

The first national Windrush Day earlier this year saw communities across the country celebrate and honour the lasting impact of the Windrush Generation and their descendants.

Today we are opening applications for funding for Windrush Day 2020 to ensure that we continue to commemorate a seminal moment in Britain’s history for generations to come.

 Windrush Day 2020 promises to be bigger, better and bolder. Applications open today and I encourage communities around the country to get involved.

Communities Minister Lord Younger said:

After the huge success of the first national Windrush Day, I am delighted to confirm that applications for funding for Windrush Day 2020 are now open.

It is vitally important to keep telling the stories of the courageous Windrush pioneers and their descendants, who have helped to shape our shared history and heritage. We are committed to supporting communities to celebrate their legacy, be it through workshops or music, exhibitions, tournaments or more.

I encourage communities from across the country to get involved and I look forward to seeing creative and inspiring proposals.

Dr Joe Aldred, Churches Together in England, Windrush Day Advisory Panel Member said:

Following the amazing national service of thanksgiving in a packed Westminster Abbey on 22 June 2018, and the first official national Windrush Day on 22 June earlier this year, I am looking forward to an even greater Windrush Day 2020.  

It has been a pleasure to serve with colleagues on the Windrush Day Advisory Panel where I have seen first-hand the commitment of so many to ensuring the contributions of the Windrush Generation to the life of our country is properly recognised.

Giving honour to whom honour is due, is a sound biblical principle and Windrush Day is a significant way to do so by celebrating, commemorating and educating together, absorbing the historic and continuing warmth of Caribbean presence in Britain.

This year saw the first national Windrush Day take place, with activities and events taking place up and down the country. Through educational workshops, theatre performances and historical exhibitions communities honoured that landmark day over 70 years ago when the Empire Windrush arrived at Tilbury Docks.

The grant scheme is overseen by the Windrush Day Advisory Panel made up of community representatives.

The Advisory Panel will consider how best to celebrate Windrush Day each year. Made up of community representatives from locations around the country, the Panel provides advice directly to government. It will ensure that winning bids are appropriate and resonate with Caribbean communities.

Next month the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government will be hosting workshops around the country to support groups during the grant application process. See further information.

To apply, download an application form and return the completed form to Please include ‘Windrush Day Grant’ in the subject line.

We have a budget of up to £500,000 available to fund events across the country and groups can bid for a share of up to £25,000.

Bidders Day events will be taking place around the country next month in Bristol, Birmingham, Manchester, London, Sheffield. Find out more at: