Animal medicine seizure notice: Meadowbrook Equine Clinic


The following products were seized by a VMD inspector during a routine inspection, as they are unauthorised veterinary medicines:

  • 5 x Lidor 20mg/ml (bottles)
  • 5 x Dilaterol Clenbuterol Syrup for Horses (sachets)

Lidor 20mg/ml is a local anaesthetic containing the active Lidocaine for use in horses, cats and dogs which does not hold a UK authorisation.

The UK authorised version of Dilaterol Syrup for horses is classified as POM-V and is used as a respiratory treatment for horses. The Dilaterol sachets show only the product name and it is not possible to identify the manufacturer or product details.

These are not UK authorised products and therefore this is an offence under regulation 26 (Possession of an unauthorised veterinary medicinal product) of the Veterinary Medicines Regulations 2013.

Published 28 October 2019

The UK has a vital role to play in leading the global fourth industrial revolution

This article appeared in CityAM on 28 October 2019.

For nearly a year, my mayoral programme – Shaping Tomorrow’s City Today – has promoted UK innovation and technology, addressed social and digital exclusion, and championed digital skills.

And during my recent business delegation visit to Kenya, I saw the great potential that technological innovation offers to individuals and communities seeking financial empowerment.

Over the last 12 months, I have had many such glimpses of a bright digital future.

In Estonia, it was the power of augmented reality to make teaching more interactive. In Indonesia, it was a motorcycle ride-hailing app to improve urban transport. Around the world, the fourth industrial revolution is well under way.

On my recent visit to Nairobi, alongside the Department for International Development, I was able to announce £10m of UK aid to support a local catalyst fund. This will help local fintech companies to connect with UK and international investors.

I met many local startups: one is making it safer and more affordable to cook with clean gas, while another combines agricultural data and behavioural analytics to help farmers know how to better plan their financial year.

With the Prime Minister hosting the UK-Africa Investment Summit early next year, the UK has the opportunity to offer its expertise and backing to exciting new enterprises like these.

In doing so, we can forge partnerships across Africa that turbocharge national economies, create thousands of jobs, and enrich lives all over the continent, while building a relationship of mutual prosperity.

Shaping Tomorrow’s City Today has also focused on digital and social inclusion in the UK, through widening social mobility and developing digital skills. The skills gap is already costing the UK economy billions of pounds each year, while more than 11m UK adults lack the vital skills needed to make the most of new technology.

That’s why the “” initiative, launched earlier this month, is so important. This coalition of leading companies, digital skills providers, and charities is working with the government to empower everyone to thrive in a digital UK.

Backed by more than 40 members and our six founding partners – Accenture, BT, City of London Corporation, Good Things Foundation, Lloyds Banking Group and Nominet – will reach millions of people across the country with the best in digital skills training.

I’ve seen for myself the relentless pace of digitisation across the global economy. It’s becoming ever more difficult to distinguish between today and tomorrow. I’ve also seen how businesses and societies across the world are already mastering innovation and technology to shape a better and fairer global economy.

The startling growth of the UK’s tech, media, and creative sectors – as well as our reputation for innovation in financial services – mean that we have a vital role to play in the fourth industrial revolution across the globe.

As my mayoralty comes to its conclusion, it is my hope – and expectation – that the UK will continue to play a leading role.

Three Hundreds of Chiltern: John Mann

Government invests in global partnership to treat gonorrhoea

The investment is part of a continued partnership with the Global Antimicrobial Resistance Innovation Fund (GAMRIF) and the Global Antibiotic Research and Development Partnership (GARDP).

The investment will:

  • enable global access to treatment, including in low- and middle-income countries where the burden of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is greatest

  • fund GARDP’s development of oral antibiotic zoliflodacin, which is now in the last stage of clinical trials before reaching the market

Zoliflodacin is one of the few antibiotics in development to specifically treat gonorrhoea and is significant as treatments for gonorrhoea are becoming less effective. 

There have been cases of gonorrhoea developing resistance to recommended treatments, including in the UK.

Gonorrhoea is among the most common sexually-transmitted infections (STIs), with an estimated 87 million new cases globally every year.

The STI can have severe consequences on public health and, when left untreated, serious consequences for reproductive health as well as increased risk of transmission of HIV and other STIs.

Women, and marginalised and vulnerable groups are disproportionately affected.

Gonorrhoea has been identified as posing a significant threat to global health by the World Health Organization (WHO). There is now an urgent need for new treatment options, particularly for people in developing countries.

Addressing drug-resistant infections is critical to achieving the UN’s sustainable development goals, particularly the target for good health and wellbeing for all. 

GARDP will now start pharmaceutical development activities for zoliflodacin, and will develop a new strategy for access and appropriate use in low- and middle-income countries that have a high number of cases of gonorrhoea.

GARDP plans to develop 5 new treatments for bacterial infections by 2025.

Minister for Innovation, Nicola Blackwood, said:

The UK is a global leader in tackling antimicrobial resistance, a threat that is posing serious risks to health and the global economy, as well as killing hundreds of thousands of people around the world each year.

It is vital to fund new antibiotic research and development to tackle AMR and this innovative project will develop solutions to treat the global rise of gonorrhoea and improve the quality of people’s lives.

Dr Manica Balasegaram, Executive Director of GARDP, said:

We are excited to unveil our new strategy, 5 BY 25, outlining GARDP’s ambition to accelerate the development of 5 new treatments by 2025.

The recent initiation of the phase 3 trial of zoliflodacin is an important milestone towards bringing one of our 5 treatments a step closer to patients by 2025.

The global nature of the trial, across 4 continents, represents our commitment to ensuring this treatment is available to anyone in need, wherever they live.

The UK Financial Services Beyond Brexit Summit: Economic Secretary’s speech

It’s a pleasure to be at my third ‘Beyond Brexit’ Conference.

When I first came to one of these last November, I said a deal was imminent, but the final stretch of the Brexit journey would be the toughest.

It turns out that was something of an understatement.

I had hoped we would be leaving the EU in a few days’ time.

We certainly came closer than many predicted.

People said the Prime Minister wasn’t serious about a deal and the EU wouldn’t reopen the Withdrawal Agreement. Neither turned out to be the case.

It is hugely disappointing that having backed the government’s deal in principle last Tuesday, Parliament then opted to kick the can down the road once again.

And yet I believe there is good reason to be confident.

It may take a General Election to get us over the line, but the Prime Minister’s Deal offers the best opportunity to honour the Referendum result and move the country on.

Future EU relationship

I know this matters hugely to you all.

We need to get the Bill passed – and Brexit done – so we can focus on demonstrating the UK’s position as a global capital of finance.

This government absolutely believes in the City, and its place in our post-Brexit future.

The whole country benefits from the services you provide, and the jobs and opportunities you create.

The success of the City, and the revenue you generate, is indivisible from our own ambitions as a government, be it investing in the NHS and police or developing the infrastructure to power regional growth.

It’s what the Prime Minister calls “the vital symmetry between a dynamic enterprise culture and great public services”.

We will strain every sinew to help you flourish.

A deep and comprehensive relationship with the EU in financial services will help us do this.

It will preserve cross-border market access in key areas, but also give us the freedom to set our own rules to enable the sector to thrive, while ensuring continued financial stability in the UK and the rest of Europe.

We are absolutely committed to upholding open financial markets, underpinned by the highest standards of regulation and appropriate supervisory oversight.

The revised Political Declaration is unchanged for financial services.

It gives us the basis from which to build a strong and mutually beneficial future relationship.

One that stabilises and expands the current equivalence framework and ensures close cooperation on regulatory and supervisory matters.

Both sides remain committed to concluding equivalence assessments by June 2020, as with the previous timetable, and the UK is ready to begin this process as soon as possible.

Global horizons

But it would be wrong to think we need to choose between Europe and the World.

Our vision for the future must be big and brave enough to encompass both. A strong and enduring relationship with the continent of Europe and an ever-expanding array of partners around the globe.

Let’s not forget – London has never just been a European financial centre. It has always been a global one.

The last few months alone have seen:

  • the launch of the London-Shanghai Stock Connect

  • the creation of the Green Finance Institute

  • and the listing of the first sovereign green bond from South America in London

All these achievements reflect the prevailing winds in the global marketplace.

Much has already been said about the ability to strike Free Trade Agreements once we’re outside the EU.

These are important. But when it comes to financial services, I know the City is looking to go further and deeper.

We want to create a new gold standard in global financial cooperation.

Our Global Financial Partnerships Strategy will use all the levers at our disposal to build relationships with the most advanced financial markets and the fastest growing economies.

Regulatory reform

As we set out on this bold and exciting path, we must build on our fundamental strengths.

That’s why this month’s Queen’s Speech included a new Financial Services Bill.

As the Prime Minister said in his Conference speech last month, by taking back control, Brexit gives us the means to “regulate differently and better”.

This does not mean lowering standards.

As I’ve said, the UK will always champion high regulatory standards in financial services. We will always seek to be the safest and most transparent place to do business.

We want to lead a race to the top, not the bottom, and Brexit gives us the opportunity to do just that.

We’ve already held a call for evidence on regulatory coordination, and I thank those who contributed their views.

Our Future Regulatory Framework Review is also considering how we should adapt to the UK’s new position outside the European Union.

That doesn’t mean we forget everything we’ve learnt since the financial crash. Indeed, we must build on what we’ve learnt. We need to recognise the world has changed and consider how our ongoing responsibilities apply to the risks we face in 2019, which aren’t necessarily the same as those we faced in 2008.

Earlier this month I visited Starling Bank in Southampton.

Starling’s founder, Anne Boden, told me about how the financial crash brought home to her the need for change across the banking world.

After a 30-year career in the City, she decided to build a new bank from the ground up…sweeping away the old ways of doing things and embracing the latest technology.

I met some of the 150 people who work for Starling – a figure they plan to double to 300 in the next few years.

Starling is just one example of how a heady mix of technology and ambition is transforming financial services.

It’s a great success story for the UK – creating jobs in every corner of the country and introducing new ideas and greater competition into the market.

Whatever happens we must not kill the goose that lays the golden egg.

That means our regulatory system must evolve to enable start-ups and challenger banks to access the capital and talent they need to grow.

It must respond to the rise of artificial intelligence, crypto-assets and the data economy.

And it must be able to meet the public appetite for new and better financial services.

The last thing we want to do is design regulation in such a way that stifles innovation or consumer choice.

Now having listened carefully to Andrew Bailey’s speech at Mansion House last Wednesday I know this is something he and the other regulators recognise.

Protecting consumers

But what about the other side of the regulatory coin – consumer protection? How is this relevant to you?

Let’s be clear: this isn’t a fringe issue for charities or social justice campaigners. This should matter to committed defenders of capitalism like you and me too.

The success of our financial services sector, even when focused on overseas markets, is rooted in trust at home.

People should be confident that the right financial products and services will be available when they need them.

If that doesn’t happen – if the industry can’t meet the most basic consumer needs – then it’s no surprise if people begin to question the whole system.

And believe me. In these polarised times there are plenty of people on all sides of the political spectrum waiting to offer seductive alternatives…albeit ones that fly in the face of economic wisdom or undermine the foundations of our financial security.

In recent years, we’ve seen several examples of the kind of problems that arise when things go wrong. PPI. Mortgage Prisoners. London Capital & Finance.

People understandably get upset and they look to the Treasury to take action. But it’s in all our interests to fix this: Government, regulators and industry alike.

Mortgage prisoners are a case in point.

The Treasury and the FCA have been working to change the FCA’s lending rules to remove the regulatory barrier which currently prevents some customers from switching providers, and I expect the FCA to implement this imminently.

The same is true about access to cash.

We need a comprehensive response, urgently, from across the sector, including the big established banks.

I think this was acknowledged last week when Barclays chose to continue offering access to cash via the Post Office. I applaud their decision. I encourage all financial institutions – big or small, new or old – to play their part.

There’s a growing role for technology too. It’s already helping to make payments more accessible but must go further.

And the point here is FinTech can’t just be for digitally-savvy youngsters or wealthy investors – otherwise it’s a lost opportunity.

We must work to bring the opportunities to every part of our society.

And this is precisely why we need an agile and responsive regulatory approach.

Our economic success rests on ensuring new ideas take root and consumers feel the benefit.


Finally, all these efforts hang on our ability to attract, and retain, the best talent and skills.

It’s something I hear from every part of the sector, over-and-over again.

I met with Mark Hoban last week to discuss the work of the Financial Skills Task Force.

This summer’s interim findings brought the challenge into sharp relief. Financial Services are more dependent on high skilled workers than the rest of the economy.

That’s why our future immigration system is designed to support the UK’s competitiveness after we leave the EU.

We will cut down bureaucracy so it’s easier for businesses to hire the people they need, with no cap on skilled migration.

And we’ve already introduced a new start-up visa, to make the process faster and smoother for entrepreneurs coming to the UK.

Businesses, investors and workers from Europe, and around the world, should know their contribution to our financial sector is valued and that they are absolutely part of this country’s future.


I know the past few years have been painfully frustrating, and we’re not out of the woods yet, but I’d like to thank you for your forbearance.

Together we put a lot of effort into No Deal Planning. This wasn’t wasted. It was the right thing to do, but it was also a mechanism to explore some of the long-term challenges and opportunities facing the City.

The Chancellor and I have been pleased to sit down with many of the organisations represented here to understand how we can support you.

Our task is now to bring this work together in a comprehensive and ambitious vision for the future.

A vision that seeks to align regulation and legislation to best effect.

To support the needs of international markets, consumers in the high street and SMEs seeking finance.

And to bring all the UK’s strengths to bear behind the commercial and economic supremacy of the City.

I’ve highlighted some of my own thoughts today.

But what I hope I’ve conveyed is the foundations are ready.

If I am given the opportunity to take these ideas forward as City Minister for another year then nothing would give me greater pleasure.

But if not, the baton is ready for whoever follows.

Thank you.