UK primed for capital investment

It’s a great pleasure to be here today, and I am particularly pleased to have the chance to speak before such a distinguished group of investors. I would like to take this opportunity to thank CEO Kim and his colleagues from the Korea Economic Daily for bringing us together this morning.

Over the next ten minutes, I hope to convince you, if you need convincing, why the UK continues to be a premier destination for capital investment.

Before I talk about capital investment and the importance of long-term growth, I wanted to say something the UK’s investment in Korea…in its broadest sense.

In 1797, a Royal Navy vessel captained by William Broughton was caught in a storm on its way to Japan. The vessel ended up in Busan and this was the first interaction between our two countries. It took almost a hundred years for the UK and Korea to agree a formal bilateral treaty – diplomacy took time in those days!

In 1883, the British government purchased the site of our current compound opposite City Hall for the princely sum of £100. Perhaps this was the first example of UK capital investment in Korea!

So our formal relationship is over 130 years old. The longest of any European country. We have been by Korea’s side through the ups and downs of the 20th century. Almost 100,000 British soldiers were deployed to Korea during the Korean War. We have remained a strong promoter of peace on the Peninsula ever since.

We have watched with huge admiration Korea’s democratic and economic growth over the last few decades. We are also proud that our trade and investment relationship has increased exponentially over this period. Since the EU-Korea FTA came into force in 2011, our bilateral trade has doubled to 22Tn Korean Won ($18.9bn).

But there is so much more that we, as the world’s 5th and 11th largest economies, can achieve together.

I was delighted that two months ago, the UK and Korea agreed a Continuity Free Trade Agreement. This agreement is the first of its kind in Asia. We expect it to be ratified by our respective parliaments shortly. This agreement will ensure that UK and Korean companies will continue to benefit from preferential tariffs when the EU-Korea FTA ceases to apply.

I know you won’t expect me to speculate on Brexit and what might happen in London over the next few days! And that’s good because the situation is developing so quickly. What I would say is two things: Firstly, when the UK leaves the EU, we will remain the EU’s closest partner and friend. We are leaving the EU not Europe. And Secondly, whatever happens over the next few months the UK-Korea relationship will remain strong and the ties between our two countries will continue to develop.

We are long-term investors in Korea not short-term speculators!

So why am I so confident about the UK’s attractiveness to investors?

As we move forward towards a more global future outside of the EU, foreign investors have reaffirmed their confidence in the UK.  Between 2015 and 2018, the UK attracted more foreign direct Investment than any other country in Europe, with nearly four thousand projects bringing in more capital investment than second and third placed Germany and France combined. According to the Center of American Entrepreneurship, London is the third largest single destination for venture capital deals after Silicon Valley and New York.

Korean investors are already grasping opportunities in the UK.

Last year, the UK attracted more than 40 percent of the record $8.1 billion worth of South Korean investment into Europe’s commercial property market.

And this year, Korean companies are estimated to have invested almost $800 million in Heathrow and Gatwick airports.

Korean companies have also, in recent years, invested in UK rail and other transport infrastructure. Most noticeably the National Pension Services 30% stake in UK’s High Speed 1 which they acquired in 2017 and Samsung C&T has been a key partner in the development of the Mersey Gateway Bridge spanning the River Mersey and Manchester Ship Canal.

We are committed to ensuring that the UK retains its reputation as a stable, open and mature market in which to invest. We have set out our ambitions in a bold, long-term industrial strategy. This will help generate growth and job creation to ensure the economic benefits are felt by all.

Companies investing in the UK will have access to one of the lowest rates of corporation tax in Europe, tax credits for companies innovating and registering patents in the UK, and access to a world class R&D environment and talent pool. Three of the world’s top 10 universities are in the UK including the top two.

And for international SMEs looking at the UK for global expansion we operate exciting investment support opportunities such as the Department of International Trade’s Global Entrepreneurs Programme.

A key foundation of our Industrial Strategy centres on upgrading the UK’s infrastructure throughout the country.  Our National Infrastructure and Construction Pipeline is worth around $778 billion and public infrastructure investment will have doubled in a decade by 2022/2023.

Through our Industrial Strategy, the country’s economic geography will be transformed by a surge of infrastructure investment heralding a new technological era. We plan to build a Britain that lives on the digital frontier, with full-fibre broadband, new 5G networks and smart technologies.  As a former Deputy Director of GCHQ, the UK Government’s Cyber Intelligence Agency, I am proud that we have committed to making the UK the world’s safest place to live and work online.

We will create a new high speed rail network that connects people to jobs and opportunities, regenerate our stations and airports, and progressively upgrade our road network.  And we will improve people’s lives where they live and work, with high quality housing and clean, affordable energy.

During today’s seminar you will hear about many of the investment ready projects currently available.  Our team of expert advisors from our Department of International Trade stand ready to help you find appropriate opportunities and smooth the investment journey with tailored advice, insight and introductions.

Before I finish, I want to say something about the UK’s commitment to economic growth alongside our ambitious efforts to address the challenges of climate change.

Climate change and environmental degradation are among the most urgent and pressing challenges we face today. In July, the UK recorded its hottest day ever. The temperature reached 38.7C.

And here in Korea I have seen first-hand the declining air quality in Seoul. Days when we have seen the world’s highest levels of PM 2.5. Days when I cannot see the mountains behind the Blue House. Days when it is not safe for children to play outside.

The UK is a committed, ambitious and effective leader on climate change. We were the first major economy to legislate for net zero emissions by 2050. We have decarbonised our economy faster than any other G20 country, while retaining the highest growth figures in the G7. And we were the first country in the world to set a legally binding long-term emissions reduction target through the Climate Change Act 2008.

We have just doubled our contribution to the Green Climate Fund. And the UK will host COP26 in Glasgow in partnership with Italy, where we will be driving ambition on mitigation, resilience and finance.

Meeting our objectives and delivering the global transition to a low carbon economy will require unprecedented levels of investment in green and low carbon technologies, services and infrastructure.

More than $119 billion has been invested in clean energy in the UK since 2010 – but much more will be needed to deliver a net zero economy.

The low carbon economy in the UK could grow 11 per cent per year between 2015 and 2030 – over four times faster than the rest of the economy. Our Green Finance Strategy sets out how we will be working to apply a green filter to the National Infrastructure and Construction Pipeline.

Let me finish by saying: This is an exciting time for the UK. A time of unprecedented opportunities. We are confident in our assertion that in the UK, your businesses will prosper and your capital investments make strong and safe returns.

Thank you

Government backs next generation of scientists to transform healthcare and tackle climate change

  • 1,700 PhDs will advance discoveries in bioscience, tackle challenges like feeding the world’s growing population while helping people stay healthier, for longer
  • the investment is helping solve the UK’s Grand Challenges, by attracting and retaining the best talent and building a workforce fit for the future

The next generation of UK scientists have been backed by government today (Thursday 24 October) to develop the latest Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies that will transform how people live and work and help tackle some of the world’s most pressing challenges.

A combined government and industry investment of £370 million will deliver 2,700 new PhD places in biosciences and AI.

Of this, £200 million will fund 1,000 new PhD places over the next 5 years to study AI which could help diagnose diseases like cancer earlier and make industries, including aviation and automotive, more sustainable. The first 200 students will be studying at 14 universities across the country, working closely with 300 leading businesses, including AstraZeneca, Google, Rolls-Royce and NHS Trusts.

The students’ projects include:

  • working closely with the NHS to transform healthcare systems – helping address the world’s ageing society. This could improve diagnosis of life-threatening illnesses like cancer, accelerate the development and access to new drugs, design personalised medicine and improve care
  • helping to make buildings more energy-efficient, create new low-carbon materials, improve monitoring of climate temperatures and design greener transport, like planes, trains and cars

A further £170 million will fund 1,700 places to study PhDs in biosciences helping to tackle issues like feeding the world’s growing population and helping people stay healthier for longer.

The new PhD researchers will be working towards:

  • finding innovative ways to feed 9 billion people by 2050, and secure sustainable food production
  • developing renewable, low carbon sources of energy, transport fuels and chemicals to reduce dependency on fossil fuels
  • helping people stay healthier for longer as lifespans increase and society ages

Prime Minister Boris Johnson said:

The UK has educated, trained and developed some of the best scientists in the world – and we must continue to lead the world in AI and technology with our incredible talent and innovative breakthroughs.

That’s why we’re investing millions of pounds to create hundreds of new AI and bioscience PhDs, so new research and development can thrive here in the UK and solve the biggest challenges that face us – from climate change to better healthcare.

Science Minister Chris Skidmore said:

AI has the potential to boost productivity and enhance every industry across the economy, from developing new treatments for life-threatening diseases to tackling climate change. Today’s announcement is helping us solve the UK’s Grand Challenges by ensuring the UK is at the forefront of the latest technologies and opening-up British businesses to new opportunities.

The UK is a petri-dish for incredible talent and we’re passionate about nurturing the next generation of world-class scientists, so the UK remains at the forefront of research and innovation.

That is why we’re investing in the AI and bioscience PhD research. These critical areas will transform the UK economy and create the highly-skilled workforce we need for the future.

Digital Minister Matt Warman said:

The UK has a long-standing reputation for innovation. We are the birthplace of artificial intelligence and home to technology pioneers such as Alan Turing and Ada Lovelace. We are determined to see this continue.

Today we are announcing a bumper investment in skills training to strengthen our workforce and attract, nurture and retain the best talent so we can lead the world in research and development.

AI is already being used to improve lives by helping detect fraud quicker and diagnose diseases more accurately. With the brightest minds at the helm we will be able to explore this cutting-edge technology further.

The investment in AI innovation builds on the UK’s ongoing success as a global leader in AI technology. Today Science Minister Chris Skidmore also announced the first 5 AI Turing Fellowships, the UK’s national institute for AI and data science, designed to ensure the UK has the skills needed to make the most of artificial intelligence, and called for further top, international academic talent to join these researchers, with £37.5 million in further funding available.

The Fellows’ projects range from determining the impact of digital technologies such as social media on mental health; and building a sustainable aviation industry by helping the sector build faster, lighter and more environmentally friendly aircraft.

Sue Daley, associate director, technology and policy at techUK:

Creating a steady pipeline of tech talent is imperative to remaining a leader in the AI and data revolution. government-industry collaboration is crucial to addressing the UK’s current digital skills gap and we are proud to see industry demonstrating its commitment to developing the next generation of AI talent.

This is a brilliant step towards securing the UK’s AI future and we look forward to continuing to work with DCMS and the Office for AI to support their work in this area.

The government is investing £13 million in innovative Postgraduate programmes, so more people can develop fruitful careers in AI. The new AI conversion courses will allow 2,500 more people to study AI from backgrounds other than science or maths at undergraduate level. This also includes 1,000 new scholarships for people from underrepresented backgrounds, including women, ethnic minorities and low-income families.

Leading technology companies like Accenture, DeepMind, QuantumBlack and Amplyfi, are already sponsoring AI Masters students. The new courses will help build-up a highly skilled workforce in the UK and provide new opportunities for industry and universities to collaborate, ensuring new innovations are transforming industries.

Bioscience PhD case studies:

  • researchers at UCL and Imperial College London are developing a low-cost, easy-to-use arsenic sensor to test drinking water, in collaboration with a spin-out company.
  • a student at Liverpool-Newcastle-Durham co-authored 7 papers, including a first-author paper in Nature Communications on the promotion of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease by senescent hepatocytes, relevant to obesity and ageing. The paper was read over 30,000 times in the first week
  • a UCL student received a £10,000 prize and the International Canine Health Postgraduate Student Inspiration Award as part of the 2018 International Canine Health Awards (ICHA) in relation to her project investigating the relationship between dog breed genetic differences and susceptibility to pancreatic disease, in the hopes of developing new diagnostic and therapeutic methods
  • fundamental studies of cocoa butter crystallisation by 2 students at Leeds University had a direct impact on a project that is close to delivering a higher quality stability for chocolate.
  • a student from University of Birmingham gained a Wellcome Trust ISSF Fellowship following her PhD on chronobiology and the effect of sleep patterns on athletic performance and wellbeing

UK Research and Innovation Chief Executive, Professor Sir Mark Walport, said:

Talented people with ideas, energy and tenacity hold the key to unlocking the potential of Artificial Intelligence. The Turing AI Fellowships support this talent, build on the UK’s reputation for creativity and innovation and ensure we remain at the forefront of this transformative technology.

By attracting world-leading talent and developing the next generation of AI researchers and innovators, we will catalyse vital collaboration between academia, industry and government, delivering benefits that will be felt across society and the economy.

Professor Melanie Welham, UKRI-BBSRC’s Executive Chair said:

The success of the UK’s science sector and the consequent benefits to society and the economy relies on great researchers doing great work. Our Doctoral Training Partnerships have already supported the training of hundreds of early career scientists working at the cutting edge of biology and biotechnology.

By continuing to fund, through this significant £170 million investment, vital training of the next generation of researchers we will help ensure that the UK consolidates its position as world-leader in this crucial sector.

The first Turing AI Fellows

Neil Lawrence, University of Cambridge, Senior Turing AI Fellow

Neil will be focusing on machine learning systems design. He will work on the entire pipeline of AI system development, from data acquisition to decision making. He proposes an ecosystem that includes system monitoring for performance, interpretability and fairness. And he places these ideas in a wider context that also considers the availability, quality and ethics of data.

Neil has also recently been named DeepMind Professor of Machine Learning at the University of Cambridge and is a co-host of the podcast Talking Machines.

Tim Dodwell, University of Exeter, Turing AI Fellow

Tim’s work addresses the challenge of building a more sustainable aviation industry by spanning traditional academic disciplines. The aim of his fellowship is to develop novel AI methods which fuse high-performance mathematical simulations and traditional experimental data to build a virtual test pyramid. This will increase the confidence in making the ultimate engineering decision: “Is this plane safe to fly?”. The new methods will not only allow the aerospace industry to build faster, lighter, more sustainable aircraft for the future, but provide new applications across the high-value manufacturing sector and broader scientific communities.

Yarin Gal, University of Oxford, Turing AI Fellow

Yarin will work on democratising safe and robust AI. While already in use in industry and academia, major obstacles still stand in the way of deploying deep learning AI safely and responsibly. Yarin proposes to tackle these problems by building community challenges derived from real-world applications of AI in industry. With the community competing on these public challenges, new safe and robust AI tools will be developed for responsible use in industry.

Maria Liakata, University of Warwick, Turing AI Fellow

Maria’s work as a Turing AI Fellow utilises language data obtained from wide-spread use of digital technology such as social media as well as mobile phone data to develop novel natural language processing methods for automatically capturing changes in user behaviour over time. This work has direct applicability to mental health as it will help provide experts with evidence for personalised changes in mood and cognition from everyday use of digital technologies. Major outputs of this project are novel tools for personalised monitoring behaviour through language use and user generated content over time and the co-creation with clinical experts of new cost-effective tests to support monitoring and diagnosis.

Anna Scaife, University of Manchester, Turing AI Fellow

Anna’s Turing AI Fellowship focuses on AI for discovery in data intensive astrophysics. In this era of big data astrophysics, radio telescopes like the Square Kilometre Array (SKA) have data rates so large that the raw data cannot be stored, and even using the compressed data products requires a super-computer. Anna will develop new machine learning approaches to deal efficiently with these huge data volumes and address the question of how we can still allow for discovery when such processing is completely automated. In particular, she will focus on how we can incorporate knowledge from historical data into the machine learning for new experiments like the SKA without introducing biases that adversely affect the results.

Notes for editors

Funding breakdown:

  • funding for AI Centres for Doctoral Training involves £100 million government investment, £78 million from industry and £23 million committed by universities. Over the next 5 years, the Centres will train 1,000 PhD students
  • an additional £37.5 million for Turing AI Fellowships to recruit, retain and develop world-leading AI researchers to join the first wave, who received £8.5 million, also being announced today
  • new government investment of £13 million to build new AI conversion courses from 2020
  • £170 million government funding to support over 1,700 young scientists in cutting edge biology and biotechnology

Bioscience PhDs

The £170 million investment will be delivered by UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) and is just one element of its commitment to support future talent in research and innovation. Overall, UKRI supports around 15,000 doctoral students in UK universities, research institutes and businesses.

About the Postgraduation AI Conversion Courses

To help boost diversity in the sector £13 million is being made available to increase the number of skilled professionals in artificial intelligence and data science technologies over the next 3 years.

The Office for Students have launched a competition inviting universities and other higher education providers to develop and implement postgraduate conversion courses that will attract at least 2,500 graduates by 2023.

These innovative and flexible conversion courses will quickly upskill students – who may have originally studied non-STEM disciplines – in artificial intelligence and data science, and encourage a more diverse workforce.

The funding comprises £3 million for course development costs and £10 million for scholarships for students from backgrounds underrepresented in these industries, particularly female, disabled and black students.

The skills and talent package is a major milestone of the modern Industrial Strategy’s AI Sector Deal which was launched in April 2018.

Full list of AI Centres for Doctoral Training

  • UKRI AI Centre for Doctoral Training in Foundational Artificial Intelligence – UCL
  • UKRI Centre for Doctoral Training in AI-enabled Healthcare Systems – UCL
  • UKRI Centre for Doctoral Training in Environmental Intelligence: Data Science and AI for Sustainable Futures – University of Exeter
  • UKRI Centre for Doctoral Training in Natural Language Processing – University of Edinburgh
  • UKRI Centre for Doctoral Training in Artificial Intelligence and Music – Queen Mary University of London
  • UKRI Centre for Doctoral Training in Speech and Language Technologies and their Applications – University of Sheffield
  • UKRI Centre for Doctoral Training in Artificial Intelligence for Healthcare – Imperial College London
  • UKRI Centre for Doctoral Training in Accountable, Responsible and Transparent AI – University of Bath
  • UKRI Centre for Doctoral Training in Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Advanced Computing – Swansea University
  • UKRI Centre for Doctoral Training in Machine Intelligence for Nano-electronic Devices and Systems – University of Southampton
  • UKRI Centre for Doctoral Training in Biomedical Artificial Intelligence – University of Edinburgh
  • UKRI Centre for Doctoral Training in Social Intelligent Artificial Agents (SOCIAL) – University of Glasgow
  • UKRI Centre for Doctoral Training in Interactive Artificial Intelligence – University of Bristol
  • UKRI Centre for Doctoral Training in Application of Artificial Intelligence to the study of Environmental Risks (AI4ER) – University of Cambridge
  • UKRI Centre for Doctoral Training in Safe and Trusted Artificial Intelligence – King’s College London
  • UKRI Centre for Doctoral Training in Artificial Intelligence for Medical Diagnosis and Care – University of Leeds

About Turing AI Fellows

The next wave of Turing AI Fellowships will be delivered via UKRI

£15.4 million funding boost for English fishing industry

Environment Secretary Theresa Villiers, today (24 October 2019) delivered a boost for the English fishing and seafood industry ahead of Brexit by opening applications for £15.4 million from two UK fishing funds.

The £14.7 million share of a £37.2 million UK-wide fund announced last December, will encourage the take up of innovation and technology, supporting jobs in coastal communities. In addition, £700,000 from a £2 million UK-wide fund announced in the 2018 Budget is ring-fenced for fishing safety improvements on board English vessels and around ports and harbours.

English fishermen and those working in the seafood sector will today be able to apply for a share of the new Maritime Fisheries Fund (MFF), which is designed to ensure the fishing and seafood industry continues to thrive once the UK leaves the EU on 31st October.

The three-year fund builds on the government’s commitment to secure a fairer share of fishing opportunities for UK fishermen as it takes back control of fishing waters and establishes the UK as an independent coastal state.

Environment Secretary Theresa Villiers, said:

We are taking back control of our waters and establishing the UK as an independent coastal state, with a fairer share of fishing opportunities for the whole of the UK fleet.

We are committed to a thriving fishing and seafood industry, and this funding will support innovation, jobs, safety at sea and help establish new markets and opportunities as we leave the EU.

Barrie Deas, Chief Executive, National Federation of Fishermen’s Organisations said:

I would encourage all fishermen to look closely at this new fund to see if it can help their businesses adjust to the new circumstances we will be operating under as the UK emerges as an independent coastal state.

The fund in England is open to applications that:

  • support innovation – in technologies to enhance economic growth, increase energy efficiency, reduce environmental impact and improve fishing safety
  • improve port infrastructure – so more fish can be landed in UK ports, and help the sector take advantage of new export opportunities after Brexit
  • boost coastal communities – by providing benefits to areas that depend on a vibrant and profitable industry
  • help the sector adjust – to new arrangements on access and fishing opportunities by improving capacity and capability to exploit new export opportunities and markets, and
  • improve safety on fishing vessels or on shore – funding safety measures that prevent accidents such as new handrails and ladders

This fund is in addition to the existing European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF) funding. The government has already guaranteed that all EMFF projects approved before 31 December 2020 will be fully funded, bringing the total support package available to the UK fisheries sector from 2016 to 2022 to £320 million.

The government has also already committed to put in place new, domestic, long-term arrangements to support the UK’s fishing industry from 2021, through the creation of four new schemes comparable with the EMFF to deliver funding for each nation. The Devolved Administrations will each lead on their own schemes.

This new fund is open for applications in England from today until March 2022. Submissions are to be made through the Marine Management Organisation here.

Note to Editors:

  • Of the total £37.2 million Maritime and Fisheries Fund, £14.7 million will be available in England, with a further £22.5 million shared across the Devolved Administrations: £16.5 million in Scotland, £2.4 million in Wales and £3.6 million in Northern Ireland. The Devolved Administrations are responsible for administering their allocations and will update on how they are investing the funding in due course.
  • In addition, England will receive £700,000 for fishing safety projects which is open for applications until 2021. This funding will support commitments made in the government’s Maritime Safety Action Plan and important work by the Fishing Industry Safety Group to eliminate all preventable deaths in the industry by 2027.
  • Funding will be awarded for privately funded industry projects with a total cost of less than £2 million.
  • The full criteria for applications is published here.

17 banks and lenders confirm support for SME customers through Brexit and beyond

  • Banks and lenders have confirmed their available and existing funds to ensure business customers are supported with financial advice and options
  • dedicated regional teams across the banks and lenders will mean SMEs up and down the country will benefit from a wealth of knowledge and support
  • 17 banks and lenders have so far announced commitments and become signatories of the government’s SME Finance Charter

Banks and alternative lenders have reaffirmed their pledge to support British SMEs ahead of Brexit and beyond by setting out concrete commitments under the SME Finance Charter, announced by the Business Finance Council on 9 October.

The SME Charter consists of 5 pledges, providing a framework for finance providers to set out their specific commitments to SMEs. Banks and lenders who have set out their commitments and therefore become signatories to the Charter currently include:

  • Aldermore
  • Bank of Ireland
  • Bank of Scotland
  • Barclays UK
  • Bibby Financial Services
  • Close Brothers
  • CYBG
  • Funding Circle
  • HSBC
  • Lloyds Bank
  • NatWest
  • RBS
  • Santander UK
  • Secure Trust Bank
  • Simply Finance
  • Ulster Bank
  • Ultimate Finance

Business Secretary of State Andrea Leadsom said:

We set up the Business Finance Council to give SMEs the right tools and advice on the finance options available to them.

Knowing that 17 of our banks and lenders have committed to standing behind our brilliant British businesses gives me great confidence, and I encourage others to follow suit to set out their own commitments too. We are helping to ensure our SMEs are well placed to seize the opportunities that Brexit presents.

Economic Secretary to the Treasury John Glen said:

Our brilliant small businesses are the backbone of the economy and we will make sure they get the finance they need to continue growing, creating jobs and boosting our economy.

It’s great to see financial providers coming together today to set out how they will support these businesses, and I call on others to follow this lead and help our SMEs so they can thrive through Brexit and beyond.

All 17 banks and lenders have agreed to the 5 pledges outlined in the SME Charter, as well as making their own additional commitments to their SME customers. Examples of specific commitments range from dedicated funding pots for business and SME customers, to local workshops and Brexit helplines with industry experts. Visit the SME Finance Charter page for further details.

Government Chemist at food allergy event in Northern Ireland

Michael Walker of the Government Chemist team, played a key role in a well attended conference on food allergy on 21 October in Riddle Hall, Queen’s University Belfast (QUB). Organised by Professor Katrina Campbell, from the Institute for Global Food Security (IGFS) at QUB, this was the second of an annual series of conferences aimed to bring together stakeholders in the risk analysis and management of food allergy. The event focused on the analysis of food allergens, their management in the supply chain and the regulation and enforcement of food law on allergens.

Over 100 enforcement officers, MSc students and food industry personnel attended to hear from experts in a variety of disciplines.

The conference was opened by Dr James McIntosh of Safefood, who along with IGFS were the main financial sponsors. Gary McFarlane, Director CIEH NI, chaired the first session in which Dr Hazel Gowland, Allergy Action, introduced food allergy and discussed its human impact, recent fatalities and forensic implications. Dr Michael Walker, Laboratory of the Government Chemist, described the options for analysis of food allergens and how these can be improved. Sharon Gilmore, Head of Standards and Dietary Health at the Food Standards Agency (FSA) in Northern Ireland described the legislative and policy context in which food allergy is regulated and FSA research on food hypersensitivity.

Michael Bell, Executive Director of the Northern Ireland Food and Drink Association (NIFDA) chaired the session in which Carol Whyte of Moy Park described the extensive allergen management systems in place in this large company. Lynn Patterson, (LP Associates NI) then discussed allergen management in food businesses from a training and audit perspective.

After lunch Dr Brian Jack, QUB School of Law, chaired a session devoted to legal aspects. Helen Dodds, Hyndburn Council, described the joint investigation into the death of Megan Lee following consumption of a takeaway meal and the subsequent manslaughter prosecution. Helen Morrissey of Belfast City Council described the compliance strategy adopted by local authority EHOs in Northern Ireland and recent prosecutions. Julie Barrett, a barrister and legal trainer, discussed how prosecutors prepare for court and what happens in court.

In the last session of the day, chaired by Dr Michael Dillon, QUB, Professor Clare Mills, University of Manchester, spoke on food allergy risk assessment and the iFAAM and EuroPreval research findings. Pauline Titchener, Neogen, discussed the validation, use and interpretation of ELISA data for food allergens and Adrian Rogers, Romer, gave an engaging talk on point-of-use personal allergen analysis devices.

Closing the conference, Gary McFarlane and Michael Walker thanked the organisers and sponsors. Commending the format in bringing a wide range of stakeholders together they recommended the event as an annual feature which should be a model for similar events in England, Wales and Scotland.

The Government Chemist has a long standing interest in food allergy stemming from acknowledged difficulties in allergen analysis. Read about our work on this challenging topic.

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