AAIB report: Eurocopter EC135, serious incident during maintenance flight


During a maintenance flight to adjust speed, main rotor rpm varied between its maximum and minimum continuous limits. A mechanical stop within the speed control system had failed in such a way that main rotor speed could not be controlled accurately, putting the helicopter at significant risk. The pilot’s actions prevented rotor speed exceeding its limits and a more serious outcome. The manufacturer and operator have taken safety action regarding the conduct of airborne engine speed adjustments.

Read the report.

Published 24 October 2019

The Principles of Public Life: 25 years

The independent Committee on Standards in Public life was established 25 years ago this month. Its remit has evolved but its role has broadly remained the same – to advise the Prime Minister, national and local government and the public on trends, issues and concerns about standards in public life.

Evidence-based recommendations and reports by the Committee over the years have led to the establishment of many of the standards bodies that exist today.

The Committee doesn’t investigate individual cases but acts as the guardians of the Seven Principles of Public Life – the Nolan Principles. Everyone in public office at all levels – Ministers, civil servants, NHS staff, the police, council officers – all who serve the public or deliver public services should uphold the principles of accountability, honesty, integrity, objectivity, selflessness, openness and leadership.

To mark our 25th anniversary, we’ve made some short films with our Committee members talking about the Principles and what they mean in practice:

Watch our videos on the 7 Principles of Public Life

If you want to find out more about the Committee’s work, please visit our website or follow us on twitter @publicstandards.

Letter from the Committee on Standards in Public Life to public office holders

UK to partner with Kenyan Fintech companies to increase financial inclusion

The Lord Mayor of the City of London Peter Estlin, announced £10 million of UK Aid support towards the Catalyst Fund during a visit to Nairobi. His visit comes ahead of the first UK-Africa Investment Summit next year, which will bring together businesses, governments and international institutions to encourage investment in a range of sectors, including fintech.

The Catalyst Fund supports business development and investor opportunities for early stage fintech companies in emerging markets. With support from the UK Department for International Development, the Catalyst Fund will help connect a further 30 local fintech companies with international investors and mentors, including Kenyan fintech companies.

Speaking today, during the launch at the Nairobi Garage, the Lord Mayor said:

Today’s announcement highlights the mutual benefits of closer financial co-operation to both the UK and Kenya. By forging partnerships across Africa, the UK’s financial services sector can turbocharge national economies and empower individuals financially, creating thousands of jobs and enriching lives across the continent.

The British High Commissioner to Kenya Jane Marriott said:

Kenya’s FinTech sector is strong, diverse and growing quickly. The innovators we met today show the future of Kenya’s economic growth and I am proud that the UK is able to support their work, helping create growth, jobs and the achievement of the Global Goals in partnership between our two countries.

Amolo Ng’weno, CEO of BFA Global who manages the Catalyst Fund, said:

In Kenya, access to digital financial services is no longer the major issue – today we need to work toward ordinary citizens improving their financial health, gaining new access to opportunity and accessing basic services. At BFA, we see a significant opportunity for inclusive fintech startups to play this role. However, in order to succeed, they require early stage capital, partnerships which can enable pathways for scale, and access to a high potential talent pool. Our mission at the Catalyst Fund is to accelerate these startups and strengthen the inclusive fintech ecosystem, and we look forward to working toward this goal with the support of UK Aid.

The Lord Mayor who is in Nairobi for a two-day visit had an opportunity to meet with four fintech innovators that recently graduated from the Catalyst Fund portfolio. Among them;

  • Daniel Yu, Sokowatch
  • Ed Magema, Chipper Cash
  • Ted Pantone, Turaco
  • Fausto Marcigot, Paygo Energy

The Lord Mayor also announced through the City of London Corporation that five startups under the Catalyst Fund will be selected to attend the Innovate Finance Global Summit, taking place during UK Fintech week in 2020, helping to strengthen the links between UK and African fintech sectors.

Notes to editors

  • The UK is one of Kenya’s largest bilateral donors. Through UK aid, we are helping those living in poverty in Kenya to build institutions, create jobs, reduce the risk of poverty among marginalized people, increase climate resilience, and solve social challenges through the private sector.

  • The City of London Corporation is the governing body of the Square Mile dedicated to a vibrant and thriving City, supporting a diverse and sustainable London within a globally-successful UK.

  • DFID is supporting the scale-up of the Catalyst Fund. Catalyst Fund has to date accelerated 25 startups across 13 markets. DFID funding will help accelerate another 30 companies.

  • The Africa Investment Summit taking place next year in London, is an opportunity for the Kenyan Government and Kenyan businesses to showcase the breadth and quality of investment opportunities here to businesses, governments and international institutions

  • Last month, the UK’s International Development Secretary announced a new UK aid package to help mobilise £500 million in private sector investment and create 50,000 jobs across sub-Saharan Africa. The support will help small financial services businesses and entrepreneurs to grow, creating jobs and boosting economic growth.

  • Early this month, Kenya launched its first green bond, with support from the UK. The bond raised the equivalent of £35 million, (KSh 4.3 billion) to finance new, affordable and environmentally-friendly housing for 5,000 Kenyan students

Powering Past Coal: working together to combat climate change

Excellencies, distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen,

It is my distinct pleasure to be here in beautiful Chungcheongnam-do at the “2019 International Conference on Coal Phase-out and Climate Action”. As British Ambassador to the Republic of Korea, I am speaking today as co-chair of the Powering Past Coal Alliance, the world’s largest and most ambitious grouping of countries, sub-national governments and private sector participants working together to accelerate the phase out of coal from the energy mix. I am delighted to be here to celebrate the launch of the “East Asian Association of Climate and Environment”, led by our PPCA colleagues here in Chungcheongnam-do.

I would like to thank both Chungcheongnam-do and the Chungnam Institute for their sterling work in convening this conference. In particular I would like to express my gratitude to Governor of Chungcheongnam-do Yang Seung-jo, Chairman of the Chungcheongnam-do Provincial Assembly Yoo Byung-Kuk, Vice-Minister of the Ministry of Environment Park Chun-kyu, Governor of Gyeonggi-do Lee Jae-myung, Mayor of Sejong-si Lee Choon-hee, French Ambassador to Korea Philippe Lefort and other distinguished guests. And it is an honour to be speaking straight after former UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon, whose climate legacy will be forever enshrined in the historic Paris Agreement.

In October last year Governor Yang signed Chuncheongnam-do’s Declaration to Join the Powering Past Coal Alliance, becoming our first Asian member. His climate leadership should remind us all that the continued burning of coal in Asia is a problem that requires Asia to take action. I hope today’s conference will encourage and extend climate action across Asia.

Climate Change In a world which faces many challenges, climate change is the single biggest threat to our way of life.

The IPCC special report on climate change made this abundantly clear. Even if we do achieve the 2˚C target agreed in Paris, while we may avoid many of the catastrophic effects of climate change, the consequences will be significantly worse than if we limit temperature rise to 1.5˚C.

We are already seeing the effects. This summer vast swathes of the Amazon rainforest, the lungs of our planet and home to 20% of the world’s stored oxygen, burned to the ground. Resource scarcity is driving migratory flows through North Africa to the Mediterranean Sea. Typhoons continue to batter the Caribbean.

In July, the UK recorded its hottest day ever. The temperature reached 38.7C. In 2003 a heatwave claimed more than 70,000 lives across Europe, including 2,000 in the UK. We are still waiting to see this year’s death toll.

And here in Korea I have seen first-hand the declining air quality in Seoul. Days when we have seen the world’s highest levels of PM 2.5. Days when I cannot see the mountains behind the Blue House. Days when it is not safe for children to play outside.

But climate change is not merely a risk to the environment or to our health. It is a financial risk as well. For governments and business, unexpected financial damages resulting from natural disasters such as floods, storms and droughts can lead to major disruption. According to the Economist, the value of global financial assets at risk from climate change, including stranded assets, is estimated at $4.8 trillion.

UK climate action The UK is a committed, ambitious and effective leader on climate change. We were the first major economy to legislate for net zero emissions by 2050. We have decarbonised our economy faster than any other G20 country, while retaining the highest growth figures in the G7. And we were the first country in the world to set a legally binding long-term emissions reduction target through the Climate Change Act 2008.

We have just doubled our contribution to the Green Climate Fund. And the UK will host COP26 in Glasgow in partnership with Italy, where we will be driving ambition on mitigation, resilience and finance. Of course, heads of state need to show strong climate leadership if we are to meet the Paris climate goal. But we need climate leadership at all levels of government, industry and civil society.

A history of coal in the UK But I am here today to talk about coal. You can trace the UK’s long history with coal back to the role it played in powering the UK through the Industrial Revolution from the 19th century onwards.

In January 1882, Thomas Edison opened a 93 kilowatt turbine at Number 57 Holborn Viaduct in London. This was the world’s first coal power plant. By today’s standards it was tiny – about sixty-five thousand times smaller than the plant at Dangjin in Chungnam. Tellingly, it operated at a loss before closing four years later in 1886. A reminder that new energy technologies do require support before they become economically viable.

From the time of the Industrial Revolution, coal helped build modern Britain. Due to our long industrial history, there is a sentimental attachment to coal in Britain today and you can still see its effect on our skyline. For example, one of the most desirable residential developments in London right now is the renovation of Battersea Power Station, a starkly beautiful grade 2 listed building.

Coal Phase Out in the UK But the past is the past and times have changed. For clean air and public health, sustainable economic growth and trade promotion, the UK is driving the transition away from coal and into renewable energy.

We are phasing out coal from our energy mix. In 2012 coal accounted for 40% of our power. Today it is well under 5%. In 2017 we recorded our first coal-free day since the Industrial Revolution. And we keep setting longer and longer coal-free records, most recently in May, when the UK went without coal for 16 days. We will close the last of the UK’s coal-fired power plants by 2025 at the latest.

To keep the lights on we have invested in the largest installed offshore wind capacity in the world. This currently stands at 8.2 gigawatts and will rise to 14 gigawatts in 2023. In Scotland, wind turbines generated almost twice the domestic power requirements in the first six months of this year. Exports from our low carbon and renewable energy sector topped £5bn in 2017. And 1 in 5 electric cars sold in Europe last year were built in the UK.

Powering Past Coal Alliance The UK and Canada launched the Powering Past Coal Alliance at COP23 in 2017. We now have over 90 members, most recently Germany and Slovakia who joined at the UN Climate Action Summit in September. We are of course still very proud that Chungcheongnam-do were the first participants from Asia.

The PPCA is a voluntary, member-led organisation of likeminded governments, sub-national bodies and businesses who have made a commitment to phase out coal. At the national level, members must commit to phasing out coal power generation, while corporations and non-government members must commit to power their operations without coal. All members must commit to supporting clean power generation through their policies.

In July we launched the PPCA finance principles, which explain how financial institutions can support unabated coal phase out by 2050 globally and by 2030 in the OECD to meet the Paris goal. It will be key to bring the financial sector on board to accelerate coal phase out.

Asia’s turn to step up Coal accounts for nearly a third of the rise in average temperatures since the Industrial Revolution. And Asia digs up and burns three quarters of the world’s coal. So the single most powerful step that countries in Asia can take, to support the commitments made in Paris, is to phase out coal from their energy mix and accelerate the transition to renewable energy.

The transition away from coal must be a just transition. Support is required for those affected who will lose their jobs. New opportunities must be created in the low carbon sector. Globally, we expect to see $11.5 trillion investment in new power generation between now and 2050, of which 73% will be in wind and solar.

Phasing out coal and raising climate ambition to keep temperatures rises under 1.5 degrees will not be easy. But together, you have the power to build a coalition of climate action that can drive ambition at the national level to deliver the Paris Agreement.

Thank you.